Hormones Flashcards
From: Adrenal Cortex
Type: Steroid
Effect: Promotes normal metabolism, helps body withstand stress and repair damage
From: Pineal Body/Gland
Type: Protein (amine)
Effect: Influences circadian rhythm (sleep cycle)
Target: Unknown
Lutenising Hormone (LH)
From: Anterior Pituitary
Type: Protein (amine)
Effect: Stimulates ovulation and maintains the corpus lutetium. Secretion of testosterone.
Target: Ovaries and Testes
From: Testes
Type: Steroid
Effect: Supports sperm formation, development of male secondary sex characteristics
Target: Many tissues
From: Ovaries
Type: Steroid
Effect: Regulates menstral cycle and pregnancy. Prepares mammary glands for secreation
Target: Uterus and Mammary glands
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
From: Anterior Pituitary
Type: Protein
Effect: Stimulates production and development of the follicle/maturation of sperm
Target: Ovaries and Testies
From: Adrenal Cortex
Type: Steroid
Effect: Reduce the amount of Na+ and increase amount of K+ in urine
Target: Kidney
From: Ovaries
Type: Steroid
Effect: Stimulates uterine lining growth and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics
Target: Many tissues
Growth Hormone (GH)
From: Anterior Pituitary
Type: Protein
Effect: Growth and Protein synthesis
Target: Most cells
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
From: Anterior Pituitary
Type: Protein
Effect: Secretion of hormones (ie. Tyroxine) from Thyroid
Target: Thyroid Gland
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
From: Anterior Pituiatry
Type: Protein
Effect: Secreation of hormones from the Adrenal Cortex
Target: Adrenal Cortex
From: Anterior Pituitary
Type: Protein
Effect: Milk production
Target: Mammary Glands
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
From: Posterior Pituiatry
Type: Protein
Effect: Increase the permeability of the tubials to increase facular reabsorbtion
Target: Kidneys
From: Posterior Pituitary
Type: Protein
Effect: Contraction of uterine walls during birth. Release of milk
Target: Uterus and Mammary Glands
From: Thyroid Gland
Type: Protein
Effect: Stimulates Metabolism
Target: Most body cells
From: Thyroid Gland
Type: Protein
Effect: Reduction of Ca+ in the bloodstream
Target: Bones, Kidneys
Parathyroid Hormone
From: Parathyroid Gland
Type: Protein
Effect: Increase the amount of Ca+ in the bloodstream
Target: Bones, Kidneys
From: Thymus Gland
Type: Protein
Effect: Stimulates maturation and development of T-lymphocytes
Target: T-lymphocytes
Adrenaline and Noradrenaline (Epinephrine/Norepinephrine)
From: Adrenal Medulla
Type: Protein
Effect: Prepares body for fight/flight response; reinforces the effect of the sympathetic nervous system
Target: Most body cells
From: Pancrease
Type: Protein
Effect: Decrease blood glucose levels; stimulates uptake of glucose
Target: Most body cells
From: Pancrease
Type: Protein
Effect: Increases bloold glucose level; stimulates the breaking down of glycogen and fats
Target: Liver and fat storage tissues
Chemical messenger that elicits a response in a target cell