Homicide 013 COPY Flashcards
What are the critical factors to consider when deciding whether a charge should be murder or manslaughter? ( must know) 2 consideration.
Whether the offender intended to:
- kill the person or
- cause bodily injury that the offender knew was likely to cause death
Homicide s158, CA 1961 (Must Know)
s158 Homicide defined
Homicide is the killing of a human being by another, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever.
Murray Wright Ltd (case law)
Because the killing must be done by a human being, an organisation (such as a hospital or food company) cannot be convicted as a principal offender.
When does a child become a human being according to s159(1)-(2) CA 1961? (Must Know)
159 Killing of a child
(1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded in a living state from the body of its mother,
whether it has breathed or not,
whether it has an independent circulation or not, and
whether the navel string is severed or not.
2 The killing of such child is homicide if it dies in consequence of injuries received before, during, or after birth.
s160(2) Culpable homicide, CA 1961 (Must Know)
(2) Homicide is culpable when it consists in the killing of any person
(a) By an unlawful act or
(b) By an omission without lawful excuse to perform or observe any legal duty or
(c) By both combined or
(d) By causing that person by threats or fear of violence or by deception to do an act which causes his death or
(e) By wilfully frightening a child under the age of 16 years or a sick person.
What are the four questions posed in R v Tomars relating to s160(2)(d)? (Must Know)
- Was the deceased threatened by, in fear of or deceived by the defendant?
- If they were, did such threats, fear or deception cause the deceased to do the act that caused their death?
- Was the act a natural consequence of the actions of the defendant, in the sense that a reasonable and responsible person in the defendant’s position at the time could reasonably have foreseen the consequences?
- Did these foreseeable actions of the victim contribute in a significant way to his death?
Murder Definition - s167, CA 1961 (Must Know)
167 Murder defined
Culpable homicide is murder in each of the following cases:
(a) If the offender means to cause the death of the person killed:
(b) If the offender means to cause to the person killed any bodily injury that is known to the offender to be likely to cause death, and is reckless whether death ensues or not:
(c) If the offender means to cause death, or, being so reckless as aforesaid, means to cause such bodily injury as aforesaid to one person, and by accident or mistake kills another person, though he does not mean to hurt the person killed:
(d) If the offender for any unlawful object does an act that he knows to be likely to cause death, and thereby kills the person, though he may have desired that his object should be effected without hurting anyone.
What needs to be established to show that the defendant’s state of mind meets the provisions of s167(b)? Murder defined (Must Know)
That the defendant:
- intended to cause bodily injury to the deceased
- knew the injury was likely to cause death
- was reckless as to whether death ensued or not
R v Desmond (Must Know)
Not only must the object be unlawful, but also the accused must know that his act is likely to cause death. It must be shown that his knowledge accompanied the act causing death.
Attempts - S72 CA 1961 (Must Know)
S72 Attempts
(1)Every one who, having an intent to commit an offence, does or omits an act for the purpose of accomplishing his object, is guilty of an attempt to commit the offence intended, whether in the circumstances it was possible to commit the offence or not.
(2)The question whether an act done or omitted with intent to commit an offence is or is not only preparation for the commission of that offence, and too remote to constitute an attempt to commit it, is a question of law.
(3)An act done or omitted with intent to commit an offence may constitute an attempt if it is immediately or proximately connected with the intended offence, whether or not there was any act unequivocally showing the intent to commit that offence.
What are the two questions suggested by Simester and Brookbanks as a test for proximity? (Test for proximity) (Must Know)
- Has the offender done anything more than getting himself into a position from which he could embark on an actual attempt?
OR - Has the offender actually commenced execution; that is to say, has he taken a step in the actual offence itself?
What is the punishment for attempted murder? S173 (Must Know)
s173 - Everyone who attempts to commit murder is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years
Counselling or attempting to procure murder- s174, CA 1961 10y, (Must Know)
174 Counselling or attempting to procure murder
Everyone is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who,
Incites, counsels, or
attempts to procure any person to murder any other person in New Zealand, when that murder is not in fact committed.
What would be the appropriate charge for someone who incites, counsels or procures where murder is attempted but not committed. Include act and section.
Party to Attempt to Murder
s173 and 66(1)(d), CA 1961
175 Conspiracy to murder- 10y (Must Know)
175 Conspiracy to murder
(1) Everyone is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who
conspires or agrees with any person to
murder any other person,
whether the murder is to take place in New Zealand or elsewhere.
Identify and explain the two different types of manslaughter in common law. (Must Know)
Voluntary manslaughter - mitigating circumstances (eg. suicide pact) reduce what would otherwise be murder to manslaughter even though defendant may have had intent to kill or cause GBH.
Involuntary manslaughter - Death is caused by an unlawful act or gross negligence. No intent to kill or cause GBH.
When you come across a killing that is a result of a sudden fight, what needs to be considered? (Must Know)
S 48 or men’s rea
Whether there was
- self-defence
- the requisite mens rea for a murder charge
When there is a killing in a sudden fight, outline the different ways in which the killing could be viewed. (Must Know)
Arisen out of 48
fight negates.
- Homicide could be justified as having arisen out of self-defence (s48). Proper verdict would be an acquittal.
- If the fact there was a fight negates that the defendant had the required mens rea to bring a charge of murder within s167 the proper verdict is manslaughter.
What is the four point test outlined in Newbury and Jones for proving an unlawful act for manslaughter? (Must Know)
- The defendant must intentionally do an act
- The act must be unlawful
- The act must be dangerous
- The act must cause death
infanticide s178(1), CA 1961 (Must Know)
Where a woman causes the death of any child of hers under the age of 10 years in a manner that amounts to culpable homicide, and where at the time of the offence the balance of her mind was disturbed,
by reason of her not having fully recovered from the effect of giving birth to that or any other child, or
by reason of the effect of lactation, or
by reason of any disorder consequent upon childbirth or lactation,
to such an extent that she should not be held fully responsible, she is guilty of infanticide and not of murder or manslaughter, and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.
In charges of infanticide, who decides on the mother’s state of mind? (Must Know)
The jury
154 Abandoning child under 6 CA 1961 7y, (Must Know)
Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who
unlawfully abandons or exposes any child under the age of 6 years.
Killing by influence on the mind s163, CA 1961 (Must Know)
Killing by influence on the mind
No one is criminally responsible for the killing of another by any influence on the mind alone,
except by wilfully frightening a child under 16 years or
a sick person, nor for the killing of another by any disorder or disease arising from such influence, except by wilfully frightening any such child as aforesaid or a sick person.
Suicide pact 180(1) and (2), CA 1961 (Must Know)
180 Suicide pact
(1) Every one who in
pursuance of a suicide pact kills any other person is guilty of manslaughter and not of murder,
and is liable accordingly.
(2) Where 2 or more persons enter into a suicide pact, and in pursuance of it 1 or more of them kills himself or herself, any survivor is guilty of being a party to a death under a suicide pact contrary to this subsection
and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years; but he or she shall not be convicted of an offence against section 179 ( aiding or abetting)