Homeostasis Flashcards
What is homeostasis?
Homeostasis is about us ‘staying the same’ - the body being at ease and in resting, functional state.
As a doctor, help cope with altering from homeostasis - disease is broadly failure of homeostasis.
We do this by;
1. avoiding change caused by internal processes inherent to the body (mitigating internally-generated change; reaction to high energy demand; heart rate and respiration increase to respond to high energy demand).
2. avoiding change driven by external factors (at higher temperature vs comfortable temperature skin looks red due to high blood flow in surface capillaries and profuse hidrosis (sweating))
Behavioural responses are for homeostasis as well; wearing warm clothes, building fire, shelter…
What is the failure of homeostasis?
Disease - infection, diabetes melitus, hypertension (high b.p.), cancer (basal cell carcinoma), Alzheimer’s disease…
Also aging to an extent - how much is damage, how much is normal?
What is the second law of thermodynamics?
How does it relate to the human body?
In a closed system entropy increases with time.
This means ordered things become more disordered/disorganised with time and once order is lost, it’s pretty much irreversible.
The living body is a highly structured, living thing, so cells have to resist entropy to keep concentrations of ions stable and keep them right when concentration is different out of cell.
How does the body maintain it’s organisation against the action of the 2nd law of thermodynamics?
We are not a closed system - the body constantly expands energy just to survive. We gain this energy from glucose.
How do we drive biochemical reactions?
In biochemical processes, the net direction of energy is always ‘downhill’ as an ‘uphill’ change in energy must be compensated for. Often ATP is the high energy molecule that gets broken down and the chemical reaction requires less than it releases, so overall energy in system is decreased.
Most require an energy change of about 0.2eV, driven by the 0.3eV packets of ATP decomposition.
Lots of steps in biochemical reactions provide for the overall energy supply - lots of intermediates allow for recovery of small energy amounts along the way so it’s not overwhelmed by happening all at once.
How do cellular membranes work?
Phase separation.
Temporary interactions mean atoms of similar charges are attracted to each other so hydrophobic phospholipid tails of membranes group together and the hydrophilic heads group on the outside of the lipid sandwich which can interact with the hydrophilic bodily fluid. This allows for the stable phospholipid bilayer structure of the membrane.
How do membranes maintain flexibility?
Cholesterol is embedded in them which prevents them seizing.
What types of molecules can cross the phospholipid bilayer membrane directly by passive diffusion?
Hydrophobic molecules can cross; steroids (like testosterone), CO2…
Some drugs can cross (like aspirin) as are hydrophobic enough but also hydrophilic enough to dissolve in bodily fluid.
Hydrophilic molecules (like glucose) cannot cross.
What do selective channels (uni-porters) allow to cross the membrane?
Hydrophilic molecules - food (glucose), raw materials (amino acids), waste products (urea), ions, water…
Signals and information like hormones
What is aquaporin?
A uni-porter allowing only water to pass through passively, by diffusion (in both directions).
What are co-transporters?
Membrane proteins that allow for diffusion of multiple molecules together (like K+, Na+, 2Cl- that diffuse together through SLC12A2 in kidney).
What are anti-porters?
Membrane channels that transport molecules together but in the opposite direction (like H+, Ca2+ anti-porter YkFE).
What does active transport allow for?
Non-equilibriums/differences in concentration to be maintained.
Like the non-equilibrium of Na+ and K+, achieved and maintained by Na+-K+-ATPase. As unequal amounts of charged ions move, so too do unequal charges so it is therefor a ‘electrogenic’ pump.
ATP is needed to change the conformation of the protein so the ions can be transported.
What can the high concentration of Na+ outside the cell allow for?
Co-transporters/anti-porters can use the gradient to move other molecules across the membrane ‘uphill’ while sodium flows ‘downhill’ (like glucose symport in urinary tube - Na+ gradient pushed glucose through at same time).
How does the electron transport chain work?
NADH gives up electrons to the transport chain.
The electrons get passed along connected complexes in a series of small manageable energy steps.
These are coupled to redox reactions (using oxygen and the ‘H’ of the NADH to make water), and also to the pumping of electric charge (H+) across the membrane.
The H+ gradient is itself an energy store.
An enzyme, ATPsynthase, includes a channel that allows H+ to flow back and feed the energy released to phosphorylate ADP to make new ATP.
What is a signal?
A “signal” is a communication that conveys meaning. The “signal” and its meaning are defined from the point of view of the receiver.
The same signal can have different meanings to different receivers.
(Like Oestrogen has different effects on different receptors:
Bone - Epiphyseal closure
Brain - Increased libido (in all sexes)
Uterus - Thickening of lining
Skin - Pheomelanin production
Mammary glands - Milk duct development)
Immune system - Reduced inflammation
What is bandwidth?
Is high bandwidth good?
Amount of info passed per unit town is bandwidth.
It depends because high bandwidth is expensive since INFORMATION has ENTROPY (so more needs more ATP) but necessary for some biologically processes like transmitting information for gene expression from DNA into a protein (costs about 7% energy use).
So as far as possible, long-distance messaging is done by passing simple signals (yes, no, now…)
What is an autocrine signal?
A signal from a cell back to that own cell.
What is a paracrine signal?
A signal from a cell to another cell.
Can be just paracrine or juxtacrine (to cell attached) or endocrine (to other cell in different organ via blood).
What is a juxtacrine signal?
A signal from one cell to a different cell right beside/connected to the first cell.
What is an endocrine signal?
A signal from one cell in one organ that travels via blood to another cell in a different organ.
How do steroids act as a signal?
Steroids (like testosterone, oestrogen, progesterone, dexamethasone) can cross the membrane directly as are hydrophobic enough.
They are carried by a Steroid Hormone-Carrier Complex until they reach required cell where the steroid is released and goes through the membrane to a nuclear receptor which then acts as a transcription factor on DNA.
This is efficient but slow.
What can’t cross the membrane?
What do they need to convey their signal?
Molecules that are too hydrophilic.
This includes neurotransmitters (eg. acetylcholine), peptide hormones (eg. insulin), growth factors (eg. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor).
They require receptors on cell membranes. These can be conformational-change type or dimerisation type.
What do conformation change type of receptors do?
When a signal binds extracellularly, they change conformation inside the cell which can be interpreted by the cell. This activates a second messenger.
What do dimerisation type receptors do?
The receptor has a kinase domain inside the cell so when two receptors are bound to extracellularly by the dimer (signal has 2 ‘heads’), they react with each other causing mutual phosphorylation. This activates a second messenger.
What happens after a receptor has been bound and the second messenger is activated?
It continues to activate more messengers, creating a high degree of amplification.
This can be through G-proteins which is attached to GDP (the second messenger which reacts with enzyme, activating it which will continue to act on it’s target until inactivated).
Or through opening of ion channels causing in/outflow of ions (often from Ca that flows from ER to cytoplasm).
This is highly sensitive and quick not energy efficient - needs a lot of ATP, especially to return to normal.
What is the trade off between signalling sensitivity, speed and energy efficiency?
Can only have 2/3 so there is an inevitable compromise in signalling.
If high degree of amplification can be sensitive and quick but takes a lot of energy to return back to normal as ion concentrations need transported against gradient.
High speed requires rapid production and destruction.
If highly sensitive, to avoid false signals, need to average over time (slower) or require another communication system between cells to average over group cells.
What is a challenge in low-speed long-distance signalling?
How do we overcome this?
Either need lots of signal (to overcome dilution in circulation) or highly sensitive receptors.
Normally cheaper to have highly sensitive receptors (like menstrual cycle).
What is a challenge in high-speed long-distance signalling?
How do we overcome this?
Need rapid production and rapid destruction of signalling molecules. This is expensive.
The same signal (acetylcholine) can be used but only sent down the ‘wire’ (axon) that is needed this time. So which muscle is contracted depends on which nerve/axon the signal is fired down.
Only send signal to one cell (muscle). So same signal and type of cells can be used but only one part of the body can receive it.
What is the negative feedback loop?
Constant monitoring and reponding to outcomes with the signal being switched off when the goal is achieved. The higher the levels of a substance are, the less is made.
What is a closed loop control?
Why do we need it?
Depending on external factors, the output of the system is changed.
Holds body steady in face of unpredictable changes.
What is proportional control?
As we require/use more of a substance, we absorb more of it and excrete less.
Like plasma Ca2+ homeostasis - we gain it from food and our bones store it, we loose it when breastfeeding and through excretion in faeces and urine. As we loose more like during breastfeeding, we get more from bone stores and reabsorb it from urine.
What is integrative control?
Takes into account how long levels have been depleted. In Ca depletion example, PTH, as well as causing reabsorption from bones and urine, converts vitamin D into calcitriol which it long lived and so builds up when PTH is constantly higher for longer - longer PTH is high (Ca has been low), more it builds up, increasing intestinal absorption of Ca.
What is wrong with proportional control?
When levels are depleted for a longer amount of time, it won’t ever restore proper levels. This is because the factor (PTH in the Ca breastfeeding example) correcting the depletion will always decrease as the levels (of Ca) start to return to normal. This means when it’s being depleted again and again, control will decrease as it starts to return to normal so won’t bring levels back up until thing that is depleting it (lactation) stops.
What are anticipative physiological changes?
Prevents having a system where we constantly have to play catch up.
The three Fs: fleeing, fighting, mating…
Like when brain recognises immediate danger, activates sympathetic nervous system, adrenaline released from adrenal medulla, causing: dilation of pupils, elevation of heart rate, elevated breathing rate, conversion of glycogen/fat to sugars/ATP, enhanced blood flow to muscles, reduced blood flow to skin and other organs not useful in anemergency (digestive, reproductive) and relaxation of bladder.
When we anticipate we’re about to eat, we salivate to lubricate mouth and begin starch digestion.
Parts of the female sexual response (enhanced mucus secretion) is anticipatory and serves the purpose of having a lubricant present by the time it is needed, not too late when damage may have been done.
Also as intelligent beings, we know to do pre-exposure and not shock our body.
What are the two ways homeostasis can fail?
Damage to effectors - breach of skin, renal failure, damage to heart pacemaker…
Damage to control systems - congenital absence of regulator (like leptin which tells body we don’t need food so without, constantly starving), damage to critical feedback system (like Addison’s disease), inappropriate activation of homeostatic signal (like histamine in an allergy), cell wrongly interpret a valid signal (like neoplasia).
How do we treat damage to homeostasis effectors?
Broadly surgical - substituting with an artificial version of the effector.
Plaster with a cut, pacemaker if heart pacemaker fails, kidney dialysis for kidney failure. Not perfect but decent replacement by a device.
How do we treat damage to homeostasis control systems?
Use a drug to mimic a missing signal or block an inappropriately active one.