Hot Questions Flashcards
Hannah owns a house that has a replacement value of $300,000. The home is 20 years old and is 25% depreciated. She has an HO3 policy with an 80/20 coinsurance requirement. She is carrying $225,000 insurance on the dwelling and has a $1,000 deductible. During a recent storm, the home incurred $40,000 of damage. How much will the insurance company pay?
Solution: The correct answer is B.
Greater of actual cash value: ($40,000 × 75% = $30,000) or
Coinsurance calculation: 225/(80% of $300) 240 × $40,000 = $37,500
Less the deductible: so $37,500-$1,000 = $36,500
Jim needs a loan for his business. He convinces Tamra, a business acquaintance, to loan him $75,000. Jim assigns his life insurance policy ($100,000 death benefit, $5,000 cash value) as collateral for the loan. Jim never makes any loan payments and dies years later. What is Tamra’s gain or loss, if any?
There is a $25,000 gain. The gain is taxed as ordinary income.
There is a $25,000 gain. The gain will receive capital gains tax treatment
There is a $20,000 gain. The gain is taxed as ordinary income.
There are no income tax consequences. Tamra is entitled to an amount equal to loan repayment, with the remainder going to Jim’s designated beneficiary.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
Dana is an executive of STEEL, Inc. She earns $500,000 during the year and defers $13,500 into the SIMPLE. STEEL, Inc uses the maximum match for SIMPLE Plans. How much would the matching contribution be for Dana?
Solution: The correct answer is B.
The matching contribution is 3 percent of an employee’s compensation up to $13,500 for 2021. The covered compensation limit does not apply with the match for a SIMPLE, but the match cannot be greater than the employee contribution.
On January 1 of Year 1, George was awarded 10,000 ISOs at an exercise price of $5 per share when the fair market value of the stock was equal to $5. On October 30th of Year 2, George exercised all of his ISOs when the fair market value of the stock was $15 per share. On August 13th of Year 3, George sold all of his shares for $20 per share. At the date of sale, what are the tax consequences to George?
$100,000 AMT adjustment
$200,000 employer deduction
$150,000 capital gain
$150,000 ordinary income
Solution: The correct answer is A.
The sale of the ISO shares is a disqualifying disposition because the 2 year and 1 year requirements were not met. This disposition results in ordinary income for George in the year of the disposition. The employer also receives a deduction for the same amount. The compensation equals the difference between the value on the date of exercise and the strike price. The remaining gain is treated as a capital gain. There is also a negative AMT adjustment in the year of the disqualifying disposition – in this case it equals $100,000 (# of shares times the difference between the exercise price and the FMV on the date of exercise).
The (short term) Capital gain would be $50,000
OI would be 100,000 and AMT Adjustment of 100,000
Year 1 – Jan 1 – grant $5. (10,000 shares)
Year 2 – Oct 30 – exercise $15. AMT adjustment of $10 ($100,000)
Year 3 – Aug 13 – Sold $20. Negative AMT Adjustment $10, and taxed at Ordinary Income rates.
Sold 10,000 at $20 = 200,000. Two years from grant? Yes. 1 Year from exercise? No = disqualifying disposition.
Basis at $5 = 50,000
Gain of $150,000 of which $100,000 is taxed at OI, and the remaining $50,000 is STCG.
Which of the following forms of the efficient market hypothesis support market anomalies?
Weak Form Semi-Strong Form Strong Form III only. II and III. I, II and III. None
Solution: The correct answer is D.
None of the forms of the efficient market hypothesis support market anomalies. If markets are truly efficient, anomalies should not exist.
Which of the following statements is/are correct concerning the CFP Board’s Financial Planning Practice Standards?
The Disciplinary Committee of the CFP Board relies upon the Code and Standards to determine if any Financial Planning Practice Standards have been violated.
The Practice Standards are organized based on the domains of financial planning
Only I is correct
Only II is correct
Both I and II are correct
Neither I nor II is correct
Solution: The correct answer is C.
On January 1, two years ago, Robin bought Machine X for $100,000. The machine is classified as 5 year property under MACRS. Machine X has a salvage value of $10,000. What is the amount of the third year depreciation for Machine X?
Solution: The correct answer is A.
The convention is double declining balance (DDB) half year first year and switch to straight line when straight line would be preferable to DDB. 1st Year is 100% / 5 × 2 = 40% × ½ = 20%
2nd Year is (100% - 20%) × 40% = 32%
3rd Year is (100% - 52%) × 40% = 19.2%
Salvage is ignored in the calculation but the taxpayer cannot depreciate more than a total of $90,000 when the salvage value is $10,000.
Joe has owned and operated Baseball Memories, Inc. for the last 20 years. His employees have been with him most of that time and he has set up a retirement plan and other benefits for them. Joe’s brother Landon is starting his own company, Landon’s Landscaping. Landon admires what his brother is building and believes it is a good time to start thinking about his future. He asks Joe to introduce him to his financial planner. Landon knows there are a lot of options out there for retirement planning. At Landon’s second meeting with his new planner Tom, Tom suggests a few options, one being a SEP plan. Which option is similar in funding to a SEP?
Cash balance plan
Profit sharing plan
Defined benefit plan
Solution: The correct answer is B.
The SEP is employer funded up to 25% of an employees compensation. These characteristics are most similar to a profit sharing plan. The profit sharing plan would be beneficial for a startup since they will not have mandatory contributions each year.
Which of the following is not an appropriate match?
Classification by time: Spot markets.
Classification by type of claim: Equity markets.
Classification by participants: Mortgage markets.
Classification by products: Money markets.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
Money market securities are short-term instruments categorized by time considerations, not product. Look at this from the product to determine the classification. For example, money markets and spot markets are classified as according timing because they are either short term maturities or current price. The common component when classifying these type of securities is timing. Equity and debt markets can be classified as to the order of claims in the event of liquidation. “Type of claims” simply refers to debt vs. equity and which is more senior. Bond markets, which include mortgage bonds, are divided into short, intermediate and long term markets. Each market has participants that prefer different segments of the yield curve. A participant in this case is an insurance company, bank, manufacturing company, etc. Different participants will prefer mortgage bonds over shorter term maturities.
Allyson has a small law practice located in uptown New Orleans. Her practice is relatively small, but provides a modest amount of income to her and her husband John. She is considering setting up a SIMPLE but is uncertain of all the features, options and limitations. Which of the following is not correct regarding SIMPLE plans?
SIMPLEs can invest in real estate outside of REITs and mutual funds.
SIMPLEs, both IRAs and 401(k)s, must meet the minimum distribution rules.
For a high wage earner, the required employer contribution for the SIMPLE IRAs may be greater than for a SIMPLE 401(k).
SIMPLE IRAs and SIMPLE 401(k)s are very similar and both may offer loans to participants.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
Loans are not allowed in SIMPLE IRA plans. Option B - both have RMD rules. Option C is a correct statement because the 3% employer match is not limited by the covered comp limit for a SIMPLE IRA but is limited by the covered comp limit for a SIMPLE 401k.
Erin, a 31-year-old single mom with a gross income of $72,000 per year, has asked you to assist her with some financial planning. She is concerned about the investment allocation of her 401(k), saving for college for her twin sons (age 3), reducing taxes (she is in the 25% tax bracket, combined federal, state, and local), and disability income protection (she has no disability coverage through her employer). She currently has savings of $10,000 in a money market account and $15,000 in small cap stocks. Which of the following is the most important recommendation for her?
To invest her 401(k) in low-expense index funds with an appropriate strategic allocation.
To immediately begin saving for college in a 529 plan for each of the kids to gain tax advantages and allow as much time for growth as possible.
To purchase additional life insurance to provide for the children if something should happen to her.
To purchase a reasonably priced disability insurance policy with an elimination period no longer than her emergency funds will last.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
Since Erin is a single mom, the family is completely dependent on her income, making disability income protection the most important of the recommendations listed. Answer choice C is incorrect because it is not one of the objectives listed (students should be careful not to read into the question).
Which items are deductible before AGI?
Medical expenses. Real estate taxes. The employer portion of Social Security taxes for an S Corp owner. Capital losses. 3 only. 2 and 3. 1 and 4. 3 and 4.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
The employer portion of social security taxes is deductible by the S corp and will then flow through to the owner. Capital losses are for AGI.
Jorge Vasquez retires at age 65 and receives a lump-sum distribution worth $650,000. The market value of employer securities is $135,000, and the cost basis for the securities is $60,000. He is in the 32% income tax bracket. He has chosen to roll the company securities separately from the remainder of his retirement plan base on his financial planner’s advice. Three weeks after the transfer, he decides to sell all his shares of stock when it is valued at $140,000. What are his tax consequences for this transaction?
$21,100 LTCG
$25,600 STCG
$12,000 STCG
$11,250 LTCG and $1,600 STCG
Solution: The correct answer is D.
Jorge would roll $135,000 of employer stock to a brokerage account. The basis in the stock of $60,000 would be taxable to him at the time of the rollover. $60,000 at 32% is $19,200. This amount was paid at the time of distribution.
When he sells the stock three weeks after the distribution, the remainder is taxed at LTCG rates base on NUA rules. At distribution the stock had a FMV of $135,000, he paid tax on $60,000, leaving $75,000 locked in at LTCG rates.
At the time of sale, his shares were worth $140,000, the remainder of the NUA distribution (135,000-60,000 = 75,000) at 15% LTCG rate = 11,250.
The value above NUA is $5,000 and is STCG (32%) = 1,600.
Had he rolled the entire balance to an IRA, the full distribution would be at ordinary tax rates ($80,000 at 32%= 25,600).
The balance of $515,000 (650,000 - 135,000 in Employer Stock) will roll tax-deferred to an IRA
Which of the following are fiscal policy actions that may be taken to stimulate the economy?
Increase tax credits
Buy government securities
Decrease government spending
Decrease rate paid on excess reserves
Solution: The correct answer is A.
Taxation is a fiscal policy tool. Increasing tax credits essentially lowers tax liabilities. This is expected to have a positive impact on the economy. Statement C is incorrect as it will have the opposite expected effect. Statements B and D are monetary tools, not fiscal policy tools
Which of the following actions are appropriate for the FOMC?
Increase deficit spending. Decrease income tax rates. Purchase treasury securities. Increase the debt limit. Solution
Solution: The correct answer is C.
The FOMC implies the Federal Open Market Committee (or monetary policy). Answer choices, A, B and D are all fiscal policies.
Tom purchased the following callable bond:
Price: $851.23
Par: $1,000
Coupon: 4%
Term: 10 years
Callable in 5 years at $1,050
Which of the following represents the call penalty for this bond?
Solution: The correct answer is A.
The call penalty is the amount above the par value a company will pay to retire the bond issue early. The Call Penalty = Call Price – Par Value or $1,050 - $1,000 = $50
Your client has a long-term disability policy that is provided through work, paid for by the client’s employer. The policy has a 90-day elimination period and will pay 60% of wages lost due to disability. Your client’s salary is $90,000 per year. Her marginal tax rate is 25%. If your client becomes disabled, what is the after-tax disability benefit that she will receive monthly (following the elimination period)?
Solution: The correct answer is B.
Since the employer paid the premium, all of the benefit will be taxable.
($90,000/12) × .60 × .75= $3,375
Given the following disability insurance options, which is likely to have the least expensive monthly premium?
Own occupation; $10,000 monthly benefit; 3-month elimination period, integrated with Social Security
Own occupation; $10,000 monthly benefit; 3-month elimination period, not integrated with Social Security
Any occupation; $10,000 monthly benefit; 3-month elimination period, integrated with Social Security
Any occupation; $10,000 monthly benefit; 3-month elimination period, not integrated with Social Security
Solution: The correct answer is C.
Policies with an any occupation definition of disability are less expense than policies with an own occupation definition. Also, policies integrated with Social Security are less expensive than policies that are not integrated with Social Security.
In which phase of the financial planning process would the planner determine the client’s risk tolerance regarding investment products?
Identifying and Selecting Goals
Understanding the Client’s Personal and Financial Circumstances.
Analyzing and Evaluating the Client’s Current Course of Action
Developing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
Solution: The correct answer is B.
Typically, planners use a questionnaire approach to initially assess the client’s tolerance for risk. It would then be used in choice D.
Joe Comanda has consulted a CFP® certficant who prepares his income tax returns, and he has inquired about a loan he took from his whole life insurance policy. The policy has a face amount of $250,000, and Joe borrowed $100,000 from the policy two years ago and has not repaid the loan. Joe thinks that he does not need the coverage any longer and would like to surrender the policy for the remaining $15,000 of cash value. Joe has paid premiums of $3,000 each year for 30 years. If Joe does not repay the loan when the policy is surrendered, what will he report for taxable gain?
Solution: The correct answer is C.
Joe has paid premiums of $3,000 for 30 years so his basis is $90,000. Joe has taken a loan of $100,000 and will receive $15,000 more of cash value at surrender, so the total amount received from the policy will be $115,000. The gain is $115,000 minus his basis of $90,000 or $25,000, which will be taxed as ordinary income.
Which of the following statements regarding risk tolerance assessment is not correct?
If no evidence to the contrary is available, the planner should assume a client is risk averse.
The process should be started by the planner engaging in a conversation about risk tolerance with the client.
The planner should expect the client’s risk tolerance to change as they progress through life.
Using multiple methods to assess risk tolerance is preferred because different approaches have different strengths and weaknesses.
Solution: The correct answer is B.
Although the planner should engage in a risk tolerance conversation with the client, it should occur after the planner has reviewed both the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the client’s risk tolerance. This makes the discussion more effective and efficient.
If a client is inexperienced, or cannot articulate their risk tolerance, it is ok to assume they are risk averse. Most portfolio theories are based on the risk adverse investor (efficient frontier, MPT, etc.).
Mary gifted her vacation home to Tommy for the remainder of his life, with the home passing to Ricky at Tommy’s death. If Ricky dies before Tommy, Sara will receive the home at the time of Tommy’s death. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this arrangement?
A. Tommy possesses a fee simple interest in the home.
B. Mary possesses a reversionary interest in the home.
C. Sara possesses an indefeasibly vested remainder interest in the home.
D. Sara possesses a contingent remainder interest in the home.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
A is incorrect. Tommy possesses a life estate because he has complete use of the vacation home for the rest of his life. B is incorrect. Mary has given a gift, and therefore does not possess any interest in the home. C is incorrect. Since Sara would only receive property if Ricky dies before Tommy, she possesses a contingent remainder interest in the home.
If an individual’s combined federal and state income tax rate is the same at the time of contribution and at the time of distribution:
A. A Roth IRA would be preferable to a deductible traditional IRA.
B. The individual would be indifferent when deciding between a Roth IRA and a deductible traditional IRA.
C. A non-deductible traditional IRA would be preferable to a Roth IRA.
D. A deductible traditional IRA would be preferable to a Roth IRA.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
If tax rates are the same at the time of contribution and the time of distribution, it is true that the accumulation in a deductible traditional IRA and a Roth IRA will be the same after all taxes have been taken into account. Therefore, it would seem that the individual would be indifferent when deciding between a Roth IRA and a deductible traditional IRA. However, a Roth IRA would still be preferred in this scenario because: -The Roth IRA does not require minimum distributions while a traditional IRA does. The Roth IRA provides for tax-free income at retirement, which may be beneficial as it will not increase an individual’s AGI. Increases in AGI may cause the phase out of other tax advantages. -The Roth IRA can allow for tax-free distributions to heirs after the participant’s death. C is incorrect. A non-deductible traditional IRA would never be preferable to a Roth IRA. It should be noted that even though some individuals are ineligible to contribute to a Roth IRA due to their AGI, they can still contribute to a non-deductible traditional IRA and convert the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.
Which of the following statements regarding the alternative minimum tax (AMT) credit is correct?
A. The AMT credit for an individual is only available to the extent the alternative minimum tax liability was created by exclusion items.
B. The AMT credit for a corporation is only available to the extent the alternative minimum tax liability was created by exclusion items.
C. The AMT credit cannot be used to offset a taxpayer’s future alternative minimum tax liability.
D. The AMT credit can be carried forward up to five years, but cannot be carried back.
Solution: The correct answer is C.
A is incorrect. The credit is only available for AMT liabilities created due to deferral items.
B is incorrect. The credit is available to a corporation regardless of whether the AMT liability arose from a deferral or exclusion item.
D is incorrect. The credit can be carried forward indefinitely.
Which of the following statements concerning the top-heavy requirements is correct?
A. Most small plans covering 25 or fewer employees will eventually become top heavy.
B. If a plan becomes top-heavy, non-vested balances in an employee’s account will immediately become 100% vested.
C. Elective salary deferral contributions to a 401(k) plan are not counted towards determining top-heavy status.
D. A SIMPLE IRA is subject to the top-heavy rules
Solution: The correct answer is A.
B is incorrect. If a plan becomes top-heavy, the plan must use a vesting schedule that is at least as rapid as a 3-year cliff schedule or as a 2-6-year graded schedule.
C is incorrect. Elective salary deferral contributions to a 401(k) plan are counted towards determining top-heavy status. Therefore, a 401(k) plan that allows only employee salary deferral contributions can become top-heavy.
D is incorrect. SIMPLE IRAs and safe harbor 401(k) plans are not subject to the top-heavy rules.
Jeanie recently filed for bankruptcy under chapter 7. Which of the following assets will most likely be included in her bankruptcy estate?
A. $20,000 of home equity in her primary residence purchased five years ago.
B. $50,000 balance in her employer-provided ESOP vested in the last 9 months.
C. $1,000,000 death benefit universal life insurance policy with a $15,000 cash value in force for the past three years.
D. $100,000 balance in a 529 plan Janie owns, created six months ago with her child as the beneficiary.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
A 529 plan created within the last 24 months may be included in the bankruptcy estate.
A is incorrect. State home equity limits vary, but all are under $50,000. B is incorrect. Any ERISA plan is not included in a bankruptcy estate – even those created within the last year. C is incorrect. Life Insurance cash values are generally subject to high limitations.
If interest rates are low and expected to rise in the near future, which one of the following represents the best strategy?
A. Sell long-term bonds.
B. Buy intermediate bonds.
C. Buy convertible bonds.
D. Sell short-term bonds.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
This question refers to a rate anticipation swap. When interest rates are expected to rise, an investor should sell long-term bonds and reinvest the proceeds at a higher coupon rate once interest rates rise.
If a market is perfectly efficient, which of the following would be a role of a portfolio manager?
A. Minimizing transaction costs of the portfolio.
B. Using technical analysis in an attempt to outperform the market.
C. Eliminating systematic risk through global diversification of the portfolio.
D. Passively manage the portfolio.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
B is incorrect. Technical analysis does not work in an efficient market.
C is incorrect. Unsystematic risk would be eliminated through global diversification.
D is incorrect. If a market is perfectly efficient, a role of a portfolio manager is to rebalance when necessary
Joey was divorced from Katy in 2020. Katy has custody of their 12-year-old daughter. In 2021, pursuant to the divorce agreement, Joey made alimony payments of $15,000, paid to contractors and maintenance workers for upkeep of Katy’s house. In addition, he paid child support payments of $8,000 to Katy. Joey’s adjusted gross income before any deductions for the above-listed expenses was $85,000. What is the appropriate amount of the deduction on Joey’s current year federal income tax return?
A. $0.
B. $8,000.
C. $15,000.
D. $23,000.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
The child support payments are not deductible. alimony is no longer deductible for divorces that are finalized AFTER 2018.
Which of the following items can be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
A. Alimony.
B. Recent student loans.
C. Recent back taxes.
D. Consumer debt.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
Consumer debt, such as auto loans and credit card balances, may be discharged under Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Joe has worked for ScottCo for four years. Yesterday, ScottCo established a profit sharing plan with a 2-6 year graded vesting schedule, and contributed $1,500 to Joe’s account. What is Joe’s vested account balance?
A. $0.
B. $400.
C. $600.
D. $1,000.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
Since this is a newly established plan, service before implementation of a plan can be ignored by the employer for vesting purposes. Joe’s vested account balance would be zero.
Had this been an established plan when Joe started working at ScottCo, he would be in year 3 of vesting.
Steven created and funded a trust for the benefit of his two children, Sally (age 30) and Margaret (age 26). The trust document indicates that all income from the trust will be paid equally to Sally and Margaret for their lifetimes, with the remainder of the trust to be distributed to their issue. Steven retained the power to revoke the trust, with the unanimous consent of Sally and Margaret. Which is correct regarding the income and estate tax consequences of this arrangement?
A. The trust income will be taxed to Steven, and the trust principal will be included in Steven’s gross estate at the time of his death.
B. The trust income will be taxed to the trust, and the trust principal will be excluded from Steven’s gross estate at the time of his death.
C. The trust income will be taxed to Sally and Margaret, and the trust principal will be included in Steven’s gross estate at the time of his death.
D. The trust income will be taxed to Sally and Margaret, and the trust principal will be excluded from Steven’s gross estate at the time of his death.
Solution: The correct answer is C.
Generally, a retained power on the part of a grantor, such as the ability to revoke the trust, will cause the trust to be taxed as a grantor trust (meaning the grantor will pay tax on all trust income). However, because Steven must obtain unanimous consent from an adverse party (Sally and Margaret) before revoking the trust, the trust will not be considered a grantor trust. Since the trust will distribute all income to the beneficiaries, and the trust is not a grantor trust, the income will be taxed to the beneficiaries (Sally and Margaret) each year.
For estate tax purposes, the ability to alter, amend, or revoke the transfer will cause inclusion in the grantor’s gross estate, regardless of whether the power is exercised alone or in conjunction with any other person. Therefore, the trust principal will be included in Steven’s gross estate at the time of his death.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding time value of money concepts?
A. The best way to compare investment loan options with different frequencies is to convert all nominal rates to effective annual rates.
B. An increase in interest rates increases both the present value and future value.
C. An increase in compounding/discounting frequencies has the opposite effect of increasing rates.
D. The effective annual rate is lower than the nominal rate with quarterly compounding.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
B is incorrect. An increase in interest rates decreses the present value, but not the future value.
C is incorrect. An increase in compounding rates will increase the future value, which is the same result as if the interest rate was increased.
D is incorrect. The effective annual rate will be higher than the nominal rate whenever the frequency is less than one year (quarterly, monthly, etc.).
Which of the following is a requirement of a tax-qualified long-term care insurance policy?
A. The policy cannot offer a nonforfeiture option.
B. The policy cannot contain a cash surrender value.
C. The policy must be noncancelable.
D. The benefit must be offered on a reimbursement basis, rather than on a per diem basis.
Solution: The correct answer is B.
A tax-qualified long-term care policy cannot offer a cash surrender value.
A is incorrect. A nonforfeiture option can be offered in a qualified long-term care policy. C is incorrect. A qualified long-term care policy must be guaranteed renewable. D is incorrect. A qualified long-term care policy can provide benefits on either a per diem basis or a reimbursement basis.
An advantage of a heath savings account (HSA) over a flexible spending account (FSA) is that an:
A. HSA can be used with any type of health insurance plan, while an FSA can only be used with a high-deductible health insurance plan.
B. HSA contribution made through payroll deduction is exempt from Social Security (FICA) taxes, while an FSA contribution is subject to Social Security taxes.
C. HSA allows for the payment of long-term care insurance premiums with pre-tax dollars, while an FSA cannot be used for long-term care insurance.
D. HSA can be used for both medical expenses and child care expenses, whereas an FSA is only allowed for medical expenses.
Solution: The correct answer is C.
HSAs can be used to pay long term care insurance premiums, subject to limits based on age, which are published by the IRS and are adjusted annually. An HSA is an account established to pay for qualified medical expenses, including qualified long term care costs and long term care insurance premiums. Contributions and withdrawals are tax-free for qualified expenses.
A is incorrect. The opposite is true. HSAs can only be used with high-deductible health insurance plans. B is incorrect. An HSA contribution made through payroll deduction is exempt from Social Security (FICA) taxes. However, FSA contributions are also exempt from Social Security tax. Therefore, this is not an advantage of an HSA over an FSA. D is incorrect. The FSA can be used for both medical expenses and child care expenses, whereas the HSA can only be used for medical expenses.
Mel and Diana are a married couple in their late 30s. Mel is an attorney and earns $350,000 per year. Diana works part-time. They have assets of approximately $2,000,000, and are considering investing in fixed income securities. Their current federal income tax rate is 35% and they are subject to a 6% state tax rate. Which of the following investments would be the most appropriate based on after-tax yield?
A. Treasury bond yielding 6.25%.
B. Corporate bond yielding 6.50%.
C. Municipal bond in state of residence yielding 4.00%.
D. Municipal bond outside of state of residence yielding 4.00%.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
After-tax yield = Yield x (1 – tax rate)
Treasury bond (not subject to state income tax) - After-tax yield
6.25% x (1 – .35) = 4.06%
Corporate bond - After-tax yield =
6.50% x (1 – .41) = 3.84%
Muni bond (state of residence) - After-tax yield
4.00% x (1 – 0) = 4.00%
Muni bond (outside state of residence) - After-tax yield
4.00 x (1 – .06) = 3.76%
Which one of the following statements is correct regarding an ESOP?
A. An ESOP is a type of defined benefit plan.
B. With a leveraged ESOP, the employer borrows funds from the participants’ accounts to fund future contributions.
C. A major advantage of an ESOP is that the plan sponsor’s cash flow will be enhanced.
D. Investment in employer stock is limited to 10% in an ESOP.
Solution: The correct answer is C.
The employer can make cashless contributions to an ESOP, thus providing for an income tax deduction without a cash outflow. A is incorrect. An ESOP is a type of defined contribution plan. B is incorrect. With a leveraged ESOP, a trustee borrows funds from a bank, and uses the funds to purchase employer stock. D is incorrect. There is no limit as to the amount of employer stock in an ESOP.
Which of the following statements regarding long-term care insurance in a cafeteria plan is correct?
A. Long-term care insurance is available in a cafeteria plan and the benefits received will be income tax-free to the participant.
B. Long-term care insurance is available in a cafeteria plan, but the benefits received will be taxable to the participant.
C. Long-term care insurance is available in a cafeteria plan, but the difference between the actual premium and the IRS table premium will be taxable to the participant each year.
D. Long-term care insurance is not available in a cafeteria plan.
Solution: The correct answer is D.
Long-term care insurance is NOT allowed in a cafeteria plan.
Sue invested $60,000 to acquire a 20% limited partnership interest in the Frisco Limited Partnership. This year, the partnership generated losses of $250,000. How much can Sue deduct in the current year against her ordinary income?
A. $0.
B. $50,000.
C. $55,000.
D. $60,000.
Solution: The correct answer is A.
Although Sue has $60,000 at risk, she cannot claim a deduction. Her $50,000 loss (her share of the $250,000) is not deductible because passive losses can only be used against passive income.
Your client has the following health insurance for his family:
- 80/20 coinsurance
- $1,000 stop loss per person
- $250 deductible per person (3-person maximum)
Four of the family members were involved in an accident. What will the insurance company pay if each claim is $7,500?
A. $23,400.
B. $25,000.
C. $25,250.
D. $30,000
Solution: The correct answer is C.
The insurance company will pay $25,250.
The total amount claimed is $30,000 ($7,500 x 4). The stop loss is $4,000 ($1,000 per person), and the deductible is $750 ($250 x 3-person max). Note: the term “stop loss” refers only to co-insurance. Any deductible is in addition to the stop loss.
Therefore, the reimbursed amount is $25,250 ($30,000 - $4,000 - $750)