Hour Flashcards
Analyse - we find a hour together, spend it not on flowers or wine, but the whole of the summer sky and a grass ditch
There is sibiliance between Summer Sky & graSS ditCH, the softness of the S’s could be used to reflect the softness of the grass.
There is also romantic imagery with the flowers and the wine, however they contradict the stereotype by saying that they would prefer the summer sky and to lye in the grass
Analyse- loves times beggar, bet even a single hour, bright as a dropped coin, makes love rich
Time is seen as a passer by
A single hour is seen as a dropped coin
Love is the beggar
What are the alternative views on
1. loves times beggar but even a single hour bright as a dropped coin, makes love rich
- We find a hour together to spend not on flowers or wine but the whole of the summer sky and a grass ditch
- Beggar, suggests that he is homeless
Single hour , suggests a time or an appointment needed. - Find, suggests that the two find it difficult to get together.
Spend - spend time not money (time on wind, drunk)
A grass ditch is in romantic and is used to hide not for couples to spend time together
Analyse: for thousands of seconds we kiss; your hair like treasure on the ground
Sibilance with the softness of the S’s brings the poem back to it romantic theme
The simile ‘like treasure on the ground’ the way she describes hair with treasure, implies he/she is valuable
Analyse - time slows, for here we are millionaires, back handing the night
Millionaires, not in pounds but in seconds. They own millions of seconds
Backhand = a bribe
Back handing the night, bribing the darkness to delay it’s coming.
But why , can they only meet during the day, suggests that hey have a family and are having an affair
Analyse the structure of:
For thousands of seconds we kiss, your hair like treasure on the ground.
The structure is a perfect iambic pentameter
To reflect the perfection of this one moment in time.
Analyse: So nothing dark will end our shining hour
The night will not disturb them
But what is meant by ‘dark’ is there something threatening or macabre.
Macabre = disturbing because concerned with or causing a fear of death.
A shining hour , suggests a highlight in life
Analyse: No jewel hold a candle to the cuckoo spit
Hold a candle - a saying used to show one is better than another
No jewel compares to the morning dew at your ear, no man made earring compares to nature
Analyse: hold a candle to the cuckoo spit
Hung from the blade of grass at your ear
No chandelier or spotlight see you better lit
( the use of lighting)
Absence of riches jewellery
Absence of grand setting , mansion , ballroom
Absence of limelight ( stage, attention )
Is the absence of all of these things on her life, attention and riches suggesting they are not wealthy and are in fact poor, or are implying that hey are in poverty over time
Analyse: than here. Now. Time hates love, wants love poor
This one word shows the short, sudden event in it’s singular moment - the affair has come and gone in a flash - underlining the swiftness of time .
Time is personified - suggests that time is loves enemy and that time is hateful and greedy.
What poem does this link to
To his coy mistress - as both are fighting for time