Hormonal Mechainsims Flashcards
Peptide hormones
Chains of amino acids
Hypothalamus, pituitary, pancreas, GIT
Types of inter cellular messenger
Hypothalamus->pituitary->target gland-> body
Carried in blood to target cell
Autocrine-> cell releases messenger that acts on the same cell->prostaglandins
Paracrine-> cell releases messenger that acts on another cell->somatostatin, insulin
Neuroendocrine->released by a nerve->carried in blood to target cell-> oxytocin, vasopressin (post. pit.)
Synthesis of peptide hormones
In endocrine cell
1. mRNA produced in nucleus attaches to ribosome-> preprohormone
2. mRNA processed by ribosome->protein-> modified by Golgi->prohormone
3. Packaged in to secretory granule by Golgi-> hormone
Stored in cell until release by exocytosis
Transport of peptide hormones
Hydrophilic->cell walls
Not bound to plasma protein
Half life=minutes
Action of peptide hormones
Eg insulin
Hormone-> receptor->tyrosine kinase(inside cell)->signal transduction-> physiological response
Eg glucagon
Hormone->receptor with G protien-> adenyl cyclase/cAMP-> signal transduction->physiological response
Steroid hormones
Derived from cholesterol cortisol, aldosterone (adrenal cortex) Sex hormones (gonads)
Synthesis of steroid hormones
Endocrine cells
Induced by a stimulus
1. Precursors molecule such as cholesterol->acted on by biosynthesic enzymes-> hormone
2.hormone released by simple diffusion immediately, not stored
3. Hormone binds to a plasma protein
Transport of steroid hormones
Bind to plasma proteins with weak reversible bonds
Half life=hours to days
Action of steroid hormones
Same as thyroid hormones
1.hormone diffuses in and binds to a nuclear receptor
2.causes DNA to produce mRNA-> proteins and biological effects
Or hormone binds to a cytosolic receptor
Act to increase/decrease gene expression
Intra cellular receptors act as hormone regulated transcription factors
Mechanisms by which endocrine disorders may develop
Hormone excess->hyper secretion->tumour or immunological factor
Lack of hormone-> hypo secretion->genetic, immunological attack, destruction by disease, surgical removal
Decreased target cell responsiveness
Endocrine function tests
- Signs and symptoms
- Endocrine investigations
A. Single point (base line)
B. Dynamic or provocative test->check feedback control
Stimulation test->suspected hypo secretion-> indicated by failure to stimulate
Suppression test-> suspected hyper secretion->indicated by failure to suppress->autonomous secretion