Homework Sheet 4, 9/13/22 Flashcards
What are the two modes for career counseling services?
Appointments or drop ins
Should you only have one version of a resume?
What should you leave off a resume?
Personal information, such as marital status, age, race, gender, religion, and birthplace is not necessary or appropriate for your résumé. In most cases, high school information should not be included
Should references be included on a resume?
References should not be listed on your résumé. Include a separate page for references. You will want to have 3 to 5 professional references available when applying for positions. Make sure you ask the potential references before giving their names out as references.
What are five additional tips to consider?
- With résumé length you should keep it short
- Résumé makeover – readability, spelling, punctuation, and word spacing can make a good impression
- Use action verbs - action verbs are used to describe your achievements to clarify the value you bring to an employer
- Results, not just duties - Focus on the results of your actions to clarify the value you bring to an employer
- Your résumé may be scanned for storage and searching Dash format your résumé appropriately 
What are the purposes of an informational interview?
- Gather more information about an occupation or industry
- learn more about a career that you might like to do
- clarify and confirm your career choice
- build confidence for future job interviews
- make contacts and expand professional networking
- discover employment opportunities
What are the four categories of an internship program?
- UPIC on-campus internships
- Off campus internship programs
- International internship program
- Micro internship program
What options are available for mock interviews
In person or virtual
To schedule a mock interview:
- Have your résumé ready to upload,
- it is also helpful to include a job description from a job or a similar job to which you would like to apply.
- Request must be made two weeks in advance
What are four types of career assessments, what are the key benefits of each?
- Strong interest inventory - The newly revised strong interest inventory is a tool that can help students to evaluate their work interest. This assessment can show you how your interest compared to those of professionals and hundreds of occupations.
- Focus2 - A self paced, interactive career guidance tool that provides you with a complete picture of your interest, values, skills, and personality using self assessment questionnaires, interest inventory, and personality testing. It is designed to help you make decisions about your Clemson major, explore various career options, and provide valuable occupational information. Another great feature is being able to identify and track career competencies that employers and graduate schools are seeking a new candidates.
- Myers Briggs - Measures personality preference on four scales: Introversion – extroversion, sensing – intuition, thanking - feeling, and judgment - perception. This indicator lets you examine your style of communicating, making decisions, and planning - and relate your style to work environments
- Typefocus - Will assess your personality based on your preferences available via the career center website. The password and ID are available only to Clemson students. Your four letter personality preference can give you insight into: what career choice fits with my personality? How can I improve my chances for getting a job? How can I get along with people better? What are my learning style strengths?
What are the benefits of attending a job fair?
Networking with several employers, meet eager employers, gain contact information and interviews, experience a low pressure setting
How do you prepare for a job fair?
Practice stress reducing activities before hand, dress professionally, register for the event if possible, practice your interactions, come with materials, be ready to interview, review and update your résumé, consider bringing a friend
Tips for going to a job fair?
Be open, respect the recruiters time, collect and keep business cards, talk to people
Write a list of what students can do?
Include a profile and background photo, consider a profile photo, highlight soft skills, use key words, write an elevator pitch, turn on open to work, making meaningful connections, be personal, include your contact information, don’t try to be funny, get a second opinion
What is the ZipRecruiter CEOs number one advice for job applicants
Look at your resume and make sure it is in a modern word processing software, and it is following the simplest template possible
What should you do to your resume to aid algorithms select you as a candidate?
Be thoughtful about the job title you choose to put on resume, modify your job title to match precisely for the job title they are asking for in the job description, same for experience and skills
What should you do if you don’t have all the qualifications listed?
Match as much of them as you can, most employers write a wishlist not a requirements list, so don’t disqualify yourself