Homotopy and the Fundamental Group Flashcards
Define Homotopy
Is homotopy an equivalence relation?
Define null homotopic
Define homotopic equivalence
Is homotopic equivalence an equivalence relation?
Define contracible
Define the cone on X
Is a contracible space path connected?
Give the relationship between homotopy and homeomorphic
Define a based space /map
Define a loop
When are loops homotopic
The define the concatenation of loops
Define the funadmental group
Is two based maps are homotopic then
Define f_*
Going from f to f_* preserves?
Is based spaces are homotopy equivalent then?
In a path connected space, what do we know about the based spaces
A space is contractible then what can we say about its fundamental group
Define simply connected
In a convex subset of R^n what can we say about paths in it?
State Brouwer’s fixed point theorem