what is homestatis?
-Homeostasis is the ability to maintain a constant
internal environment.
-This involves keeping certain physiological variables within a normal range, to allow cells to function at optimal conditions.
what is homeostatis controlled by?
Homeostasis is controlled by the nervous system and/or endocrine system (hormones).
examples of homestatis in the human body?
- body temperature
- water balance
- blood pH
- CO2 concentration
- blood glucose levels
what is negative feedback?
In negative feedback systems, when a deviation from the ‘norm’ is detected, it will initiate a response to return the system to its ‘norm’. (If conditions are too high then there are responses to lower it, or if conditions are too low there are responses to raise it)
what is thermoregulation?
Thermoregulation is control of body temperature to
ensure optimum temperature for enzymes.
what is the temp for thermoregulation for humans?
If body temperature falls too low…?
reactions become too slow for cells to survive.
If body temperature rises too high…?
the body’s enzymes are at risk of denaturing.
what are changes in body temp deceted by cold/warm skin?
what is the hypothalamus?
The hypothalamus is the area of your brain
responsible for controlling temperature. Within the
hypothalamus the thermoregulatory centre detects
changes in blood temperature.
cooling mechanism, sweating?
- Sweat glands open ensuring that water is lost to the skin
- The evaporation of this water from the skin causes a cooling effect on the body
cooling mechanism, dialtion of arterioles (vasodilation) in the skin?
This results in more blood being carried to the surface of the skin so that heat can be lost by radiation to the environment.
cooling mechanism, behavoirs?
- taking off clothes
- limiting excess movement
- air conditioning
warming mechanism, increased rate of metabolism?
- Shivering.
- Muscular contractions require respiration to occur, thus releasing heat as a by-product.
warming mechanism, contriction of arterioles (vascontriction) in the skin?
- This results in less blood being transferred to the skin and more blood transferred to internal organs
- Less heat is lost by raditation