Hormones Flashcards
testosterone 1* male androgen. used to treat disorders in men and women. hypogonadims males. HIV, CA both sexes. androgens: testosterone (gel, transdermal), fluoxymesterone, methyltestosterone
androgen prescribing highlights (anabolic steroids)
scheduled drugs. contra: male breast or prostate CA. preg cat X, lactation. dont use transdermal in women.
androgen ADRs
liver (hepatitis, hepatic neoplasm, cholestatic hepatitis, jaundice, hepatocellular CA). women: virilization, menstraul irregularities. men: gynecomastia, reduced sperm, less libido (high levels), depression
androgen clinical use
male climacteric, primary hypogonadal males, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. rational drug selection: IM vs PO vs transdermal vs newer nasal. aqueous vs oil IM preps.
androgen monitoring
serum T, lipids, liver fxn, CBC. men need PSA and digital prostate exam (increaed CA risk w/ lt therapy not as high as thought, unless already present). statins can decrease T on non clinically sig level
normal T range
250-110 ng/dL men, 2-45ng/dl women
estrogen products available
congugated equine estrogens (Premarin), esterified estrogen (estraidol, ethinyl estraidol), phytoestrogens
estrogen impact on body
bone density, normal skin and BV structure, increase serum triglycerides, improve HDL to LDL ratios, reduce bowel motility, enhance blood coag and fibrinolytic pathways, edema bc action on RAAS, maintain stability of thermoreg center
estrogen contras
estragen only contra in women with intact uterus. preg cat X, breast CA, estrogen-dependent neoplasm, active DVT/PE, past year stroke/MI, liver dysfunction, smokers
estrogen clinical use
contraception (combo estrogen, progest), releif peri and post menopause symptoms (Start on lowest dose, dont give unapposed dose to women w/uterus), vaginal atrophy and dryness (Cream, tabs, ring), osteoporosis
progesterones available
progesterone (Promethrium, Progesterone in Oil, Crinone, Procheive), medroxyprogesterone acetate (PRovera, Depo-PRovera), norethindrone/Aygestin, megestrol acetate/Megate
androgen derived progestins available
norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, ethynodial diacetate, norgestrol, desogestral, levonorogastrol, norestimate. dropserinone is a progestin dev from derivitive of spirolonactone
progesterones precautions and contraindications
depression, impaired liver function, breast CA, thromboembolitic disease, disorders that worsen with fluid retention, preg cat C for progesterone, preg cat X for norethindrone
progesterones ADRs
irreg bleed, amenhorea, acne,
injectible/implanted: weight gain, irreg menstrual bleed, osteoporosis
progesterones clinical use
post menopausal HRT when combo with estrogen when uterus intact. progestrin-only BC (norethindrone, DEpo-pRovera), progestin IUD Mirena
progesterones monitoring
depression, siezure increased risk if seizure disorder, DM monitorin BG
androgens in female puberty
skeletal growth spurt, pubic and axillary hair, sebacous gland activity, libido
effects of progestrin
thicken endometrium in prep for prego, thick cervical mucus and vag mucosa, relax smooth muscles of uterus and fallopian tubes; during prego maintain thick endometrium; reduced progestin leads to endometrial lining shed during period
menopausal changes
perimenopause cycles associated with elevated and irreg FSH, decreased inhibin, normal LH, slightly elevated estraoidol levels. menopause - no menses 12mos. vasomotor symptoms caused by estrogen level fluctiaonts. vaginal changes from low estrogen
goal of HRT in menopause
releif of symptoms assoc w menopause: prevent or lessen vasomotor symptoms, prevent or reduce vaginal atrophy, reduce risk osteo, ensure ben HRT outweigh risks
female menopause HRT contra and prec
not recc in cardiac disease. HRT may promote breast CA in older, not sure for younger. decreases risk of colon CA. osteo reduces risk but cant be prime reason to rx. inconsistent data on cog performance, sleep disturbance, skin change
starting and monitoring menopuase HRT
use lowest dose that releives symptoms for shortest time (up to 5y in menopause, longer with surgical menopause where ovaries removed). individualize drug choice and dose based on pt risk profile. monitor yearly
estrogen therapy
relief of perimenopause/postmenopause symptoms. start on lowest dose. no unopposed estrogen in those with intact uterus. symptoms start to imrpove 2 weeks, maximal effect 8 weeks. phytoestrogens and botanicals/herbals have inconstent results (red clover, soy, black cohosh, chaste tree fruit)