Homeopathy V Remedies Flashcards
Neurological remedy, slowness, dullness, confusion, & dryness; gradual paralysis (MS, ALS)
Extreme constipation; great straining, even with soft stool; confusion of identity
Very upset if hurried or pushed, get more confused and flustered; slow to answer, reflects long; fear knives and blood; impulse to kill when sees a knife
Desires indigestible; intense itching, itching w/out eruption, scratches until bleeds; neurological remedy
electric shock sensation
Argentum metallicum
worse noon; inflammation/swelling of cartilage, esp. knee; hoarseness; sudden onset vertigo
Argentum metallicum
With Argentum metallicum, testicular pain is usu. ________, whereas ovarian pain is usu. __________
Testicular = right
Ovarian = left
depressed and anxious, fear of death, fastidious,
Aurum arsenicum
suffered a lot, may be sympathetic; tremendous guilt; reproaches self or others; forsaken feeling; anxiety about health; often desire company; sensitive to quarrels
Aurum arsenicum
A softer, more sympathetic version of aurum that desires company; most passionate of the aurums
Aurum muriaticum
strong sexuality, silent grief, loves wind and open air; anxiety about health; heart problems
Aurum muriaticum
AF grief, mortifications, insults; angry thinking of his complaints; sadness alternating with periods of joy; may appear abrupt and rough, but is really affectionate
Aurum muriaticum
sympathetic, warm-hearted person; horrible stories affect her profoundly; heart sx, esp. palpitations, angina, etc.; romantic
Aurum muriaticum
most open/outgoing, romantic of all aurums; loves wind in their face, walking in the open air
Aurum muriaticum
What miasm is Aurum muriaticum
sycotic or tubercular - high sex drive, warts on tongue or genitals
sensitive, refined, fragile; hormonal imbalances in women; may have salt issues (desire/agg salt); loves the sun; fears failure;
Aurum muriaticum natronatum
1 remedy for uterine tumors (benign or malignant)
Aurum muriaticum natronatum
jealously, irritability; desire for green, sour, unripe fruit; fear birds and flying things
Calc sulph
sweat on scalp; chronic otorrhea; pimples; pustules on face; warm blooded and cold bathing
Calc sulph
Night-watching (losing sleep & anxiety about health of sick person); slows down d/t prostration; time passes too quickly
Nursing the sick; AF cares, worries, & physical exertion;
walking slowly; flushes of heat from slight exertion
Ferrum metallicum
jealously, dictatorial, abusive, violent, destructive, malicious; fear of dark & ghosts
Gallic acid
AF loss of sleep or night watching; AF combo of physical and emotional stress
Dazed feeling; cervical mm. too weak to hold up the head; slow conduction of nerves
always feel they haven’t done enough; menstrual problems, PMS;
Forsaken feeling; duty, guilt, grief; delusion he has neglected his duty
conscientious about trifles; introverted; visual disturbance with HA, aura; thirstless; chilly
stout, plethoric people with anemia or circulatory problems
Ferrum metallicum
weakness, face flushes easily; can be aggressive, positive they’re right; very sensitive to noise; desires solitude
Ferrum metallicum
walking slowly; flushes of heat from slight exertion
Ferrum metallicum
face flushes easily from wine, excitement, emotions; GI sx; craves sweet, sour, averse eggs
Ferrum metallicum
dictatorial; tends to shoulder problems; desires solitude; irregular and changeable moods & circulation
Ferrum metallicum
chilly persons with desire for slow motion, > walking slowly outside; desires sour, tomatoes
Ferrum metallicum
high fever, flushed cheeks; thirst for cold; HA from noise, light; whooping cough with bloody expectoration; difficult dentition
Ferrum phos
acute illness lacking a clear remedy picture
Ferrum phos
sleepless with measles, sleepless from pain
Ferrum phos
AF shock; great fear of being alone; great desire for company, consolation
Gallic acid
jealously, dictatorial, abusive, violent, destructive, malicious; fear of dark & ghosts
Gallic acid
forsaken feeling; feels unloved; delusions that they’re despised, alone in the world, lost affection of friends
Biting fingers, self; unfortunate feeling; floating sensation
feels an outcast (as if leper); aversion to looking in mirror; dreams of destruction, dead people; AF being abused or neglected
liver remedy; anxiety on closing eyes
Magnesium muriaticum