Homicide and serious crime victims Flashcards
Responsibilities of the O/C Body
‑ ensure death has been certified by a doctor or qualified paramedic using a Deceased Person Certificate (POL 265)
‑ maintain security and continuity of the body, samples and exhibits, from the scene to the commencement of the post‐mortem examination
‑ secure and guard the body, body samples and any exhibits relating to the body, with dignity and respect
‑ note and record observations relating to the body
‑ note details of medical staff or others who have attended the victim
‑ record what actions have been taken by any party in respect of the body
‑ establish if the body has been moved or disturbed
‑ ensure the body is photographed ‘in situ’ and consider using video recording
‑ on authority of the OC Investigation, arrange transportation of the body to the mortuary
‑ complete sudden death procedures
‑ on authority of OC investigation, arrange formal identification of the body using form Pol 265A
‑ obtain historical medial records of victim for information of pathologist
‑ attend the post‐mortem examination with the OC Investigation, or deputy appointed by them, and:
‑ attend the briefing of the pathologist by the OC Investigation, and contribute as required
‑ ensure the Police photographer takes appropriate and sufficient photographs of the body before clothing is
removed, again after the body is disrobed, and during the post‐mortem examination. The pathologist will direct the
‑ preserve evidence from the body
‑ record, label and secure all samples and exhibits associated with the body
‑ arrange for fingerprints and palm prints to be taken, if required
‑ attend the debrief of the pathologist and record the findings, on direction of the OC and/or pathologist
‑ ensure all cultural responsibilities have been addressed.
O/C investigation appreciation prior to body removal
‑ Notification to and response from, the Coroner
‑ Views of the pathologist, ESR forensic scientist and Crown Solicitor attending the crime scene
‑ Consultation with other relevant experts
‑ Requirement for any examination or action needed before removal, based on known facts of the case
‑ Best method and route for the body removal, to minimise contamination of the scene or the body, for example by using sterile stepping plates
‑ Supervision of the body removal
‑ Chain of custody of the body from the scene to the mortuary
‑ Safe custody of exhibits
‑ Family and/or cultural considerations
‑ The appreciation should record the Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) for what and how items of protective clothing (e.g. paper suits, gloves and masks) must be used in relation to the scene and the body. Unless a specific reason exists to retain them, items of protective clothing should be placed in a bag and destroyed. The SOP for protective clothing used at a scene should be recorded once and thereafter scene staff may refer to the SOP, rather than recording every use or change of protective clothing.
Establishing if the body has been moved
It is not uncommon for movement of the body to have occurred during the initial stages of the police and other emergency services response. It is critical that crime scene attendees quickly establish what movement has taken place and that the OC Body record this information as soon as possible. Where the body has been disturbed:
‑ Do not attempt to restore the scene to its original unchanged condition.
‑ Make enquiries to enable the original unchanged scene to be subsequently reconstructed and photographed, if required.
Samples at the scene
Specimens should not be taken from the body unless consultation has occurred between attending ESR staff, the pathologist, the OC Investigation, Crime Scene Coordinator (or where one is not appointed, OC Scene) and Fingerprint Officer. Whether samples are taken at the scene will be decided by the OC Investigation. This is advisable where evidence would otherwise be lost or contaminated by moving the body, such as:
‑ larvae and insects
‑ potential fingerprint evidence from the skin on the body of the victim and/or items of clothing worn by the body, e.g. fine woven fabrics
‑ DNA swabs
‑ extraneous items such as loose hairs, fibres, glass, paint or other fragments
‑ firearm residue samples.
Recording details and removing the body
- Record the position of the body by sketch plan and direct a Police photographer to take photographs. Consider video recording or other imaging techniques.
- In consultation with the Crime Scene Coordinator and/or OC Scene, consider marking and recording the position of the body before moving it, for example by measuring the distance from at least two nearby fixed features. Depending on the scene, this may not always be possible.
- Record all details of the position of the body including:
‑ Position of the limbs.
‑ Appearance of the body.
‑ Wounds and clothing.
‑ Direction of any trails of blood present on the body.
‑ Lividity, if present (coloration of skin due to gravitational movement of blood).
‑ Extent of any rigor mortis present. - Important: Consider what health risks may be presented by handling the body. Further information on hygiene precautions is available in the Police Manual chapter ‘Sudden Death’.
- Cover the hands, feet and head with paper bags, secured with tape to prevent any trace evidence being lost when the body is moved.
- Ensure clothing on the body is not contaminated by contact with foreign objects.
- Wrap the body in a plastic sheet and place it in a body bag.
- Carefully search underneath where the body lay.
- Retain, as exhibits, all sheets, bags or other materials used to transport the body.
- Obtain approval from the OC Investigation to remove the body from the scene. The OC Investigation is responsible for ensuring continuity of all aspects of the investigation and the body must not be moved until the OC Investigation has given authority for its removal.
- When directed by the OC Investigation, arrange a contracted undertaker to remove the body to the mortuary. Ensure you are able to account for the security and continuity of the body as an exhibit at all times, until the pathologist commences the post‐mortem examination. Ensure that the undertaker uses a body bag which is sterile.
Purpose of a post‐mortem
‑ determing where possible, the mode and time of death
‑ establishing how injuries and/or events at the scene may have contributed toward the death of the victim
‑ determining the nature and size of any weapon(s) used
‑ determining the approximate height and stature of the suspect
‑ providing areas of interest for subsequent interviews of witnesses and/or suspects
‑ negating possible defences
‑ identifying the victim, if identity has not been established.
Who may attend a Post-Mortem
‑ the pathologist
‑ the Coroner
‑ any other pathologist assisting (if authorised by the Coroner)
‑ a doctor who treated the deceased
‑ a doctor, nurse or funeral director representing the deceased (if authorised by the Coroner)
‑ a doctor representing the interests of a suspect who has or may be charged in relation to the death (if authorised by the Coroner)
‑ any other doctor or trainee doctor (if authorised by the Coroner)
‑ Police
‑ any other person authorised by a Coroner.
Equipment required for a Post-mortem
‑ MEK examination kit
‑ Toxicology kit
‑ Body label
‑ A notebook and pens for use solely during the post‐mortem
‑ A Scene Exhibit Schedule form ‐ a template is included in the Serious Crime Template
‑ Copy of completed Pol 47
‑ Pol 265 Deceased Person Certificate
‑ Pol 265A Deceased Person Identification
‑ Exhibit packaging supplies including envelopes, tape, exhibit labels and numerous paper exhibit sacks of various sizes
‑ Protective clothing i.e. paper suit, gloves and carbon filter masks
‑ Photographs from the scene, if available, showing the body ‘in situ’
‑ A range of available exhibit numbers for the post‐mortem, obtained from the OC Exhibits
‑ Pre‐printed exhibit labels bearing the allocated exhibits numbers, if available
‑ Roll of brown paper, for placing layers between folds of any bloodstained clothing
‑ Firearms residue kit, if relevant.
Steps on arrival at the mortuary
1 Ensure mortuary staff do not wash the body.
2 Ensure the body is labelled and secured in the secure mortuary fridge.
3 Retain any key used to secure the body, until it is required for the post‐mortem.
4 Ensure the body remains in its present condition until the commencement of the post‐mortem.
5 Arrange formal identification of the body.
Methods of identification
‑ fingerprints
‑ DNA profiling (identification results take 3‐4 weeks or 48 hours for urgent analysis)
‑ dental records, available through the Region Forensic Dentistry Advisor
‑ eye examination records
‑ medical examination records, including scars, birth marks, implants or prosthetics, x‐rays, surgical wounds, amputations and tattoos
‑ personal effects
‑ facial reconstruction.
Briefing the Pathologist
‑ Copy of the Notification to the Coroner (Pol 47).
‑ Medical Examination (MEK) kit.
‑ Toxicology kit.
‑ Medical records of the deceased, where available.
‑ Comprehensive photographs and/or video recordings taken at the scene. These should include photographs of exhibits, weapons and the body ‘in situ’, which will benefit the briefing for the postmortem, as well as the subsequent examination.
Stripping the body steps to take
- The body must only be stripped in the presence of the pathologist.
- Remove the body from the secure mortuary fridge and assist mortuary staff to take the body into the post‐mortem examination room.
- Remove the body from the body bag, causing minimal disturbance to the body.
- Take possession of the body bag and any sheets or wrappings used to transport the body, as exhibits.
- If necessary, direct the Police photographer to take additional photographs to ensure that appropriate and sufficient photographs of the body are taken before clothing is removed, and again after the body is disrobed. The pathologist will lead direction of the photographer.
- Remove items of clothing from the body. Mortuary technicians may assist to removing clothing, but only under the supervision and direction of the OC Body.
‑ Cutting clothing off the body should be avoided, but may be necessary in some cases. If unavoidable, cut clothing in areas where evidence is least likely to be present.
‑ Search clothing pockets and make an inventory of each of the pocket contents. - Make an inventory of clothing and possessions, as each item is removed.
- Label each item of clothing and each possession.
- Seal each item in a separate paper bag or container.
- Ensure exhibits do not cross‐contaminate each other by coming into contact with one other.
- Maintain security and continuity of the body and exhibits taken from the body, until the post‐mortem examination commences.
- In cases involving obvious head trauma, before blood and debris is washed from the body, particularly the head hair, consider placing a fine sieve in the mortuary table drain hole to collect trace evidence that may have been transferred from a weapon, for later comparison with exhibits the suspect(s) havehad access to.
Points the pathologist should cover
‑ Records a description of the body, including: height, weight, build, eye colour and hair (density, colour and baldness).
‑ Records the body’s external appearance (front and back) including: injuries, bruises, scars, scratches, discoloration and imperfections such as false teeth or false leg.
‑ Uses specialist kits for collecting evidence samples where appropriate, for example Medical Examination Kit, Toxicology Kit, Firearms Discharge Residue Kit or Post‐Mortem Kit. Post‐Mortem Kits are supplied by ESR, to the mortuary direct.
Exhibits at a post-mortem
The OC Body is responsible for recording, labelling, packaging, sealing and securing all physical exhibits relating to the body, including samples taken during the post‐mortem. All exhibits must be packaged and sealed before leaving the mortuary, without exception and will be recorded in a Scene Exhibits Schedule.
Keep an eye out for:
‑ ballistic projectiles
‑ foreign items such as hairs, fibres, blood or semen on or in the body
‑ ligatures ‐ any knot present on a ligature must not be cut or undone as the knot may be subject to a subsequent knot examination).
Actions after a post-mortem
At the conclusion of the post‐mortem examination the OC Body must take possession of all exhibits, including all samples and specialist kits.
Any wet or damp exhibits must be unsealed and dried in a controlled environment such as at a Police drying room, with due regard for the integrity of the exhibit. Once dry, they can be re‐packaged and re‐sealed. The OC Body must hand all exhibits to the OC Exhibits, in order to maintain an unbroken chain of exhibit continuity and security. They should also provide the OC Exhibits with:
‑ the post‐mortem Scene Exhibit Schedule
‑ copy of the OC Body’s notebook entries
‑ formal statement.
Note: Toxicology samples must be delivered to the ESR as soon as possible to prevent decay.
Release of the body after a post-mortem
It is the responsibility of the OC Investigation to confirm the post‐mortem process is concluded and that the body is no longer required. Without undue delay, the Coroner must be requested to make an order to release the body to the next of kin.
Post-mortem examination samples - Blood
Samples of blood are taken in all suspicious deaths. Blood is usually taken for toxicological and serological purposes. The blood is preserved in different ways depending on the tests to be undertaken. Advice on these matters can be obtained from the Pathologist and/or ESR. If the victim has been medically treated all blood samples taken during treatment should be considered as potential evidence.
Post-mortem examination samples - Stomach contents
Taken for both toxicological analysis and to identify the nature of the last meal. Analysis of entire stomach contents may also assist with establishing a time of death.
Post-mortem examination samples - Head and public hair
Head and pubic hair and occasionally eyebrow and eyelash hair: This is necessary for use as a control to distinguish between foreign hair found on the body and the victim’s hair. The hair can also be used to provide a DNA profile if no other source is available.
Post-mortem examination samples - Urine
This is usually collected during the post‐mortem for screening for toxicological analysis.
Post-mortem examination samples - Ocular Fluid
(Vitreous humour) This clear fluid is found within the eye. Post‐mortem analysis can indicate levels of drugs and alcohol present in the body, a few hours before death. It provides a useful specimen in cases where a blood sample cannot be obtained or where a body is badly decomposed. Decomposition processes in the body produce alcohol within blood which can affect alcohol levels of any toxicology results.
Post-mortem examination samples - Bile
This is produced by the liver and is drawn from the gall bladder. It is sometimes taken for toxicology examination. Both urine and bile reveal more about any drugs taken in the days before death rather than what may have intoxicated a person at the time of their death.
Liver is used in a similar way
Post-mortem examination samples - Lungs
In cases where the body has been burnt they can help identify any accelerants used. In drowning cases, the presence of diatoms or the lack of them, can be useful for determining whether or not death occurred while the face was submerged in water and identifying possible sources of water.
Post-mortem examination samples - Organs
They can be studied with the naked eye for injuries and natural disease and specimens are taken for microscopic examination.
Post-mortem examination samples - Nasal cavities
Nasal washings should be considered in cases where the victim has been killed or located outside. These should be secured for later pollen analysis.
What should experts and interested parties be briefed with for the body?
- photographs and video recordings taken at the scene
- Actions f the first responder
- Identity of the body
- History of the body (medical history, drugs at scene, actions taken)
- Timeframes relating to finding the body
- Scope and priorities of the investigation
- Enviromental factors at the scene
- Any other additional information received from other experts
O/C investigation Appreciation prior to Post-Mortem
- Identification of Body at the Mortuary
- Authority from Coroner to conduct the Post-Mortem
- Consultation with pathlogist
- Safe custody of exhibits
- Identifying who should attend the post-mortem
- Requirement for any examination/sample from known facts
- Appropriate resources to post-Mortem for packaging/photos
- family/Cultural considerations at Post-Mortem
- Second or subsequent post-mortem required
Information through skeletal remains at Post-mortem
A pathologist can help with:
- Whether the remains are actually bones
- Whether the bones are human
- The age, gender, height and race of the person
Photographing the body
Needs to cover:
- The body before its stripped
- The body after its stripped
- close up photos of wounds, marks, internal injuries and unusual features
These must have a measuring scale
Debriefing a Pathologist
At the conclusion of examination O/C investigation will fully debrief the pathologist recording findings and the cause of death. This should assist the operational needs
Sometimes it may only be an interim cause of death