Horizontal Vorticity in the Storm Environment Flashcards
Updraft Jet
Caused if the magnitude of the positive horizontal vorticity associated with the ambient shear is the same as the magnitude of the negative horizontal vorticity produced along the leading edge of cold air, then the air approaching the cold pool will tend to rise as a vertically-oriented jet.
Where is the triggering of convective cells favored?
Along the downshear portion of a spreading cold pool.
When will the strongest, most long-lived convective systems be produced?
When there is strong low-level vertical wind shear to balance the cold-pool generated circulation.
What is one way we can evaluate environmental wind shear?
By plotting a hodograph.
- depicts the vertical distribution of the horizontal wind.
- points are plotted as a function of wind direction and speed
- each point represents the horizontal wind at a specified elevation
- wind vectors for each level are produced by connecting the hodograph’s central origin point with the plotted point
- layer sear vectors are produced by connecting two sequential points.
Gust front
the leading edge of the rain-cooled air in the planetary boundary layer.
Gust front formation
The gust front forms along leading edges of mesoscale domes of rain-cooled air (i.e. surface-layer cold pools) that result from the amalgamation of evaporatively-cooled downdrafts from individual thunderstorms cells.
Thunderstorm cold pools are associated with meso-highs (i.e. bubble highs) and may actually be crudely analyzed on a synoptic sfc chart.
The gust front is a density discontinuity
- cooler, denser surface air flows outward from the meso-high.
- high ThetaE air is uplifted above the outward-flowing cold pool
- New convection may form in associated with this uplift if the lifted parcels can reach their LFC.
Gust front passage
Passage is characterized by:
- wind shift and abrupt increase in wind speed.
- abrupt temperature drop (most of the time)
- sharp pressure rise
- arc cloud (if boundary layer is moist)
- strong vertical wind shear
Physical Mechanisms Controlling Storm Structure
- Buoyancy Processes
- Gust Front Processes
- Dynamic Processes
Physical Mechanisms Controlling Storm Structure: Buoyancy Processes
- Lapse Rate (CAPE)
- Moisture Stratification
Physical Mechanisms Controlling Storm Structure: Gust Front Processes
- Strength of cold pool
- strength of low-level vertical wind shear
Physical Mechanisms Controlling Storm Structure: Dynamic Processes
- strength of the 4-6 km AGL vertical wind shear
- development of rotational (helical) updrafts and associated favorable vertical pressure gradients on the updraft flank.
How does a thunderstorm develop a rotating updraft?
- vertical wind shear produces horizontal vorticity tubes
- these tubes are incorporated into a thunderstorm updraft and tilted vertically
- the updraft begins to rotate in the same sense as the vertical vorticity (cyclonic or anticyclonic)
Storm splitting
- updraft intensity is maximized within rotating cores
- precipitation loading in updraft weakness between rotating cores produces a downdraft
- thus, a downdraft separates the cyclonic updraft from the anticyclonic updraft
- storm splitting occurs as each updraft sustains a separate storm cell
Cyclonically-rotating updraft
- Bernoulli effects produce low (high) pressure on the right (left) side of the cyclonic updraft in the mid-troposphere
- cyclonic storm moves to the right of the mean vector wind
- SR supercells are favored within veering vertical wind profiles
Anticyclonically-rotating updraft
- Bernoulli effects produce low (high) pressure on the left (right) side of the anticyclonic updraft in the mid-troposphere.
- Anticyclonic storm moves to the left of mean vector wind (SL supercell)
No-shear ordinary cell
- gust front rapidly outruns the storm
- storm is left totally entrenched over boundary layer cold pool
Moderate-shear multicell
-storm will move downshear at roughly the same speed as the MVW between the surface and 6 km altitude AGL.
-New cell growth is enhanced along the downshear portion of the gust front.
-> increases relative flow into the newly-developing
-> increases the length of time cells stay in the vicinity
of strong low-level convergence zone and
associated lifting near gust front.
Strong-Shear Supercell
- In strongly-sheared environments, the interaction between the updraft with the sheared environmental flow becomes an important contributor to the organization and sustenance of the convection.
- rotation develops on the flank of the updraft due to vertical tilting of pre-existing horizontal vorticity within the sheared flow.
- if the vertical wind shear extends through the middle-levels of the storm (sfc-6 km AGL), the rotation dynamically induces a negative (low) pressure anomaly (NPA) in the middle troposphere.
Uni-directional shear
- favors storm splitting as NPA (low pressure) forms at mid-levels within rotating updrafts on both right (cyclonic) and left (anticyclonic) side of original storm.
- split cells are nearly identical, but rotate in opposite directions
Curved Shear
- Veering shear vectors winds are climatologically favored in the environment.
- strongly veering winds favor strongly right-moving cells with cyclonic rotation. Left-moving anticyclonic cells are not favored.