Household & Environmental Toxins Flashcards
aka Black Lung Disease
Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiasis
aka Brown Lung Disease
Byssinosis - dust from cotton, flax, hemp - textile factory
1 cause of accidental poisoning deaths in US
Carbon Monoxide - colorless, odorless
CO poisoning - early symptoms
headaches, nausea, fatigue - often mistaken for FLU
Odorless, colorless, enters buildings through cracks in foundation
2 cause of lung cancer overall
Radon poisoning
1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers
Radon poisoning
First stage: Arsenic toxicity
metallic taste
Second stage: Arsenic toxicity
garlic-like breath (like mentioned earlier)
Fish high in mercury
Shark, tuna, swordfish (high up food-chain)
Pregnant women should not consume >__oz of tuna per week
7 oz
Heavy metal toxicity common in children
Lead sources
paint, batteries
Most concerning organ in children with lead toxicity
Largest source of Aluminum
municipal water supplies
Industrial Solvents - Dioxins and PCBs
“Agent Orange”
Break down very slowly
Banned in US in 1977
Dioxins and PCBs: lipophilic or lipophobic?
Humans obtain what % of Dioxin and PCB exposure through food?
Dioxin and PCB t1/2 in body
D: ~7-11 years
PCB: ~8-15 years
BPA exposure is mainly from what?
canned foods
How to reduce BPA exposure
never microwave in plastic,
limit consumption of canned foods,
Avoid plastics w/ #7 recycling code
Banned in 1972, worldwide in 2004
DDT (pesticide)
Can take more than 15 years to break down
New DDT contamination
Atmospheric deposition
Odorless and FLAVORLESS, large amounts kill quickly, small amounts over time = slow death
Human exposure to mercury
contaminated fish and direct exposure
Pregnant women should not consume >__oz of tuna per week
7 oz
Mercury is what type of toxin
Neurotoxin - Mercury specifically attacks brain and kidneys
Lead poisoning common symptom - children
Blue gums
Not technically heavy metal, can be toxic to brain and nervous system
Aluminum poisoning symptoms mimic those of___?
Alzheimer’s Disease
What does EDC stand for?
Endocrine-disrupting chemical: growing interest in possible health threat
Industrial solvents, plastics, pesticides, pharmaceutical agents, plasticizers, preservative (PPPPI)
Banned in 1972, worldwide in 2004
DDT (pesticide)
Can take more than 15 years to break down
New DDT contamination
Atmospheric deposition
Can infants be exposed to DDT through breastmilk?
They sure can
DDT t1/2 in humans
~8years (stored in fat tissue)
2nd MC used pesticide in US
Atrazine - applied most heavily in midwest
Atrazine human exposure
Contaminated streams and groundwater
Synthetic form of hormone estrogen***
DES - prescribed heavily between 1940-1971
What year did the FDA suggest cessation of DES prescription
Women who took DES during pregnancy have an increased risk of which type of cancer
Breast Cancer
DES daughters have a 40x increased risk of what?
Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma
DES daughters have how much of an increased risk of Breast Cancer
DES sons have an increased risk of what?
Testicular abnormalities
In 2008, congress banned which substance from children’s toys
If a label mentions “fragrance”, it most likely contains what
Phthalate containing plastics have which recycling code
Parabens are primarily used as what?
Parabens are primarily absorbed through which organ?