Homeland Security Final Flashcards
The 911 Commission Report COntained Recommendations that included:
Established a global Strategy to fight Terrorism
Suppress the growth of Terrorist Groups
Both of the above
None of the Above
Both Of the above
When Intelligence agencies fail to recognize the importance of the information they collect, we call that:
An Intelligence oversight
A process Failure
An intelligence Failure
A human Error
An intelligence Failure
The Abreviation NSC stands for:
Nations State Commission
Nation State Committee
National Security Counsel
Non-Standard Correction
National Security Counsel
The Abreviation NIC stands for:
Non-Intelligence Critique
National Intelligence Center
National intelligence Counsil
No Intelligence Considered
National Intelligence Council
The Abreviation NIE stands for:
Non-Intelligence Estimate
National Intelligence Estimate
National Intelliugence Explained
No INtelligence Examined
National Intelligence Estimate
The Abreviation HSC stands for:
Homeland Security Counsil
House Security Committee
Homeland Security Center
Homeland Safety Comittee
Homeland Security Council
The Abreviation DNI stands for:
Director of Naval Intelligence
Director of National INtelligence
Both of the Above
None of the Above
Both of the Above
The Homeland Security Intelligence Framework is the center for coordinating:
Foreign Intelligence
Military Intelligence
Domestic Intelligence
All of the Above
All of the Above
The DHS Intelligence Collection Process produces Intelligence:
The Domestic U.S Counterintelligence effort coordinated by the DHS includes:
Domestric Industrial Espionage
No-Fly List
FBI Counterintelligence
All of the Above
All of the Above
Domestic Terrorism investigations have more than doubled since 2020:
Recent Attacks against the U.S electrical power grid have been motivated by acts of:
Both of the Above
None of the Above
Both of the Above
Terrorist groups may target infrastructure targets, like the U.S electrical power grid, in order to:
Reduce the faith of our people in the ability of their government to protect them
Incite a race war
Replace our government with one of their choice
All of the Above
All of the Above
HVE is an Acronym for:
High Violence Event
How violence Evolves
Homegrown Violent Extremists
Home Violent Episodes
Homegrown Violent Extremists
DVE is an Acronym for:
Down Voltage Element
Domestic Violent Extremists
Domestic Violence Excerise
Domestic Vulnerablilty Estimate
Domestic Violent Extremists
The overall focus of recent White Supremacist attacks over the last 5 years have been targeted mostly on:
Energy Systems and Infrastructure
Government Facilities
Emergency Services
Commercial Facilities
Energy Systems and Infrastructure
Historically, global Salafi-jihadist organizations have lanched attacks on critical infrastructure in order to:
Reduce the faith of our people in the ability of their government to protect them
Incite a race war
Cause mass casualties and inflict psychological damage
Replace our goverment with one of their choice
Cause mass casualties and inflict psychological damage
In order to increase the effectivenss of terrorist attacks, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and High Power Microwave (HPM) devices are being developed by:
Glabal Salafi-jihadist organizations
U.S Whitew Supremacist organizations
Al Qaeda and ISIS
U.S White Supremacist Organizations
There is a direct ideological connection between the original America First Organization of 1916-1941 and the currect Make American Great Again (MAGA) movement:
The original America First Organization and the currecnt MAGA movement both support:
Authoritarian Government
All of the Above
All of the Above
Estimated membership of the German American Bund in the U.S was estimated to be:
One common goal of both the German American Bund and the current MAGA (Neo-America First) Movement is:
Looting the resources of defeated nations
A goal is of ‘taking’ the resources of defeated nations
All of the Above
None of the Above
All of the Above
Left-Wing Terrorist and Militia organizations tend to focus on:
Social Justice Issues
The Black Live Matters (BLM) Movement
Environmental Issues
Women’s Right Issues
Environmental Issues
‘Christian’ Nationalist organizations are typically focused on:
The opposition to violence as a means to effect change
The separation of Church and State
The national identity of the U.S.
Equal rights for all religions and non-believers
The national identity of the U.S.
State Sponsors of Terrorism as designated by the U.S State Department include all of the following except:
The only principal difference between domestic organized crime organizations and Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) is that TOC activities cross National boundaries.
The classic example of classic organized crime in the U.S. is:
‘Proud Boys’
Al Capone’s Organization
‘Oath Keepers’
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Al Capone’s Organization
The Patriot Act was all of the Following except:
Passed quickly as anm emergency responmse
Had provisions that were too sweeping ans susceptible to government abuse
Was inadequately reviewed and considered
The perfect response to a national emergency
The perfect response to a national emergency
The HSPD action establishing the National Counterterrorism Center is an example of:
A law passedx by Congress
A decision made by the Secretary of Defense
A decision made by the Director of Homeland Security
A Presidential Directive
A Presidental Directive
The Primary U.S. Goverment organization for coordinating Counterterrorism Operational Planning is the:
What did we learn from the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Provide timely and actionable intelligence
Wait to warn if unsure of your information
Never share with other agencies to protect your sources and methods
Never assume that an enemy will do what they say they will do
Provide timely and actionable intelligence
What should we assume when assembling an intelligence picture?
Wiat until you are certain that your analysis is proven to be correct
Assume the worse case explanation first
Assume or create information to fill in gaps in your analysis
Assume the best case explanation
Assume the worse case explanation first
What apprach should you use when trying to explain what you see?
The most radical explanation
The most reasonable information
No human source is reliable
Facts and opinions are the same
The most reasonable information
What did you learn from ‘ The Hunt for Red October’?
Enemies act irrationally
Enemies are evil
Assume the enemy has a plan
Assume the enemy will do what you predict they will do
Assume the enemy has a plan
What is the most important responsiblilty as an analyst in Homeland Security?
State opinon as fact
Never admit uncertianty
Hide behind others
Speak truth to power
Speak truth to power
What is your primary job as a Homeland Security Analyst?
Emphasize technology over what you see
Explain what you see
Discount what you see in favor of human testimony
Never assume anything
Explain what you see
What is the most important mission of Homeland Security?
Protect our People
Project our national Power
Guard against Foreign Influence
Limit foreign Immigration
Protect our People
When assessing a Terrorist Threat, an Analyst should:
Always assume that the past predicts the future
Discount wht the terrorist says as boasting or bluff
Never underestimate the threat
Only believe what you can see
Never underestimate the threat
The International Terrorist Threat can be best described as:
The Attacks on 911 ushered in a new ear of Terrorism Threat.
What is a Paradigm?
A pre-determined response to stimuli
Assumption supporting a flexible repsonse to stimuli
A type of geometric shape
An analytical model
A pre-determined repsonse to stimuli
Why do seasopned and experience analysts require re-training?
They’re assigned to a new area
They’ve learned a new language
They have changed employers
The nature of the threat has changed
The nature of the threat has changed
What do you need to understand to be a good terrorist analyst?
Understand the Religion
Undderstand the Society & Culture
None of the above
Both A and B
Both A and B
How critical is understanding motive to an analyst in the effort to predict and prevent an ACT of terrorism?
How was the office of Homeland Security formed?
Act of Congress
Declaration of Emergency
Executive Order
None of the Above
Executive Order
What were the declared goals of DHS?
Prevent and Disrupt Terrorist Attacks
Respond to and recover from incidents
Strengthen the foundation to ensure long-term success
All of the Above
All of the Above
What organizxation protects National Monuments and Icons?
National Parks Service
Smithsonian Institution
Department of the Interior
None of the Above
Department of the Interior
What roganization protects our national Drinking Water and Water Treatment Systems?
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Health and Human Services
Defense Department
Department of the Interior
Environmental Protection Agency
What organization is repsonible for protecting our Chemical Industry?
Department of Transpotation
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Environmental Sciences
Office of Instrastructure Protection
Office of Infrastructure Protection
What organization is responsible for protecting Postal and Shipping as a component of Critical Infrastructure?
U.S. Postal Service
Transportation Security Administration
National Port and Harbor Administration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Transportation Security Administration
Where is the National Infrastructure Protection Center located?
What is the system used by DHS to communicate threat urgency?
DHS Alert State Fact Sheet
International Interpol Briefing List
CIA Fact Sheet
National Security Advisory System
National Security Advisory System
What did DHS develop to help protect Critical Infrastructure?
Increase federal funding for roads and bridges
Develop the National Railway Service Act (NRSA)
National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
Transfer responsiblity to the Department of Transportation (DOT)
Natioanl Infrastucture Protection Plan (NIPP)
What is the goal of DHS International Cooperation?
Intensify International Law Enforcement Cooperationm
Help Foreign Nations Fight Terrorism
Review Obligations and Limitations Associated with Treaties and International Law
All of the Above
All of the Above
Which DHS organization defends against Catastrophic Events?
Why was DHS formed out of the Office of Homeland Security?
Government Agencies asked to be united under one agency
CIA mandated an improved response to the Terrorist Threat
DoD mandated an improved response to the Terrorist Threat
The problem was bigger than a Presidential Office could handle
The problem was bigger than a Presidential Office could handle
What organization is the U.S. Immighration and Customs Enforcement subordinate to?
Border Patrol
Transportation and Security Administration
Federal Law Enforcement
Federal Protective Service
Federal Protective Service
The National Infrastruture Protection Plan INcludes all of the following:
Select Specific Resources
Manage Risks
Implement Risk
Select Specific Resources
The acronym SRA Means:
Security Resources Asset
Section Registered Area
Security Risk Assessment
Segmented Risk Analysis
Security Risk Assessment
An SRA identifies critical vulnerability elements (nodes) within a protected facility through evaluating the importance of that node.
The objective of an SRA is to produce an assessment of what changes in security process, upgrades, and procedures are required to __________ an attack.
Guarantee actual deterrence of
Provide a credible deterrent against
Physically respond to
Support the successful recovery from
Provide a credible deterrent against
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) includes both Pre-Event planning and Post-Event planning.
The National Infrastructure Protection Plan is grounded in all of the following except:
Risk Management
Operations Research
National Research and Planning
Program Evaluation
National Research and Planning
The CARVER Process includes all of the following except:
A node is considered ‘critical’ when its destruction or damage has a signifcant impact upon industrial or corporate operations related to all of the following except:
Single Point of Failure
Choke Point
Essential Element
Observable Vulnerability
Observable Vulnerablity
Terrorist never attack the same target twice.
A suicide bomber is usually characterized as someone who carries a:
Bladed weapon
Automatic Weapon
A suicide bomber’s success depends upon all of the following except:
Thorough Reconnaissance and Surveillance
Being Conspicuous
Extensive Rehearsals and ‘Dry runs’
Being Conspicuous
Actions required upon the discovery of a suspected IED include all of the following except:
Stop what you’re doing
Clear the Area
Stop all radio and cell phone transmissions
Remove the Device to a safe location
Remove the device to a safe location
When is it necessary to touch a suspected IED ?
If it’s making a sound
If it’s oozing a dangerous liquid
If it’s endangering others
How far from an IED may yuou use a mobile phone? ]
15 Meters
30 Meters
50 Meters
There is no ‘safe distance’
There is no ‘safe distance’
When dealing with IED’s, we use the _____C’s as guidelines.
The evacuation distance for a Pipe Bomb is:
12 Meters
22 Meters
52 Meters
82 Meters
22 Meters
The Evacuation Distance for a Briefcase Bomb is:
22 Meters
50 Meters
100 Meters
200 Meters
100 Meters
The Evacuation distance for a large vehicle is:
100 meters
200 meters
300 meters
400 meters
400 meters