Homicide Related Offences Flashcards
Women causes death of any child of hers under 10 where at the time of the offence the balance of mind was disturbed, by reason of not fully recovered from the effect of giving birth to that or any other child, or by lactation or by any disorder consequent upon child birth or lactation to such extent that she should not be held responsible.
3 years
Provision of necessaries
Duty to provide the necessaries and protect from injury
Duty to parent or guardian to provide the necessaries and protect from injury
Duty of employers to provide necessaries
Duty to provide the necessaries and protect from injury
Care or charge of vulnerable who is unable to provide himself with necessaries is under legal duty
a) to provide that person with necessaries
b) to take reasonable steps to protect that person from injury
Duty of parent or guardian to provide necessaries and protect from injury
Actually care of child under 18 years of age legal duty
a) yo provide that child with necessaries
b) to take reasonable steps to protect that child from injury
Duty of employers to provide necessaries
Contracted to provide necessary food, clothing or lodging for any Servant or apprentice under 16
Vulnerable adult
Detention, age, sickness, mental impairment or any other cause
Commodities and services necessary to sustain life. Food, clothing etc
Abandoning a child
Under 6- years who unlawfully abandons or exposes any child under 6
Dangerous Acts or Things
Surgical or medical treatment or any other lawful act the doing of which is or maybe be dangerous to life is under a legal duty to have a reason knowledge skill and care in doing act
Anyone who is under control anything whatever reasonable precautions
Anything whatever
Motor vehicles, trains, animals ships, weapons, machinery and explosives
Killing by influence of mind
Not criminally responsible except wilfully frightening child under age of 16 or a sick person
Causing death that might have been prevented
Everyone who by any act or mission causes the death of another person kills that person although death from thst cause might have been prevented by resorting to proper means
Causing injury the treatment of which caused death
Everyone who causes ro another person any bodily injury in itself of a dangerous nature from which death results kills that person although the immediate cause of death be treatment, proper or improper applied in good faith
Jehovahs witness stabbed
Those who use violence must take their victims as they find them
Aiding and abetting suicide
14 years
Incites councels or procures any lerdon to commit suicide if that person commits or attempts to commit suicide
Suicide pact
Manslaughter not murder
Common agreement between 2 or more people
Concealing dead body of child
2 years
Disposes of the dead body with intent to conceal the fact of its birth