Hospital Corpsman Ch 2 Expeditionary Medicine Administration Flashcards
What should be reported to the OOD for inclusion into the duty log?
severe injuries
Conditions that can affect the health of the crew
Damage or loss of medical and dental equipment
What does SAMS stand for?
Shipboard non-tactical automatic data process (SNAP) automated medical system
What instruction is the Navy Directives Issuance system?
What type of directive regulate administration, establish policy, delegate authority, and assign a mission funciton or task?
What are the two types of directives?
Permanent and temporary
What type of directive is issued as a notice to request comments or approval, and announce information such as a change of command or education and promotion opportunities?
What is used to issue changes to instructions and notices?
Change Transmitals
How long can notices remain in effect?
no more than a year
Where is the most current change transmital filed in its respective instruction?
Should be filed on top
Where can you find instructions for preparing a standard naval letter?
SECNAVINST 5216.5 Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual
What does SSIC stand for?
Standard subject identification code
In what instruction can you find the SSICs?
SECNAVINST 5210.11 Department of the Navy Standard Subject Identification Codes
What SSIC series pertains to Militray Personnel?
1000 series
What SSIC series pertains to Telecommunications?
2000 series
What SSIC series pertains to operations and readiness?
3000 series
What SSIC series pertains to logistics?
4000 series
What SSIC series pertains to General administration and management?
5000 series
What SSIC series pertains to Medicine and Dentistry?
6000 series
What SSIC series pertains to Financial Management?
7000 series
What SSIC series pertains to Ordnace Material?
8000 series
What SSIC series pertains to Ships design and material?
9000 series
What SSIC series pertains to Facilities and activites ashore?
11000 series
What SSIC series pertains to Civilan personnel?
12000 series
What SSIC series pertains Aeronautical and Astronautical Material?
What SSIC series pertains to Coast Guard missions?
What instruction is the Department of the Navy Records Management Program?
What term is used to described the process that is used to determine the correct subject group under which a document should be filed?
What instruction is the Periodic Health Assessment for Individual Medical Readiness?
What are the six elements of Individual Medical Readiness?
Individual Medical Equipment Immunizations Readiness Laboratory studies Deployment Limiting Conditions Periodic Health Assessmetn Dental Readiness
What are the five directorates that are found in a MTF?
Nursing services Medical services Surgical Services Ancillary services Administrative Services
What is Franker’s ditty for the SSIC codes?
Military Test Require Luck And Masterchief Frankers Outstanding Study Material For Corpsman Advancement Goals