Hope 3 (1st quarter) Flashcards
the medium for creating lines and shapes in expressing our own masterpiece through dancing.
Body shape is balanced and practically identical or parallel on both sides of the body
The shape on both sides of the body is not balanced and the movement is different from each other.
takes place when the body started to move. It can be in any form of facial expressions, gestures or dance steps.
Locomotor and Non Locomotor
Bending, Rotating, Extending, Twisting, Vibratory, Pendular are example of?
Non Locomotor
Running, Walking, Leaping, Hopping, Skipping, Galloping are example of?
It refers to the duration of the whole performance, rhythmic patterns, beats, and tempo.
the amount of force or effort and a quality of movement a dancer exerted in a specific dance step or choreography.
This is the area where the dancers perform and move. Dancing has a lot of travelling movements which need an appropriate____
What are the two kinds of space?
Personal space and General space
It is the maximum space available to a person in a stationary position
Personal space
The area within the room or any places occupied by the dancers during performances.
General space
Is the way of expressing feelings & emotions?
What are the nature of Dance
Movement and rhythm
the change of position in space
Movement with patterned recurrence of a beat accent or sounds
Reasons for Dancing?
to worship, courtship, to have fun, socialization, to improve fitness, to release stress, for passion, for therapy
Physical Benefits of dancing?
improve flexibility, Stronger bones, Healthier heart, improve eating habit, increase energy, lose weight
Mental benefits of dance?
boosts memory, Lowers stress, reduce anxiety, develops alertness
Emotional benefits of dance?
increases self- confidence, releases stress, Diminish depression
Social Benefits of dance?
improves social skills, makes friends, encourages social interactions
One arm is facing raised upward with palm downward while the other arm remains in second position.
Third position
Both arms are raised forward at chest level with palms facing downward.
First position
One arm is raised forward in a half circle at chest level while the other arm remains in third position.
Fourth position
Both arms are raised sideward with graceful curve. Palms facing upward at shoulder level
Second position
Both arms are raised upward over the head with palms facing downward.
Fifth position
Feet apart. Balls and heels of the feet are completely separated
Second position
Heel of one foot touches the instep of the other foot
Third position
Heels are touching each other and the toes are facing outward.
First position
Heel of front foot touches the big toe of the rear foot
Fifth position
It is the oldest form of dance and the earliest form of communication
Folk dance
It is a traditional dance of a particular country which is handed down from one generation to another generation
Folk dance ule hehe
Who is the Mother of Philippine Folk Dance and also recipient of the Republic Award of Merit and Ramon Magsaysay Award?
Francisca Reyes Aquino
She is the National Artist of the Philippines for Dance
Francisca Reyes Aquino
These dances are originated from Bontoc, Ifugao, Apayao, Benguet and Kalinga.
Cordillera Dances
These dances are literally reflects Christianity which stimulated by the Spaniards in the Philippines
Spanish influenced dance
It depicts the lives of aristocrat Filipinos with adaptation of European dances
Spanish influenced dance
These dances are influenced by Arabic and Indo-Malaysian culture
Muslim dance
It reflects rituals of people whose way of life existed before like a good foot on victories, war, harvest, health, thanksgiving and many others
Cordillera Dances
It portrays mysticism, elegance, royalty and beauty. It uses intricate fingers, hand and arm movements to express feelings and emotions of the dance
Muslim dance
It is also known as ethnic dance performed by different tribes in the Philippines like T’ boli, Bagobo, Manobo, Bilaan and other indigenous people
Tribal dance
Musical instruments are also part of their rituals like gong, ganza, drums, bamboo guitar, nose flute, and wooden sticks.
Cordillera Dances
These dances portray courtships,religious beliefs, fiestas and others.
Spanish influenced dance
This dance reflects the simple life and perseverance of the people in the barrios.
Rural dance
It reflects rituals, animals and nature, beliefs in “spirits” and “ anito”.
Tribal dance
Shimmering costumes and props are prominent in this dance
Muslim dance
It shows liveliness, joyfulness, laughter, and festivities
Rural dance
It also intricate craftsmanship in metal clothing jewerly and others.
Tribal dance
It is performed to honor patron saints for good harvest, good health and prosperous life of the people in the barrio
Rural dance