Homeopathic Remedies Flashcards
Acontie Napellus
Trigeminal neuralgia w/ severe pain, tingling and numbness worse with cold
Fear of dying due to intensity of pain
Hypertension with tachycardia; one cheek red and one pale
Angina Attacks with fear of death
Etiology: Sudden frights, bouts of hypertension
AG: Sudden, sharp and cold, dry wind; around midnight (Insomnia)
IM: Onset of sweating
Intense thirst for large quantities of cold water
Sudden onset and intense reaction
Allium Cepa
Respiratory Infection
Eyes teary “Bland lacrimation”, nose running “like a faucet”
Better open air, cold
Worse warm air or heat
Amputation or fantum sensation
GI: Colicky pain with garlic-smelling gas
Ulcer and gastritis with pain that is relieve by eating
Sudden memory loss of names and things
Inferiority complex, low self-esteem, and feelings of worthlessness
Irresistible desire to cures and swear after taking bad news
Skin: Violent pruritis and eruptions; main remedy for Poison Ivy
Worse from intellectual work; on empty stomach
Improves with eating, but reappear about 2 hours later
Antimomium tartaricum
Acute cough, a lot of “rattling” mucus in the lungs they can’t bring up. Oxygenation is poor, cyanotic, whooping cough, acute drowning or near drowning
Old people, COPD
Can’t breathe well
Worse warm, better cold air
Worse lying down, better sitting up
Aversion to touch
Peevish children who cannot beat to be touched or even looked at
Apis Mellifica
Severe allergic rxn, drug rxn, “bee- sting”, edema, swelling hives , stinging & burning sensation
Swelling Eyes
Sudden onset
Worse with heat
Better cold
Poor Kidney function associated with w/edema
Irritable, jealousy
Arnica Montana
Feel well and is adamant that there is no need to see a doctor
Irritable and adverse to company
Post-operative for pain
Nose bleeding while washing face
Blunt trauma to eye or orbit
Sprains, Bruises, Contusion, Muscular pain
AG: slightest touch, jolts, and movement
IM: rest and lying with head down
Arsenicum Album
Intense burning
Extreme weakness which is uncharacteristic
Extreme sensitivity to cold
Anxious about health, fear death
AG: Chilly people, COLD
IM: Ameliorated with heat
Germs, thieves; needing someone to save them
Increasingly acute, increase weakness
Very attentive and concerned about accuracy and detailed
Thirsty for sips, chilly aggravated at night/midnight to 2 AM
Aurum Metallicum (Gold)
Violent palpitation with great anxiety, that is worse at night
Heart feeling like it has stopped beating, followed by violent shock
Bones in the wrist feel like “tearing like cramps”
AG: Worse at night ; being contradicated leading to anger
IM: Open air, summer for depression, music
Desire for alcoholic drinks
Frequent and violent tendencies to anger
Sadness, despair, lacks self-confidence
Obsessive suicidal ideas
Baryta Carbonica
Delayed mental development; childish behavior
Anxiety of feeling incompetent
Needs reassurance
AG from the slightest cold leading to tonsillitis or enlargement of lymph nodes
Worse with mental exertion
Tends to be chilly
Desires eggs , sweets; aversion to fruit
Delayed intellectual progression
Slow, shy, hide when strangers are around
Fever with a sudden onset
Intense dryness of mucous membranes
Headache begins at 3 PM or at 11 PM and peaking at 3 PM
Craving a lemonade or lemon
Profuse sweating and variable thirst
Photophobia (AG)
Congested and warm face
AG: Change of temperature, motion, menstrual period and/or hormonal imbalance
Anything the provokes sudden reaction of the circulatory and nervous system
Intense drying of mucous membranes in the respiratory and digestive mucosa
Intense thirst for large quantities of cold water
Fever with progressive onset
Vertigo worsen by slightest motion
AG: Any motion, 9PM
IM: From rest, lying on painful side, better with strong pressure, relief from sweating
Painful joints aggrevated with movement
Calcarea Carbonica
AG: From cold, especially damp cold, from intellectual or physical effort, and full moon
IM: From dry weather
Desire eggs, sweets, and candy
Excretions with a sour and acidic odor
Localized cold sweat (esp. occiput area)
Hard working individuals that burned out to exhaustion, feels mind is weak and may go insane
Obese, gain weight quickly and easily
Intense burning sensation when urinating “each drop passes as if scalding water”
Ulceration of mouth and pharynx
Bloody diarrhea, foul-smelling stools
Vesiculobullous lesions with burning pains
Difficulty Breathing- Chest pains
Raw, grazed sensation of skin and mucosa
Intense burning
AG: from touch, when urinating
IM: Cold or Cold applications
Carbo Vegetabilis
Foul-smelling breath, flatulence
Tremendous bloating and indigestion
Venous stasis, cyanosis of the extremities
AG: Rich Foods or fat, from lying flat, must sit up
IM: from being fanned, on belching
Great indifference and apathy with harsh remarks, and always negative and depressed
Great irritability, especially towards family
After a debilitating illness which the individual never recovered
Overeating food and alcohol leading to dyspepsia
Respiratory failure
Paralysis (facial, vocal cords)
Difficulty swallowing
Arthralgia (retracted tendons & muscular contracture)
Soreness and rawness of the mucous membranes
AG: Dry cold, dry wind, 4 PM
IM: Cloudy, wet or rainy weather, cough is better with cold drinks
Fear “bad will happen”
Constant desire to clear the throat with difficulty
Craving for salty foods, bacon and smoked meats
Aversion to sugar and sweets
Children are easily and excessively upset
Abnormally sensitive to pain (hyperalgesic syndrome)
Agitation, anger, irritable
Children may become violent, scream, break things; inconsolable
Adults may be aggressive, despite being usually courteous and respectful
Pains are unbearable that are characterized as tingling and numbness
AG: from anger, opposition, in the evening until midnight, coffee and stimulants
IM: passive moment (being rocked, or in a car or train)
Infants that are teething
Irritable infants or children, they may hit the parent or doctor
Inconsolable children and infants, aversion to being touched
Feel hot and needs to get rid of the covers at night
Nasal and anal pruritis
Abdominal pains
Infestation with worms; pinworms
Children with a pale face and large bluish discoloration around the mouth
Convulsions or tantrums from being disciplines
Angry children who pinch at people, very frustrated and does not like parental authority
Screams when first picked up & relaxed while being carried; like to be rocked
Grinds teeth in sleep
Constant need to bore fingers into nose
Cinchona officinalis (china)
Bloated, distention of the abdomen, no relief from eructation or expelling gas
Diarrhea worse from fruit, milk
Headache amerliorated from hard pressure
Disturbed thermoregulation
Hypersensitivity to touch especially the scalp (even with hair)
Heroic fantasies
Bitter taste
Fear of animals
AG: Fluid loss, from light, from cold drafts; fog; damp weather, after eating fruit, from milk
IM: From hard or strong pressure, better bending double, from heat
Right-sided neural pain
Violent, cramping pains; sensation of constriction, “as if in an iron clamp”
AG: From anger, indignation, Excitement, worse with strong emotions
IM: From strong pressure on the painful area, on bending double, from heat
Aversion for all food
Highly agigtated and irritable during the painful pase
Visual disturbances, lacrimation with marked photophobia
Vertigo worse by head movement
Paralysis of the motor and sensory nerves, progressive and ascending
Difficulty emptying bladder
Adenopathy, hypertrophic tonsils
Sexual Difficulties
AG: Suppression of sexual desires, movement of the head or eyes, vertigo
IM: From heat
Larynx and trachea irritation
Spasmodic cough at night, gasping for breath
Tickling in the larynx like it’s a feather
Oppression in the chest, must hold chest when coughing, so intense patient may vomit
AG: At night (after midnight), when lying down, from warmth in the bed, when speaking, laughing (coughing)
IM: From pressure of the hands (rib pain caused by coughing)
Cyanosis of the face due to the violent, paroxysmal coughing that the patient can’t catch breath’ can be extreme enough to cause epistaxis
Inflamed mucosa of the urethra and bladder
Urethral pain during micturition, burning and stinging
Bladder pain with a sensation of heaviness and fullness, not improved with urination
Urgency, decreases with full bladder
AG: Wore with motion, pressure, from pressure or contact on the bladder
IM: Better lying down in the afternoon
Equatorium perfoliatum
Influenza-type infections
Sensations of muscular aches (generalized aching)
Excruciating back pain
Constant need to change position
Tenderness of eyeballs
Intense thirst for cold water; especially during chill and rigors
Nausea, vomiting, worse during the chills, worse with motion
High fever, flu chills, especially from 7 to 9 AM
AG: From pressure on the eyeballs (think from sinuses), from movement despite agitation
Clear, profuse and corrosive lacrimation, with irritation and redness of the conjunctiva
Inflammation of the eyelids with edema
Clear nasal flow which is profuse, but not an irritant
Burning of the eyes; photophobia with intense blinking
AG: From heat, sunlight
IM: Open air, cough better lying down, better in bed at night
Cough only in the daytime
Ferrum phosphoricum
Gradual slight onset of fever
Alternation between paleness and redness of the face
Moist skin with out profuse perspiration
Spasmodic dry cough
Localized hemorrhages: epistaxis, blood-streaked sputum with a cough, otitis
AG: From movement or prolonged effort, at night when lying down and from cold air leading to coughing, from noise and light leading to headache
IM: From local cold (for headache and joint pain)
First phase excitation with tremor, cramps, motor incoordination
Second phase with partial paralysis and weakness
Bradycardia, hypotension
Diarrhea (from fright, anticipation or bad news)
Great fatigue & weakness; drowsiness and stupor
Occipital headache
Sense heart is going to stop beating if the patient does not move
Chills running up and down the back
Thirstless during fever
Quiet individuals, reserved and timid
AG: From bad news, fright, excitement, from emotion, headache worse at 10 AM
IM: From profuse urination, from sweating, from movement or jolts (bradycardia)
Violent and sudden congestive headache that is bursting and pulsating
Sudden tachycardia and/or palpitations
Intolerance to constriction like tight collars
AG: From heat (sun, heat from stove), alcoholic drinks, motion, shaking and jolts, tight collars
IM: Open air, lying in the dark, pressing head between the hands
Confusion and disorientation; sudden vertigo and LOC
Eruptions of vesicles with vicious oozing liquid (like honey); Golden yellow to brown yellow
Pruritic and burning dermatoses, aggravated by warmth and washing
Flatulent dyspepsia with gastric pain
Constipation without urging; stools are large dry masses
Sensations: Spider cobweb on face, cold in the body and shivering, numbness of the limbs at rest
Epigastric pain with burning sensation and cramps, improved when eating with warm drinks and food, even if there is no appetite for them
Anal pains that are burning, pruritic, and stinging (hemorrhoids)
AG: From cold (but desire for fresh air), from warmth in bed, during menses
IM: from movement in open air, when eating (for gastric pain)
Hepar sulphuris
Hypersensitive to pain & cold air, sensitive to contact
Children have sour-smelling stool
Pain feels like a thorn or splinter in the are of the local inflammation
Ears are sensitive to wind or open ear
head is sensitive to touch
AG:From cold, cold drafts, winter, from the slightest contact, when uncovering a hand or foot
IM: from heat, and when warmly wrapped
Purulent excretions, like old cheese, sour odors in chronic cases
Sweat is sour
Desire for acidic food
Cold Extremities
Hypersensitive children, they are quick in action like speaking and eating quickly, impulsive, irritable inclined to sudden violent bouts of anger
Etiology: Infectious disease with suppurative (pus
Spasms, muscular tremor or jerking, convulsions
Tremors can be rhythmic and bizarre
Spasmodic cough that is worse lying down
Drowsiness followed by agitation, insomnia, delirium, hallucinations
Cal delirium with mumbling and a tendency to fall asleep
Hyoscyamus involves short periods of excitation and long periods of fatigue
Incontinence (rectal and urinary)
Sensation of levitation, letters seen to jump or move when reading
AG: When lying down (cough), from emotions, jealousy, fright
IM: when sitting up (cough)
Etiology: Nervous exhaustion from intellectual work, sleep deprivation, prolonged worrying
Intense pain of nerve endings
Unbearable pain
Injury remedy, especially for injuries to the nerves and spine
Sharp and shooting quality pain
AG: From contact and joiting, in the cold and damp weather
All types of trauma that affects the central and peripheral nervous system
Cutaneous photosensitization
Ignatia amara
Hypersensitivity to emotion and grief; feelings are easily hurt, easily offended
Ailments after grief, or romantic disappointments; tendency to be jealous
Paradoxical symptoms- inflamed joints are better when pressed, sore throat is better when swallowing
Fear of bird
Hypersensitive to the smell of tobacco, sensation of lump in throat
Headache feels like a “nail is driven in the parietal or occipital region”
AG: from emotion, from stimulants like sugar, from strong tobacco smell
IM: from traveling, in the rain
They have deep says, cheerful, but become sad, tearful with grief when stressed or upset. Easily cry, but mood is changeable.
Craves cheese, aversion to fruit. Dreams of water
Irritation of the respiratory and gastric mucosa
Spams due to the pneumogastric nerve
AG: Vomiting
All pathological conditions of Ipeca ( whether respiratory, digestive, or hemorrhagic) have:
a) Severe nausea with a clear, or barely coated tongue
b) Hypersalivation
c) Irritable
Kali bichromicum
Headache in one spot
Photophobia and then loss of vision with headache
Gastritis with burning pains in the stomach
Stomach symptoms alternate with rheumatism or asthma
Asthma, worse at night around 1 or 2 am
Productive cough with thick or stringy green sputum
Pains with a rapid onset and end, pains are felt in one spot
AG: From cold, cold damp, 1 AM, from beer
Conformists, tend to be rigid and adhere to routine
Kali carbonicum
-Asthma worse between 2 to 4 am, better siting upright, leaning forward with elbows on knees
-Wakes up at night, especially between 2 to 4 AM
-Sleepless because patient can’t let go of thoughts or due to back pain
-Low back pain that drives individual out of bed at night
Sensation of dread or nausea in epigastrium
Stitching pains in the chest which feels like it’s in the right lung
AG: From cold and drafts, between 2 to 4 AM
IM: When sitting, leaning forward, with the elbows on knees
Intense craving of sweets and candy
Conservative, loyal, moral, proper peopl
Rigid, unable to break even a trivial rule; Dogmatic; dislike changes
Fears impending disease
Every insignificant event is always dramatic
They jump at the slightest touch
Alternation between excitation and depression
Slowing of respiratory and cardiac function
Partial paralysis
Easy bruising
Palpitations, worse lying on the LEFT side
Throat pain, worse with swallowing ; better swallowing solid food
Purplish hemorrhoids
Sensitive to touch, especially around the neck and waist; intolerance to tight collars
Sensitive to Constriction in the throat
Sensitive to suffocating oppression when falling asleep
AG: From sun and heat, during sleep or upon waking, during premenstrual period, in the spring and in the fall
IM: From moderate temperature and open air
Typically LEFT sided
Hot flashes with irritability, jealously
Desire for alcohol
Sarcastic individuals who are loquacious
Bites and stings of insects that causes swelling and inflammation (no itching)
Elephantiasis; tremendous desire to put feet in cold or ice water
Gout of the knees or feet
AG: From heat, or heat from bed
IM: From cold applications (ice-cold water)
Chilly people, but great amelioration from cold
Blocked nose at night, sleeps with mouth open
Right-sided pulmonary disease
All types of rashes
Premature gray hair
Sediment of red dust or sand, “like brick dusk”
Impotence and/or premature male climax
Bloated and distended abdomen; cannot tolerate clothes which are tight
Heartburn lasting several hours after meals
Right Hypochondrium pain
Hunger that is QUICKLY Satiated; fullness after first bite
Loud rumbling the abdomen
Pruritus improved by coolness
Wakes at night with a huge appetite; Bulimia
AG: Between 4 to 8 PM, in the morning on waking, from warmth, despite sensitivity to cold, from contradiction
IM: In cool air (general symptoms and pruritus), from hot food and drinks (for heartburn)
MAINLY RIGHT OR right to left
Desires sweets and candies, and for very warm food
Offensive smelling feet
Proud, authoritarian behavior
Magnesia phosphorica
Intense, shooting, flashing erratic pains that appear and disappear rapidly
Cramps and “spams”, with a sensation of stiffness
Irritable with the need to move constantly because of the pain
AG: Worse from cold (cold baths, air and drafts)
IM: Heat and pressure (think warm magnesium, Epsom salt baths), from strong local pressure, better with bending the thighs on pelvis, or bending over double
Painful stiffness of joints
Localized burning sensation even though, it is cold on the palm of the hands, soles of the feet and along the pine
AG: During the day, from cold, or extreme temperatures, thinking about aliments
IM: Better in the evening; loves the night,
Mild humid weather, from continued movement, better by sea or from bathing in the sea
Chronicity, conditions where best selected remedies failed
Craves citrus fruits
Sleep disturbances in children who make rhythmic movements when falling asleep and sleep either on their stomach or knees to chest position
Difficult in school with memorization issues
Mercurius vivus
Slow in answering questions, weak memory, loss of will-power
Destructive ideas, internal impulses, irritable
Aggravated from cold, damp
Better consuming sugar
Aggravated from both heat and cold
Thick yellow discharge from ears
Offensive discharge, sweat stains yellow
Metallic taste in mouth
Craves bread and butter
Natrum Muriaticum
Tingling & numbness in extremities, twitching sensations in the muscles around the lips, joint stiffness, and muscular cramps
Sensations of burning or stinging in mucous membranes (lips, pharynx, urethra) due to dryness or hyper-secretion
Easily tired and sensitive to cold
Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences
Adverse to company & consolation
Laugh over serious matters
Discharge like egg white
AG: In the morning at 10 AM, from sun exposure, Ambient heat, at the seaside after lengthy stay, worse with reading and intellectual work
IM: In open air, pressure over a large area
Unquenchable thirst
Craving salt or salty food
Aversion to fat, chicken, bread
Natrum Phosphoricum
Sensitive to pain, mental dullness
Joint pains with burning, stinging, shooting or tugging, crackling when moving
Nasal or anal pruritis
Aversion to milk, bread and butter
Desire for beer
Tongue has a yellow coating
AG: During storms causing joint pain, from noise that affects the nervous system, acidic food (vinegar), milk, fats, Asthma is worse in the evening
Natrum Sulphuricum
Behavioral concerns due to trauma
Respiratoy or orthopedic complaints induced or aggravated by cold or warm humidity
Craves yogurt or ice cream
Thirst for cold drinks
Head complaints, head injury, meningitis
AG: Damp weather (rainy, foggy, seaside), warm humid weather, 4 AM, from immobility
IM: From dry weather, after passing profuse, soft stools or diarrhea, from changing positions
Nitricum Acidum
Affects mucous membranes: mouth, throat, anus, vagina
Stinging pains like it was from a thorn or splinter
Marked tenesmus in anal and fissure
AG: From cold, from noise, from slightest touch
IM: From heat
Headache as if there is a band around the head
Irritable, pessimistic, depressed, worse in the morning, hold grudges, angry at life
Nux Vomica
Fastidious, irritable, hurried, impatient
Oversensitiveness to noise, odors, or touch
Nausea, if only could vomit would feel better
Insomnia, wakes up at 3 or 4 am, and cannot sleep due to thoughts of work
Excessive abuse that taxes the nervous and digestive symptoms: abuse of coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and spices, stimulants or calming drugs, and even laxatives
Desire for alcohol, coffee, spicy food, tobacco
AG: Chilly and worse from cold, and cold, dry wind
After eating, alcoholic drinks or abuse of alcohol
Tobacco and spices- uses in excess
IM: Warmth and warm applications
Bloody hemorrhaging
Inflammation of the connective tissue of liver, lungs, kidneys, heart
Angina, pains worse from stress, worse lying on left side, better from cold drinks
AG: From fasting, when lying on the left side, spicy foods, warm foods, and salt, in the evening when the sun sets
IM: From eating, from cold drinks, better from rubbing affected part
Fears thunderstorms, death and something bad will happen
Ravenous appetite, get up at night to eat
Fears of being alone
Sensation of aching throughout the body, aggravated by movement, despite desire to move
Pain that feels like electric shock and unpredictable
AG: In cold and damp weather, from movement despite desire to move
IM: from dry weather, from rest
Teething in infants
Right sided symptoms
Facial neuralgia that feels like pressure in the cheek bones (vise grip feeling)
Increased sex-drive, promiscuous
Pride with high regard; everyone is inferior to them
Rude, narcissistic individuals; indifferent and cold
Ovary pains usually left
Constrictions, as if a band is constricting the area type sensation
Pains that increase and diminish gradually
AG: From the touch (especially genital area), in the evening
IM: In open air
Watery diarrhea that is plentiful, yellowish, fetid, explosive, exhausting, with gas and cramping pains, rectal tenesmus and a sensation of rectal prolapse
Diarrhea fills the entire toilet bowl; worse at 4 AM
Thick; yellowish tongue
AG: Early in the morning (for diarrhea), in hot weather
IM: When lying prone, gentle rubbing of the right hypochondrium
“Plant Mercury”
Cough better lying on back “as if crucified”
Appetite increased at night or in pregnancy, must get up to eat
Tremendous itching of the skin ( worse from heat); will scratch till bleeding
Feels incredibly well the day before illness
AG: Chilly and aggravated from cold; winter, open air or from drafts, before a storm, fasting, from contact with wool (pruritus)
IM: From heat (except pruritus), from eating
Dry nose, blocked in the evening and at night, discharge during the day
Loose cough in the daytime, with thick yellowish mucus
Bronchitis that is dry causing interrupted sleep, requiring them to sit up in bed
Dry mouth with thirst, unpleasant or bitter taste when waking up in the morning
Loss of taste and smell
Slow and difficult digestion
Diarrhea with stools of variable consistency and color
Long cycles and scanty menses
Legs are cyanotic giving a mottled appearance of the skin
(Thirstless, even with fever)
AG: From heat such as warmth from the bed or bedroom, heat from exercising, from rest, in the evening when the sun sets, before and during menses, after getting feet wet
IM: From cool fresh air, from continued movement, from sympathy and consolation
Desire for ice-cream, but intolerance to fatty foods
Desire for highly seasoned food
Constantly WEEPS with changeable moods; soft, timid causing blushing
Craves affection
Used in septic infectious conditions
Disparity between pulse rate and body temperature ( i.e high temp, slow pulse)
Foul smell of all secretions
Anxiety, agitation, great restlessnuess
Red, shiny tongue
Aching through the whole body
Better with movement, changing position
Food poisoning from spoiled food
Rhus Toxicodendron
Arthritis worse in the night in bed, worse in the morning on waking
Tip of tongue red or a triangle log redness on the tongue
Thirsty for sips of cold milk (craves cold milk)
Stiffness, numbness, and bruising
AG: Cold and cold wet weather, drafts, getting wet, worse at rest and immobility, and at the beginning of movement
IM:From warm weather, from warm bathing , warm dry weather, slow movement, change of position (skin pruritus, joint pain), better lying on hard surface
Need to shift position. Can’t sleep constantly shifting
Cheerful, restless (body and mind)
Rumex Crispus
Irritation of the lungs causing spasms w/ violent cough that is dry and tiring
Worse with inhaled cold or open air or change of temperature
Tickling stimulates cough
Better with sucking on candy and drinking
Evening, with exception of AM Diarrhea
Intense pruritus on undressing due to exposure to cold air
IM: From heat
Ruta graveolens
Bruising, aching, body stiffness; tendon and bone trauma
Sensation of tendons being too short, painful, especially in the flexors
Painful ocular fatigue after visual effort
Eye strain
Sensation of warmth in the eyes and it’s sockets, that is improved by heat and worse with artificial light
AG: From rest, from damp cold
IG: From movement and warmth
Predominantly right-sided
Migraine headache on the right side
Periodic headache, often every 7 days
Hypersensitive to odors
Bursitis (usually right shoulder), worse at night in bed, lying on it or trying to raise arm
AG: from noise, odors, movement and light (headache), from the smell of flowers
IM: Better from vomiting, flatus or eructation
Venous stasis; hemorrhoids and varicose veins
AM nausea
Foul-smelling, greenish-yellow leukorrhea
Indifferent to work, friends and family
Emptiness in the stomach; not ameliorated from eating
Heavy ball in the rectum; not relieved by discharging the stool
AG: Anything that worsens the venous stasis, such as rest, standing for long periods, from consolation or contradictions, from cold
IM: Everything that helps circulate the venous system, such as exercise, raising the legs
Foods state too salty
Profuse sweating
Desires acidic food
Aversion of smell or sight of food
Sitting with legs crossed
Constantly worry and cry
Irritable and angry over anything, especially during menses
Indifferent; seek isolation and seclusion
Refined sensitive
Weak people
Fear big and tiny things
Scared of needles
Infection of tear duct or blocked tear duct of newborns
Cervical glands
Delayed Development in children
Failure to thrive in infants, cannot assimilate nutrition, do not tolerate breast milk and lose weight
Shy children who will not answer you directly, but instead whisper to the mother who must relay information
Stage Freight;lack confidence
AG: From cold weather, from drafts or from uncovering, after vaccination, or immunosuppressive drugs, new or full moon
IM: from heat, warm dry weather, being warmly wrapped (head)
Sweat can burn through socks; profuse swearing of scalp and feet
Infants may show signs of emaciation with enlarged bellies. Often the head is enlarged and out of proportion to the body.
Adults are thin, small-boned and delicate-featured. Skin tends to be pale and hair color is light or blonde
Spongia tosta
Goiter or thyroid conditions
Constriction, tickling and dryness in throat
“Seal’s Bark” or a “Saw going through wood”
Palpitations that are worse at night
Suffocating sensation at night, worse at night that it wakes individual from sleep
AG: Before midnight, when lying supine, from heat
IM: From hot drinks
Etiology: Laryngitis occurring after exposure to dry cold weather
Suppressed anger and frustration; throws things when angry
Inability to confront somebody
Sexual excess
Frequent urge to urinate with scanty emission of dark urine
Anger, humiliation, grief, worry
Nightly terrors, fear of evil, dark scary things
Hallucinations (great terror & desire to escape; visions of ghosts or animals)
People who might be violent, discharges from anywhere destroys skin
Craving spice, sweets, eggs
Agrumentative, messy brash
Itchy, skin issues
Hight fever, increased thirst
AG: The dark, after sleep, when alone, mirrors, reflecting objects, sight of bright light
IM: In diffuse lighting, in company
Feet burning and must stick them out of the covers
Pruritis that is made worse with warmth
AG: from the warmth of the bed, from warmth in general (but sensitive to cold air, e.g. catches cold easily if uncovered or from a slight draft), at 11 AM, Periodically every 7 or 14 days
IM: From Cold
Diarrhea every morning that drives patient out of bed at 5 or 6 AM; or in the morning in general
Light sleeper
Foul-smelling that can go from localized to general whole body; offensive sweat from the armpits or the genital are
Intellectual, Messy, extroverted , & egotistical
Broke bone, not healing
Trauma to the eye and orbit
OCD, rechecking
Worse at night (feels miserable), AG between 2 to 4 AM
Better durning the day
Congenital Disease (any)
Destructive Behaviors: gambling, drinking
Motion/ sea sickness
Gonna vomit (severe nausea)
Relief with lifting shirt and letting cool air hit chest/abdomen
Dizziness that is improved by closing eyes
AG: Warm room, from movement
IM: Open Air
Thuja occidentalis
Warts/Chilly People
Sensation something live in tummy
Worse from cold/wet
Illness from vaccination
AG: From ingesting onions, vaccinations, cold, humidity, and dampness
Better with heat
Sweat the smells like garlic
Low self-esteem and feeling of worthlessness; depressive tendency
Sensitive to cold and to any change in temperature that causes infection of the respiratory tract
Fatigue made worse by exertion and sweating
Sweating from any effort or exertion
Venous congestion
AG: From the slightest effort or exertion, a room with not enough ventilation
IM: From rest, in open air
Etiology: Recurring viral or bacterial infection, poor hygiene and diet, Hx of TB infection
Hypersensitive individuals, emotional
Urtica Urens
Hives, allergic rxn
Itchy/crawling sensation
Burning/Cold Baths
Rheumatic pains of gouty origin
Veratrum Album
Gastroenteritis with simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea
Projectile vomiting
Vegetable Arsenic: vomiting and diarrhea during menses with dysmenorrhea
Manic state
Deeply religious
Hyper-secretion of sweat glands, profuse cold sweats
Prostration, intense weakness
Icy Coldness
Desire for acidic foods like lemon
Desire for cold drinks
Extreme anxiety with alternation between prostration and agitation delirium with shouting, anger, violence, tearing of clothes and can sometime be talkative
—May be associated with being hyper-sexual
Principles of Homeopathy
Non-toxic doses of any substance according to the Law of Similars
Laws of similars = Ultra-dilute medicines to stimulate body’s capacity to heal itself.
1X= decimal/ten, dilution ratio 1:10
1C= centesimal, dilution ratio 1:100
LM = fifty thousand, dilution ratio 1: 50,000
Dilution Scale
1X= 1/10, 2X=1/(10)^2
1C = 1/100, 2C= 1/(100)^2
Low potencies = hypersensitive individuals and very sick, TID
High potencies are acute or chronic >30C
-Clear remedy picture
-Increased energy level
-Confidence in the remedy
-Clear and precise modalities
-Decreased obstacles to cure
-Decreased amount of gross pathology
-Decreased amount of inherited pathology
Single does of 30C, 200C or 1M; take once and only repeated as needed for chronic cases
Responses to Homeopathic Remedies : AGGRAVATIONS
Symptoms intense to a tolerable degree, within 2-5 days after taking remedy
Skin condition may be come worse after taking low-potency, sign medicine is working
Aggravation appears, stop taking remedy until symptoms subside and then re-continue at lower frequency
Symptoms continue to get worse when the remedy has been suspended, wrong prescribed
Aggravation is NEVER an entirely new symptom that the patient has never has before
Responses to Homeopathic Remedies: SUPPRESSION
Symptom that has not been cured but driven deeper and not seen
Considered palliative treatment
Suppressing symptoms leads to decline in emotional and physical health and can lead to new symptoms later
Disappearance of an old symptom and seeing a completely new, and worse symptom is a sign of suppression (treat with an antidote, then retake the case)
Responses to Homeopathic Remedies: ANTIDOTING
Process of neutralizing a remedy
Aromatic oils, strong odors, strong medication (cocaine, heroin)
Responses to Homeopathic Remedies: PALLIATION
Relieving symptoms without curing the underlying cause of disease
Used in incurable cases, can be viewed as “suppression”
Responses to Homeopathic Remedies: CURE
Aphorism 2: “The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extend, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.”
Guidelines of Represcribe
New Symptoms appear that replace the old symptoms
When one low potency does has been given, then at least try one higher potent remedy
No effect from the remedy with no overall change in constitution
Suppression occurs
Follow -up Assessment
1) If a patient has no aggravation with a quick, long-lasting improvement this the ideal response with no need to repeat the remedy
2) If a patient has a rapid and short term aggravation with long-term improvement, then this the ideal response, and do not repeat remedy
3) If a patient has a prolonged aggravation with no real improvement of symptoms, then this is an incurable case. The next step would be to palliate
4) If a patient has a prolonged aggravation with slow improvement of symptoms, then continue remedy at a low potency and continue to observe
5) If a remedy improves symptoms initially but then causes an aggravation, it’s up to the practitioner’s discretion of what the next measures will be:
a) Palliation of an incurable case (continue giving remedy)
b) Retake the case (wrong remedy)
c) Remedy wan antidoted (so represcribe the remedy)
6) If there is a small or no apparent aggravation with relief up to a certain degree, then its possibly incurable.
Trio of Restless Remedies
Aconite: Vigorous and high strength characters who has a fear of dying
Arsencicum Album: weakness in alternation between periods of exhaustion and agitation; anxiety with fear of dying
Rhus Tox: agitated because movement relieves pain