Hormonal Control (Humans) & Plant Hormones Flashcards,,
what is the endocrine system?
the endocrine system is made of glands that secrete chemicals called hormones into the bloodstream. the blood carries the hormone to a target organ where it produces an effect.
compare the endocrine system to the nervous system
compared to nervous system, the effects caused by the endocrine system are slower but they act for longer
what is the pituitary gland?
it is known as the master gland and it is located in the brain. It secretes many hormones into the blood.
name some of the glands included in the endocrine system
~ thyroid gland ~ adrenal gland ~ pancreas ~ ovary ~ testes
what are the roles of the glands in the endocrine system?
~ thyroid gland - releases thyroxine, regulates metabolism, heart rate and growth and development in small animals
~ adrenal glands - produces adrenaline - triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response, boosts delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles
~ pancreas - monitors and controls the blood concentration
~ ovary - produces oestrogen - controls puberty
~ testes - produces testosterone controls puberty and sperm production
where are some of the glands located in the body? - you should be able to identify them on a diagram.
~ thyroid - found in the neck
~ adrenal gland - two situated above each kidney
~ pancreas - behind the stomach
what is the body’s response when the blood glucose concentration is too high?
the pancreas produces insulin which causes glucose to move from the blood into the cells. In the liver and muscle cells the excess glucose in converted into glycogen for storage.
what is type 1 diabetes and how is it treated?
~ it is caused when the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin which results in high uncontrolled blood glucose levels. it has an early onset.
~ it is treated with insulin injections
what is diabetes type 2 and how is it treated?
~ it is caused when the body no longer responds to insulin.
~ obesity is a risk factor
~ treated using a carbohydrate-controlled diet and exercise
what is the body’s response when the blood glucose concentration is too low?
the pancreas releases glucagon which stimulates glycogen to be converted into glucose and released into the blood. this is an example of negative feedback.
how are water, ions and urea lost from body?
~ water leaves the body through the lungs during exhalation
~ water, ions and urea are lost from from the skin in sweat.
^ the body has no control over these losses
~ excess water, ions and urea are removed via the kidneys in urine
what happens when the body cells lose or gain too much water?
they do not function efficiently
what is urea?
it is a waste product that is produced by the liver from the breakdown of proteins and contains nitrogen
the digestion of protein leads to excess amino acids - how are these excreted safely?
~ in the liver they are converted to ammonia in a process called deamination
~ ammonia is toxic so it is quickly converted into to urea and sent to the kidneys for safe excretion
describe how the kidneys produce urine
~ filtering the blood
~ selective reabsorption of useful substances such as glucose, SOME ions and water
~ this leaves urea and excess water and ions to form urine
^ these processes take place in millions of small tubes in the kidneys called tubules
how is the water level in the body controlled?
it is controlled by the hormone ADH - it released by the pituitary gland.
when the water concentration is too low: ADH is released causing the kidney tubules to absorb more water and the blood water levels are back to normal. this causes less urine to be produces
when the water concentration is too high: less ADH is released and the tubules reabsorb less water and the blood is restored to normal. this also causes more urine to be produced
describe how kidney failure can be treated
~ it can be treated by an organ transplant
~ it can be treated by kidney dialysis
describe the basic principles of kidney dialysis
~ blood temporarily removed from the patients body
~ filtered through the machine
~ patients blood passes over the dialysis fluid
~ dialysis fluid has no urea
~ urea and waste products diffuse from high concentration in patient’s blood to low concentration in dialysis fluid
~ patients blood then returned to their body
name some hormone-linked plant responses (4.5.4)
phototropism - when the plants grow towards the light
gravitropism - towards gravity
^ they are controlled by group of plant hormones called auxins
what are the functions of gibberellins and ethene in plants
gibberellins - they are important in seed germination
ethene - controls cell division and ripening of fruits
required practical 8: investigate the effect of light or gravity on the growth of newly germinated seedlings
- take a small number plastic boxes or containers and make a hole on one side, make sure all the holes are the same size
- put some soil in each of the boxes/containers and plant some cress seeds in each
- put a lid on each container
- put them in even lighting and make sure each hole is facing in different directions
- water the soil and leave for a few days
independent - position of the holes
dependent - direction in which the seedlings grow
control - the type of seeds, the volume of water and soil type