Holy Communion Flashcards
How do Catholics and Anglicans see holy communion ?
How does the protestant church and Baptist church see holy communion ?
How do Quakers and salvation army see holy communion ?
- do not take part as they reject all outward symbols and rituals
- They believe being Christian is about leading a Christian lifestyle
What does Eucharist mean?
- Means thanksgiving
- this celebration is where Christians thank god for his creating of the world and sending his son their saviour
What does Mass mean?
- it is a reminder to Catholics that when fortified with the body and blood of Christ, they are able to serve Christ in the world
What is the Lords supper?
- links the celebration to the last supper, which was the name given to the last meal Jesus had with his disciples
How is the Breaking of the Bread a symbol of sharing?
as the bread is broken and distributed, it symbolises the unity of the community
What is the name given by the orthodox church for holy work?
The Divine Liturgy
What are 5 practices of Holy communion in the catholic church?
- In the Eucharistic prayer (thanksgiving prayer), the bread and wine are consecrated
- The account from 1 Corinthians is repeated
- After the Lords prayer, there is the shaking of peace and the ritual of breaking of the bread
- Then they go to receive communion from the priest
- Mass ends with the blessing from priests and the words “go forth the mass is ended”
What are the three main aspects of sacraments?
Form, Matter, Intention
What are the three main aspects of Holy communion as a sacrament?
- Form: ritual action and words used at consecration
- Matter: bread and wine
- Intention: intention of priest to celebrate mass
What is Transubstantiation?
The physical taste and texture remain the same but their substance is changed and becomes the blood and body of Christ
What is Fraction and what does it symbolise?
- breaking of the bread
- Symbolises bones breaking on the cross
What’s the 4 points of importance on Mass to Catholics?
- Holy communion is a sacrament so they are being spiritually fed and united with Christ
- They believe in transubstantiation
- Form, Matter Intention
- Mass is a re-enactment of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross (fraction and sharing of peace)
What are 5 practices of Holy communion in the Baptist church?
- Reading from the bible and a sermon
- Holy table is prepped with individual glasses of wine or grape juice and bread
- Minister reads out 1 Corinthians
- People serve one another bread and wine
- All age groups who “love the lord Jesus” can receive communion