hort. reproduction Flashcards
“carrier” DNA molecule that moves recombinant DNA to oth. cells
Molecule encoding genetic information:
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Normal pathogenic plant bacterium w/ a Ti plasmid. can enter plant cells & insert new genetic material in2 plant chromosomes. (crown gall)
Somatic cell
mature cell that can differentiate in2 any plant organ (any plant cell that’s not germ cell)
hybrid from foreign sources
Stacked crop
crop bred for mult. traits
Circular pieces of DNA found outside the chromosome in bacteria
An enzyme used to paste segments of DNA together:
Gene splicing
enzyme cuts a gene out & replace it w/ another gene
Tissue Culture
starts new plants in a test tube or dish using tissue from a parent plant.
Restriction enzymes
Proteins recognizes specific gene sequences on a chromosome and cuts DNA at those sites.
Bacillus thuringiensis
natural insecticide found in soil
Asexual repro.
any reprod. process uninvolving meiosis, fertilization or syngamy
Induced propagtion
reprod. creating new plants from tissue or organs of parent plant by:
Vegetative propagation
naturally from the plant on modified stems such as:
runners,rhizomes,corms,tuberous root