Homeostatais and Response Flashcards
What is the endocrine System ?
A system that realises hormones directly into the bloodstream
What is a hormone ?
A chemical produced by a gland that trvales in the blood
What is the Pituary gland
a small gland in the brain which produces hormones
What is adrenaline
Adrenaline is something produced when you are in a fight or flight situation
What is Thyroxine
A hormone relised from the thyroid gland that controles your metabolism
What is type 1 diabetes
A condition you are born with when your body dosn’t produce enough insulin from the pancress
What is type 2 dibets
It is a condition you can develop and it is when insulin is produced but the cells do not respond to it
What is meant by homeostaitus
Keeping internal conditions of the body constant
what is a receptor
cells found in the eyes,ears,nose
3 main regions of the brain
cerible cortex,cerebellum,medulla
What is the endocrine system
It is made up of glands,hormones that go directually into the blood stream
What is Oestrogen
A hormone relised in the ovaries that inhabits the production of FSH and triggers LH
What is Ovulation
The relise of an egg from the utres this happens monthly it’s called a period
What is testosterone
A male hormone produced from the testies
What is meant by the Menstrual cycle
A processes that happens monthly when an egg is relied from the ovaries