Holy Thursday (I) Flashcards
holy Thursday
a holy day
innocence or experience
“walking two and two”
Noah’s ark
there is order
“grey headed beadles”
the echoing green
old john
how many stanzas
how many lines in each stanza
“their innocence faces clean”
contradicts the idea that they worked
scrubbed up for the occasion
rhyme scheme
repeated 3 times in stanza two
seated In companies
the children sat in st Pauls
military group
sat in order
stanza two and three rhyme scheme
half rhymes
half rhymes/breaks are seen more in
experience poems
wise guardians
looking after the children
“…sit the aged men…”
old john-the echoing green
children were
why are there breaks in the poem
because the adults had sticks to beat the children with
why were the children cleaned
so the church could show how great they are
Blake had a biased opinion against
the church
The aim of the day was to
get donations to the church