Home Town Etc AOF Flashcards
Include a negative:
The only problem is that there are too many people
There isn’t a castle
Le seul problème c’est que il y a trop de monde
il n’y a pas un château
Express an opinion with justification:
I love my town because it’s touristic
I don’t like this town because it’s too noisy
J’adore ma ville parce que c’est touristique
Je n’aime pas cette ville car c’est trop bruyant
Use 1 time frame accurately and attempt a 2nd
Blue—include conditional
I would like to live by the sea
If I could choose I would live….
Je voudrais habiter au bord de la mer
Si je pouvais choisir je voudrais habiter….
Blue—include negatives other than ‘ne….pas’
There is never anything to do
Il n’y a jamais rien à faire
Blue—other forms than ‘je’
Me and my family live in a town in England
Moi et ma famille habitons dans une ville á l’Angleterre