Hormones Flashcards
From: Adrenal Cortex
Function: Stimulates Na+ re-absorption and K+ secretion in kidney
From: Adrenal Cortex
Function: Act on bone to cause growth spurt at puberty; increase sex drive 9in females by action on brain
Glucocorticoids (cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone)
From: Adrenal Cortex
Function: Part of stress response; effects metabolism of many tissues to increase blood glucose and cause protein and fat catabolism.
From: Adrenal Medulla
Function: Part of stress response; reinforce sympathetic nervous system; influence cardiovascular function and organic metabolism of many tissues.
From: Anterior Pituitary gland
Function: Promotes development of mammary gland during pregnancy; stimulates milk synthesis and secretion during lactation; promotes caring for young by both males and females in many species of fish, birds, and mammals.
Growth Hormone ( GH, Somatotopin)
From: Anterior Pituitary
Function: Stimulates growth and metabolism of bone and soft tissues, promotes protein synthesis, glucose conversion, and fat mobilization.
-Stimulates secretion of insulin like growth factors (IGF’s also called somatomedins) by liver
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
From: Anterior Pituitary (also hypothalamus in mammals)
Function: reduces appetite, suppresses immune system; does not determine skin coloring but does darken skin in amphibians/fish/reptiles by stimulating dispersal of granules containing melanin.
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH, corticotropin)
From: Anterior Pituitary
Function: Stimulates glucocorticoid secretion by adrenal cortex and supports adrenal cortical tissue
Thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin)
From Anterior Pituitary
Function: Stimulates hormone synthesis and secretion by thyroid gland
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
From: anterior pituitary
Function:Stimulates sperm production in the testis, follicular growth in the ovary, and sex hormone production in male and female gonads.
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
From: Anterior pituitary
Function: Stimulates sex hormone production in male and female gonads, ovulation, and development of corpus luteum.
From: gonad (ovary and testis)
Function: Promote maturation of follicle, ovulation, and secondary sex characteristics; prepare uterus for pregnancy by actions during estrous and menstrual cycles; promote closure of epiphyseal growth plate of bone.
From: gonad ( ovary and testis)
Function: prepares uterus for pregnancy
Function: promote sperm production and secondary sexual characteristics; promote sex drive in males; enhance growth at puberty; promote closure of epiphyseal plate of bone.
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
From: Heart, cells in atria
Function: Promotes Na+ and water excretion in kidney
Releasing and inhibiting hormones
From: Hypothalamus
Function: Stimulate or Inhibit secretion of anterior pituitary hormones
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
From: Hypothalamus
Function: stimulates secretion of ACTH
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
From Hypothalamus
Function: Stimulates secretion of TSH and prolactin
Growth hormone releasing hormone
From Hypothalamus
function: stimulates secretion of GH
Somatostatin (SS, GHIH)
from hypothalamus
function: Inhibits secretion of GH
Gonadotropin releasing hormone
from hypothalamus
function: stimulates secretion of FSH and LH
Dopamine (DA)
From hypothalamus
function: inhibits secretion of prolactin
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone-inhibiting hormone
from hypothalamus
function: inhibits secretion of MSH
from Kidney
Function: cleaves angiotensinogen to form angiotensin I
Erythropoietin (EPO)
from Kidney
function: stimulates red blood cell production in bone manrrow
From Kidney
Function: Increases body calcium ( is the active form of vitamin D)
From: Liver
Function: converted in blood to angiotensin II, which stimulates aldosterone secretion, promotes thirst, and causes vasoconstriction and secretion of vasopressin.
Insulin- like growth factors (somatomedins)
From Liver
Function: promote cell division and growth of many tissues. (Also secreted by other tissues like muscle)
From Pancreas
Function: promote uptake and storage of nutrients by most cells
From Pancreas
Function: Maintains blood levels of nutrients after a meal and during stress.
Parathyroid hormone
From: parathyroid gland
Function: Increase Ca2+ and decrease plasma phosphate levels in the blood by action on kidney and bone; stimulates vitamin D activation by action at kidney bone and intestine.
From Pineal Gland
Function: Controls circadian rhythms; seasonal breeding, migration, hibernation, causes skin lightening in amphibians and lampreys
Vasopressins )ADH)
From : Posterior pituitary gland
function: Regulates water re-absorption at kidney; vasoconstriction.
Posterior Pituitary
Function: Stimulates uterine contraction during parturition and milk ejection from mammary glands during suckling
Vitamin D
Function: Increase body calcium when activated
From: Thyroid gland
Increase metabolism of many tissues; necessary for normal growth and development of the nervous system
Thyroid Gland
Function: Decreases blood Ca2+ levels in some animals by action on bone ( secreted by C cells)