Homework questions #1 and 2 Flashcards
Name and define 4 environmental spheres
Lithosphere - land
Hydrosphere - weather
Atmosphere - air
Biosphere - life
What is the highest location and elevation on earth?
mount Everest - 29.035 above sea level….below sea would be the MT. in Hawaii
What is the lowest location and elevation on earth?
Dead sea - 1.371 below sea level
Latitude is measured North and South of …
the equator
What is the highest number of degrees of latitude?
Longitude line are also referred to as …
How many time zones in the world and how many degrees apart?
24 and 15’
Who was Alfred Wegener?
He was a geophysics and meteorologist who proposed the idea of continental drifts.
What were scientists up to in the 1950s considering the ocean?
Maps of the ocean floors were being developed, allowing the findings of fault and plate lines.
What year was plate tectonics accepted by the scientific community?
The validity of seafloor spreading was confirmed by two lines of evidence…
- Glomar Challenger 2. pale magnetism
Name the plate that is interacting with the west side of the South American plate?
NAZCA plate
Name the plate that is interacting with the west side of the North American plate along the coast of Oregon and Washington area?
Juan de Fuca
How many active volcanoes are there in the world?
How many volcanoes will erupt this week/year/decade?
The nature of a volcanic eruption id determined by the what of the magmas?
Name the world’s largest volcano…
Manna Loa