hormones and behaviour Flashcards
describe how the pineal gland influences biological rhythms?
in birds or reptiles
in humans
unpaired structure (not 2 of them) brids and reptiles can sense light directly through skull
acts via cervical ganglia in mammals
phasic (bursts) secretion of hormones and other chemicals in cyclic patterns
melatonin important in regulating cyclical function (released by pineal gland and amine hormone)
describe melatonin?
released almost exclusively at night
provides signal to track changing daylength and season
controls timing of onset of sleep
breeding condition in seasonally breeding animals
describe breeding condition in hamsters?
senses longer nights
prolong nocturnal secretion of melatonin
hypothalamus sensitive to negative feedback effects of gonadal steroids
less GnRH released
gonads atrophy (not in breeding condition)
describe ghrelin?
peptide secreted by cells in stomach epithelium
stimulates feeding as appetite stimulant (rise before meal and drop after meal) and release of growth hormone from pituitary
ghrelin-secreting neurons in brain involved in control of feeding
describe ghrelin levels in obese people?
lower ghrelin before eating
following a meal levels don’t drop (unresponsive to feeding) so no reduction in appetite
describe the mammalian oestrous cycle in women?
cyclic pattern of gonadotropin secretion (FSH and LH) prompted by surge in GnRH above tonic levels from hypothalamus
pro-oestrus - follicular development and ovulation
oestrus - fertilisation most likely to lead to pregnancy
what did Beall and Tracy find regarding reproductive behaviour?
asked females what colour top they were wearing while competing the survey
asked when last had period
pink/red shirt when fertile
ovulation not completely concealed
what did Miller et al find regarding reproductive behaviour?
recorded tips received by lap dancers
received largest tips when fertile
ovulation not completely concealed
describe functions of oxytocin?
peptide hormone that acts on the CNS
associated with uterine muscle contraction at birth and milk letdown
governs prosocial behaviours
describe the role of oxytocin in parental care?
rats had more oxytocin receptors in amygdala when high levels of maternal behaviours
higher oxytocin receptor density in nucleus accumbens
blocking oxytocin receptors inhibits maternal beh.
describe role of oxytocin in alloparental care?
looking after young of others
injected with oxytocin less likely to attack
reduced levels of alloparental care if injected with oxytocin alloparental care
what did Madden and Clutton-Brock find in regards to meerkat’s social behaviour?
condition injected with oxytocin produced more prosocial behaviours
e.g feeding, closeness, communal digging and guarding
and lower amount of aggression compared to control
describe role of oxytocin in pair bonding?
oxytocin injections promote pair bonding in monogamous voles
have dense collection of vasopressin receptors compared to those who are polygamous
what did Kosfeld and Zak et al find in regards to oxytocin and trust in humans?
played trust game (double-blind in Kosfeld case)
oxytocin condition were more generous with monetary transfers
what did Marsh et al find regarding oxytocin and social sensitivity?
oxytocin condition were more sensitive to positive emotional expressions
describe relationship between oxytocin and orgasms?
plasma oxytocin increases during orgasm
oxytocin evokes feelings of contentment and security around mate
sex promotes pair bonding then
diference between the endocrine and nervous system?
and what they both have in common?
- localised communication between cells so targeted effect (pre and post-synaptic)
- action potential along nerve fibre
- digital all-or-nothing signal
- fast response but short lived
- voluntary control
- diffuse effects across body
- chemical substance in blood stream
- analogue signal (graded)
- slow response and long lasting
- no voluntary control
BOTH: communication and control systems
take inputs and effect outputs
influenced by prior exposure
describe the neuroendocrine system?
used when need fast response but prolonged action if required
enables regulation/control of homeostasis