Homeostasis Flashcards
What factor ultimatley determines a cell fate during differentiation?
Depends on the genes that are switched on and off - ultimately dictate the type of cell formed
Some genes are common across cells - known as housekeeping genes/proteins
Some genes are specific to particular cell types (luxury functions)
Is cell information/DNA lost during differentiation?
Genetic information is not lost
All cells in a multicellular organism have full gene complement
Cells are specialised because of differences in gene activity (not gene content)
How can transcription factors control gene expression?
Transcription factors – proteins that switch ON or switch OFF gene expression - bind to promoter or enhancer elements in order to increase or decrease gene expression
E.g. Introduce MyoD into fibroblasts - able to convert a fibroblast cell into a muscle cell – induces expression of muscle specific genes
- MyoD also creates a positive feedback on itself that amplifies its activity
Can transcription factors respond to their environment?
Yes, they can integrate information from their environment in order to modulate gene expression.
Example - Prokayotes - Tryptophan repressor binds to tryptophan when it is abundant, allowing it to bind to cis-regulatory sequence and block further tryptophan synthesis - reverse happens when tryptophan is not abundant.
Does RNA polymerase require help to bind to gene targets?
Yes, RNA polymerase is directed to gene transcription start sites within a gene’s promoter by a number of ’helper’ proteins
e.g. the TATA box is a DNA signal sequence to which the general transcription factor ‘TATA binding protein’ TFIID binds - guide RNA poly to gene promoter regions - other signals are then required to drive transcripton
What is the role of enhancer sequences?
Enhancers are recognized by proteins called transcription factors – if the transcription factor is in the cell it binds to it’s enhancer and this can activate or repress RNA polymerase function
Many different enhancers, which are recognized by different transcription factors
The gene is switched ‘ON’ or switched ‘OFF’ for transcription
How is DNA packaged in the nucleus?
DNA is associated with proteins: histones & other nonhistone chromosomal proteins, this DNA-protein complex is known as chromatin
First and most fundamental ‘level’ of chromatin packing is the nucleosome, which form the ‘beads on a string’ arrangement
DNA (genes) is inaccessible when wrapped around the nucleosome
What three factors dictate whether chromatin is available to transcription?
Transcription factors can bring along…
1. Histone modification enzymes
2. ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes
3. Histone chaperones - removing histones and/or adding histone variants
All of which can influence the chromatins accessibility - influence the general transcription machinary’s ability to access promoters
These changes in chromatin structure can be rapidly reversed or maintained for longer periods of time
If a differentiated cell divides, how does it ensure that its progeny retains the correct identity?
Differentiated cells generally remain differentiated
Their progeny will inherit their identity – e.g. fibroblasts, smooth muscle, liver cells (n.b. some differentiated cells never divide, e.g. neurons, skeletal muscle)
How is this ‘memory’ passed on to daughter cells?
- Parental TF present/passed on to daughter cells and this sustains the gene expression pattern
What are different ways a cell can enforce cell memory in the long term?
Reinforcing Cell Memory
- Histone tail modifications - long term modifications can be used to reinforce cell memory
- DNA methylation - occurs at CpG islands - passed on during DNA replication - efficient form of gene repression - direct inhibition of trnascriptional machinery/indirect inhibition via histone modifying enzyme recruitment
- Most extreme example - X-inactivation - methylation of a whole chromosome. - Chromatin condensation
What are the two principle ways by which a stem cell can give rise to polar/different progeny?
- Assymetric division - polar/asymmetric distribution of transcription factors
- External signals from the environment driving cell fate
What is Waddington’s differentiation landscape?
Concept of differentiation - multipotent stem cell has many different potential paths it can take, which decrease as it progressively becomes more specialised
What is the definition of a multipotent stem cell?
A multipotent stem cell that can give rise to all the different cells of a specific tissue/organ
E.g. Haemtopoeitic stem cells givies rise to all the different blood and immune cells
How is the differentiation of red blood cells regulated?
Differentiation is a stepwise process
Commitment is regulated by activity of specific transcription factors e.g. GATA1
GATA1 transcription factor - Binds to specific DNA sequences
1. Alpha-globin & beta-globin genes
2. Haem biosynthesis enzymes
3. Erythropoietin receptor
Mutation of mouse Gata1 gene - results in anaemia due to death of erythroid precursor cells
How do stromal cells in the bone marrow help maintain stemness of haematopoietic stem cells?
Haematopoietic stem cells depend on signals from their ‘niche’ within the bone marrow
Bone marrow stromal cells play an important role in contacting stem cells in order to maintain their stemness - lack of interaction drives differentiation
Contact-dependent interaction between receptor on stem cell and ligand in stromal cell
When a stem cell divides one daughter will lose contact with the stromal cell – and will differentiate
What external signal produced by the kindeys regulates RBC production?
Erythropoietin = hormone produced by the kidney in response to lack of O2 / shortage of erythrocytes
Erythropoietin acts on erythropoietin precursor cells to increase their proliferation/survival - increase overall numbers of RBCs produced
All made possible by the presence of GATA-1 which drives EPO receptor expression – allows for specific sensitivity of these cells towards the presence of EPO
What external signal increase the amount of neutrophils and macrophages produced?
Signals (colony-stimulating factors, CSFs) are released by various cell types (endothelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, lymphocytes) in response to tissue infection
CSFs act on precursor cells in the bone marrow to promote the production of neutrophils and macrophages
Are the size and proportions of an organism largely genetically determined?
Growth and proportion are underpinned by robust genetic mechanisms
What are the three factors that determine/influence the total cell mass?
- Cell growth - growth factors stimulate cell growth/increase cell mass – promote synthesis of proteins and other macromolecules - note there are also factors that inhibit growth (e.g. Myostatin)
- Cell division - Mitogens – stimulate cell division by triggering a wave of G1/S-Cdk activity that relieves intracellular negative controls blocking the cell cycle - platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) + epidermal growth factor (EGF)
- Cell death - Survival/death factors – promote cell survival or death by suppressing or inducing apoptosis (a type of cell suicide) - survival factors vs. pro-apoptotic signals
What are the two main ways that organ/tissue growth is regulated?
Way growth is controlled in different tissues/organs is different
Difference is that some rely on…
1. Extrinsic (systemic regulation of spleen growth)
whereas other rely on…
2. Intrinsic mechanisms (intrinsic mechanism driving thymus growth)
No universal mechanism for organ growth
What is a stem cell? What are the defining characteristics?
Stem cells have the power to give rise to different cell types
- A stem cell is not terminally differentiated
- It can divide without limit
- Upon division each daughter has a choice: stem cell or terminal differentiation
Outline how stem cells in the gut give rise to differentiated epithelial cells.
Stem cells divide – differentiate into transit amplifying cells – increase in number – terminally differentiate into non-dividing differentiated epithelial cells
Stem cells surrounded by the non-dividing Paneth cells