Hoofdstuk 4 Flashcards
Measurement of mental abilities
Cattel’s mental tests
students form a homogeneous population
Binet (1905)
intelligence test
English version of Binet
New Binet
test results are related
g factor
Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale (1939)
Improved Binet
Raven Progressive Matrices
Matrics test
Fluid and crystallized intelligence, culture free intelligence test
IQ has increased during the past century
Flynn effect
intelligent behavior is a function of the person and the environment
Lewin’s interaction theory
conditioning of pigeons and rats
behaviorism in America
Gestalt in Germany (Wertheimer)
remembering is a constructive process (Barlett)
constructivist English mind
Revival of Külpe’s introspection (Buner)
studies of thinking
basis of fluid intelligence
symbolic thinking
brain as an information processor
artificial intelligence
procedural knowledge underlies problem solving
If-then rules
neuroimaging studies of attention and intelligence
G as measure
determines amount of dopamine
COMT genotype
Debate between Sternberg and Duncan
Correlation vs. cause