HOMININS Flashcards
Dmanisi (location, age, date, finding)
Location: Georgia
Age: 1.77 mya to 780 kya
Date: 1991
Finding: Cave site yielded 5 skulls of Homo erectus (?)
Liang Bua (location, person, age, date, finding)
Location: Flores
Person: Mike Morwood
Age: 190-60 kya
Date: 2003
Finding: Cave site yielding the discovery of H. floresiensis, supported by Mata Menge
Zhoukoudian (location, person, age, date, finding)
Location: China
Person: J. G. Andersson
Age: 680 - 780 kya
Date: 1921
Finding: Discovery of Peking Man (H. erectus?)
Olduvai Gorge (location, person, age, date, finding)
Location: Tanzania
Person: Mary and Louis Leakey
Age: 1.9 - 1.4 mya
Date: 1951
Finding: Type sit of early flake/core technology. Also hominin remains
Hadar (location, age, date, finding)
Location: Ethiopia
Age: 2.35 mya
Date: 1994
Finding: Pushes the date of the species H. rudolfensis or habilis. emplies habilis and erectus could have been cousins. parabolic jaw
Lake Turkana (location, age, date, finding)
Location: Kenya
Age: 3.3 mya
Date: 1972
Finding: Oldest stone tools at lomkwi possibly Kenyanthropus platyops? shows there is no link between brain size and tool making as only 430-450 cc
Sierra de Atapuerca (location, age, finding)
Location: Spain
Age: 772 - 949 kya
Finding: Gran Dolina, evidence of cannibalism
Sangiran/Trinil (location, person, age, date, finding)
Location: Java
Person: Eugene Dubois
Age: 1 mya - 700 kya
Date: 1891
Finding: Discovery of Java Man
Denisova Cave (location, age, date, finding)
Location: Siberia
Age: 200 - 52/76 kya
Date: 2008
Finding: Discovery of Denisovans. First generation of interbreading.
Lake Chad (location, age, finding)
Location: Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon
Age: 3.6 mya
Finding: furthest west hominin habitation
Neander Valley (location, age, finding)
Location: Germany
Age: 320 kya
Finding: At Schoningen. First instance of wood work. Wooden spears associated with H. heidelbergensis
Laetoli (location, age, date, person, finding)
Location: Tanzania
Age: 3.6 mya
Date: 1930s
Person: studied by mary leaky
Finding: early hominin footprints (70) preserved in volcanic ash
Bodo (location, age, finding)
Location: Ethiopia
Age: 670-600 kya
Finding: considered to be the oldest fossil on our direct family tree. Either H. heidleburgensis or archaic H. sapiens (1300 cc brain case)
Omo I (location, age, finding)
Location: Ethiopia
Age:195 kya
Finding: earliest anatomically modern human - chin, reduced brow ridge and round brain case
Herto (location, age, finding)
Location: Ethiopia
Age: 169 kya
Findings: another contender for earliest modern human although evidence is not so incredible because its a bit squashed
Jebel Irhoud (location, age, finding)
Location: Morocco
Age: 300 kya
Findings: anatomically very modern but in a strange location especially in comparison to genetic evidence
Rising Star Cave (location, person, age, date, finding)
Location: South Africa
Person: Lee Berger
Age: 335-236 kya
Date: 2013
Finding: 15 H. naledi individuals who were contemporary with sapiens. strange because features associated with early hominins
skhul and qafzeh caves (location, age, finding)
Location: Israel
Age: 110-90 kya
Findings: oldest burials (including red
ochre at Qafzeh). Period of neanderthal inhabitation 60-50 kya at shanidar and then humans back from 35-45 kya
Châtelperronian (age, location, finding)
Age: 45-40 kya
Location: south western france and northern spain
Finding: tool culture using neanderthal techniques to make sapien tools. made by neanderthals
Madjedbebe (location, age, finding)
Location: Australia
Age: 65 kya
Findings: the only site which shows hominins in australia to that far back. could be an issue in the dating - no longer carbon dating so not accurate or sand drift.
boodie cave (location, age, finding)
Location: barrow island
Age: 51 kya
Finding: because the island is on the edge of the area which would have been above water it would make sense if it was one of the first inhabited places.
Lake mungo 3 (location, age, finding)
Location: Australia
Age: 38-42 kya
Findings: very old burials with ochre. shows behavioral modernity did not originate in europe.
Lake mungo 1 (location, age, finding)
Location: Australia
Age: 40 kya
Findings: first cremation. also very different skull shape.
kilu cave (location, age, finding)
Location: buka island
Age: 33 kya
Findings: Eastern extent of Pleistocene
Settlement? also animals and goods moved with them - cuscus bandicoot and wallabe introduced by people around 20 kya
Ivane valley (location, age, finding)
Location: papua new guinea
Age: 50-40 kya
Findings: already up in the mountains and possibly using firestick farming.
dikika (location, age, finding)
Location: ethiopia
Age 3.4 mya
Findings: first tool use (bones with cut marks) and first child (3.3 mya). both attributed to A. aferensis
gona (location, age, finding)
Location: ethiopia
Age: 2.5 mya
Findings: first oldowan tools made by A. garhi. older at lake turkana but are they still oldowan?
Nariokotome III (location, age, finding)
Location: kenya/ethiopia
Age: 1.56 mya
Finding: Nariokotome Boy H. ergaster. Most complete skeleton ever found older than 130kya. modern body proportions.
lleret foot prints (location, age, finding)
Location: kenya
Age: 1.5 mya
Finding: the oldest evidence of an essentially modern human-like foot anatomy
Kokiselei (location, age, finding)
Location: kenya
Age: 1.76 mya
Finding: first acheulean tools - handaxes – bifacially flaked (from two sides) to produce a symmetrical tool made by erectus
Movius line (location, finding)
Location: includes india africa some of europe
Finding: the line where acheulean tool culture stops - not all erectus were using this tool culture
Gesher Benot Ya’aqov (location, age, finding)
Location: israel
Age: 790 kya
Finding: first use of controlled fire - burnt flint, wood and seeds. likely erectus or heidleburgensis
Terra Amata (location, age, finding)
Location: spain
Age: 400 kya
Finding: evidence of shelter building - ring of stones and post holes
Shanidar 1 (location, age, finding)
Location: Iraq
Age: 65-35 kya
Finding: crushed skull injury occurred at young age and paralyzed right side of body but injuries show signs of healing and lived to 35-45 years
Shanidar 4 (location, age, finding)
Location: Iraq
Age: 65-35 kya
Finding: Possible evidence of Neanderthal burial - pollen samples that were maybe placed purposefully
Malaga (location, age, finding)
Location: spain
Age: 43 - 42 kya
Finding: seal paintings maybe from neanderthals - shows behavioral modernity
Gorhams cave (location, age, finding)
Location: gibraltar
Age: 40 kya - 28 kya
Finding: engraving by neanderthalensis
Sima de los Huesos
Location: spain
Age: 400-600 kya??
Finding: key transition site between H. heidleburgensis and neanderthalensis