Home Contents Insurance Flashcards
Accident and accidental
A sudden identifiable violent external event that happens by chance and which could not be
expected; or unavoidable exposure to severe weather.
A room used as or originally built to be a bedroom, even if it is now used for another purpose.
Business equipment
Computers, keyboards, visual display units and printers, word processing equipment, desk-top publishing units, fax machines, photocopiers, typewriters, computer-aided design equipment, telecommunication equipment (not including mobile phones) and office furniture owned by you or your family used for business purposes.
Credit cards
Charge, cheque, credit, debit and cash cards held solely for private or domestic purposes.
Downloaded electronic data
Non recoverable electronic data legally downloaded by you or your family from a legitimate
worldwide website, which you or your family have purchased and hold a valid receipt for.
The first amount of each claim that you have to pay
The upward or sideways movement of the site on which your buildings are situated caused by
swelling of the ground.
High-risk property
Jewellery, precious stones, articles made from gold, silver and other precious metals, clocks, watches,
furs, photographic equipment, binoculars, telescopes, musical instruments, pictures and other works
of art, and collections of stamps, coins or medals. We regard pairs or sets of items as one item.
High-risk property maximum claim limit
The most we will pay for any one claim for high-risk property within the home. The amount
varies and is shown on your schedule.
The limit applies within (not on top of) the sum insured for contents.
Land slip
Sudden movement of soil on a slope or gradual creep of a slope over a period of time.
Motor vehicles and craft
Mechanically propelled vehicles which includes motor cycles, quad bikes and children’s motor
cycles and quad bikes, trailers, aircraft, boats, sailboards and crafts designed to be used in or on
water, and the parts, spares and accessories of any of these other than:
• Vehicles used only as domestic gardening equipment within the boundaries of the land
belonging to your home
• Vehicles designed to help disabled people (as long as the vehicles are not registered for road use)
• Golf carts and trolleys
• Remote-controlled toys and models
The natural movement of new properties in the months and years after they are built.
Downward movement of the site on which the buildings are situated by a cause other than the
weight of the buildings themselves.
The European area
Europe, Madeira, the Canary and Mediterranean Islands and countries which border on
the Mediterranean.
Rats, mice, squirrels, birds, foxes, bees, wasps, hornets and other insects.
your and your family’s contents are covered when they are:
- in the home
- outside but within the boundary of the home;
- in a building within the boundary of the home with an open front or side, such as a carport;
- anywhere else in the European area when temporarily away from your home.
How is Electronic data covered
we will pay for the cost of replacing legally downloaded electronic data where such costs are
incurred by you, but only if no copies are available on other electronic or computer devices owned
by you or your family.
For equipment used in connection with a business, the most we will pay for any one claim
£5,000 unless a different amount is shown in the schedule.
For equipment used in connection with a business, the most we will pay for
any one item of such equipment is
£2,000 unless a different amount is shown in the schedule.
The most we will pay for any one claim for loss of or damage to money is
£500 unless
a different amount is shown in the schedule.
The most we will pay for any one claim for loss of or damage to deeds and documents is
unless a different amount is shown in the schedule.
The most we will pay for property in the open air or in a building that is open at the side or
front (such as a carport) is
£500 for any one claim unless a different amount is shown in the
The most we will pay for For hot tubs, Jacuzzis and spas the most we will pay is
£5,000 unless a different
amount is shown in the schedule.
The most we will pay for property in an unsecured outbuilding (such as a garage or garden
shed) is
£5,000 unless a different amount is shown in the schedule.