Homeostasis Flashcards
What is homeostasis?
The maintenance of a constant internal environment.
What is negative feedback?
A control mechanism where the body corrects deviations from a set point and turning off the corrective measures as the system gets closer to its normal range.
What are some examples of negative feedback loops?
Body temperature, blood pressure, metabolism, regulation of blood sugar, production of red blood cells
Why is homeostasis important?
If the temperature is too high or the pH is not optimal, hydrogen/ionic bonds in enzymes may break, changing the tertiary structure of the enzyme. This will change the shape of the active site, so the substrate will no longer fit into the active site (no longer complementary). No enzyme-substrate complexes will form and metabolism stops, so the organism cannot survive. This is only the effect of pH and temperature, lots of other variables also need to be controlled.
How is temperature controlled in the body when it is too cold?
If body temperature decreases below 37 degrees C (optimum), the decrease in temperature of the blood is detected by thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus, which sends signals to effectors to cause shivering of muscles and vasoconstriction of blood vessels near the surface of the skin. This causes body temperature to raise. The hypothalamus detects when normal body temperature is restored and stops the shivering and vasodilation to prevent overheating.
How is temperature controlled in the body when it is too hot?
The thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect when the blood is too hot (over 37 degrees C). The hypothalamus sends signals to stimulate the sweat glands, causing sweating. There is also vasodilation of the blood vessels near the surface of the skin, allowing for heat loss. When the body retains normal temperature, the hypothalamus detects this and reduces the activity of sweat glands, stopping the body from cooling too much.
What is positive feedback?
A mechanism whereby feedback after a deviation from a set point causes the corrective measures to remain on. This makes the system deviate even more from its original level.
What are some examples of positive feedback?
Influx of Na+ into a cell during the build-up of an action potential (sodium entry increases the permeability of the neurone, triggering entry of more ions). Release of oxytocin during pregnancy (baby pushes against cervix, causing it to stretch, causing nerve impulses to be sent to the brain, which stimulates pituitary to release more oxytocin, which causes smooth muscle lining the uterus to contract, causing the baby to push more).
What happens when blood glucose is too high (over 5 mmol dm-3 blood)?
Detected by beta cells in the islets of langerhans region of the pancreas. Insulin is secreted into the blood plasma (it binds to glycoprotein receptors found on nearly all cells except red blood cells). This triggers increased cellular respiration to metabolise glucose. Enzymes activated causing conversion of glucose to fat and glucose to glycogen in liver an muscle cells (glycogenesis). When insulin binds to its receptor proteins on the cell-surface membrane, vesicles in the cell with embedded glucose carrier proteins fuse to the cell-surface membrane (inserting the proteins into the membrane). The carrier proteins now allow glucose to enter the cell via facilitated diffusion. Blood glucose concentration falls to normal, so negative feedback reduces insulin secretion.
What happens when blood glucose is too low (below 5 mmol dm-3)?
Detected by alpha cells of the pancreas in the islets of langerhans. Glucagon is secreted into the blood plasma. The receptors are only found on hepatocytes (liver cells). Enzymes become activated to help convert glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis) and to convert amino acids and other non-carbohydrates to glucose (gluconeogenesis). Glucose entry from the intestines is triggered (any unabsorbed glucose gets absorbed into the blood). Blood glucose rises to normal and negative feedback reduces glucagon secretion.
What are some of the physiological effects of adrenaline?
Pupils dilate in the eyes to let more light into the eye/retina to see danger more easily. Heart rate increases to deliver more oxygen and glucose to muscles for increased respiration required for fight or flight. Breathing rate increases to deliver more blood to the lungs. Small arteries in the intestine narrow to divert more blood to the led muscles to run. Glycogen gets converted back to glucose in the liver to provide more glucose for a greater rate of respiration to produce more ATP so you can run faster/muscles contract more.
Describe the secondary messenger model of adrenaline and glucagon action.
Adrenaline/glucagon binds to the complementary receptors on a transmembrane protein bound to inactive adenylyl (adenylate) cyclase. This changes the tertiary structure of the transmembrane protein, which activates the adenylyl (adenylate) cyclase by changing the shape of the active site. This activated adenylyl (adenylate) cyclase converts ATP to cyclic AMP, which acts as a secondary messenger. The cAMP changes the shape of (and activates) protein kinase. The active protein kinase catalyses the conversion of glycogen to glucose in a series of steps.
What are the adrenal glands?
Endocrine glands found on top of the kidneys which secrete adrenaline into the blood when stressed to raise glucose levels. Stimulates glycogenolysis and inhibits glycogenesis (so works antagonistically to insulin).
What are the common symptoms of diabetes?
- hyperglycaemia (too much blood sugar) can lead to dehydration
- extreme thirst
- weight loss
- long term can damage blood vessels in retina
- glucose in the urine
- can damage kidneys and nerves
- hypoglycaemia (not enough blood sugar) caused by missing meals or injecting too much insulin, can cause sweating and unconsciousness
What is the cause of type 1 diabetes?
Mainly found in young people, caused by an autoimmune attack on the pancreas meaning insulin cannot be produced, so glucose can’t be taken into cells.