Homeopathy Flashcards
Aloe Argentum Nitricum Chamomilla Veratrum album Podophyllum Magnesia Carbonica Phosphrous Sulfur Arsenicum album
Diarrhea w/ sudden urging for stool in the morning which drives from bed
mucus filled stools
loud stool passing
hemorrhoids like a bunch of grapes, better w/ cold bathing, and marked congestion
Worse with warm, heat, and beer
Argentum Nitricum
Extroverted and cheerful who can’t control emotions, impulses, excitement, diarrhea, or body so everything spills out
Regret how they behave and are afraid of their actions
Diarrhea from anticipation or mental exertion
Warm blooded, better cold, eating sweets and salty foods, belching, open air, consoled
Young child who is constantly crying needs to be carried, irritable, impossible to please, inconsolable, aversion to being touched
One cheek red, one cheek pale
Stool is green and smells like rotten eggs
Overly sensitive to pain
Explosive diarrhea that soils the whole toilet bowl, loud, and mixed w/ gas,
Uneasy sensation, weakness, or fainting when they need to pass stool or vomit
Stool is watery, profuse, smells bad, maybe yellow, pasty, mucus filled or bloody
Magnesia Carbonica
Want to keep the peace, anxious in the day, better in bed Worse from quarrels Forceful, bossy, demanding, and angry Sour odors, appearance and sweaty Diarrhea
Open, excitable, suggestible, anxious, gullible, clairvoyant
Allows everything in which weakens them causing lots of bleeding
Appetite ravenous, thirst for cold drinks
Peptic ulcers and gastritis w/ N/V
Better eating, cold drinks, sleep, rubbing affected part
Egotism, bragging, laziness, dirty, messy, intellectual, theorizing, extroverted, and haughty
Filling up with ideas, food, confidence, etc. leading to weakness causing disconnection and discharge
Diarrhea or soft stool every morning, driving out of bed in the morning at 5-6, several stools every morning
Flatus and stool offensive
Worse warm, winter, 11 am, standing, bathing
Arsenicum album
Anxious, tense, control freak, restless, fearful, perfectionist, and don’t think they will recover.
Diarrhea often occurs w/ acrid, offensive, watery stools
Burning pain, chilly person, and desires warmth
Worse cold, 12-2 am, anxiety, cold foods and drinks
Abdominal pain
Chelidonium Magnesia Carbonica Colocynthis Magnesia Muriatica Nux Vomica Dioscorea Magnesia Phosphorica Lycopodium
Right-sided complaints
RUQ pain, radiating through to back, right scapular region, better w/ eating, and lying on left side w/ legs drawn up
Impatient, easily angered, proper, restless, and reserved
Aliments from anger, indignation, or excitement
Cramping and colic pain
Abdominal pain better w/ hard pressure, lying face down, and bending over
Magnesia Muriatica
Strong dislike of conflict, longing for peace, neat, contained, mild temperament, wants to fix problems
Sensitive to conflict and aggression wants to fix things but can’t fix them so they overthink about it at night then becomes weak/fatigued
Oversensitive to noise, sympathetic dominance causing sharp spasmodic pain
Worse lying down, in the morning waking up, touch, and at the sea
Diarrhea or abdominal pain worse w/ milk
Nux Vomica
Workaholic that need stimulants to function then over dose the work and becomes weakened
Ineffectual urging
Stomach pain worse anger, tight close, better warm
cramping or sharp pain
constipation w/ constant ineffectual urging
Severe abdominal cramps better bending backwards
Sciatica and low back pain