Holocaust Glossary Flashcards
Adolf Hitler
German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party and Germany from 1933 to 1945.
Hostility or prejudice against Jews.
A famous concentration camp established by the Nazis in Poland.
Concentration Camp
A place in which large numbers of people are deliberately imprisoned with inadequate facilities, forced labour and mass execution. Strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany.
The denial of “humanness” to other people.
The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
The study or belief of improving the qualities humans by discouraging reproduction by people with genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits, and encouraging reproduction by people presumed to have inheritable desirable traits. Controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable traits.
Also called mercy killing, the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.
Extermination Camp
Designed and built by Nazi Germany During World War II, made to systematically kill millions, mostly by gassing but also in mass executions and through extreme work under starvation conditions.
Final Solution
The Nazi’s policy of killing European Jews, the murder of 6 million Jews. Done after destroying everything the Jews had and in concentration camps.
The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
A section of a city that is inhabited by Jews.
The systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in 1933 - 1945. Act of dehumanisation and discrimination.
To free (a group or individual) from social or economic constraints or discrimination, especially arising from traditional role expectations or bias.
Nazi Party
A political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that practiced Nazism and was lead by Adolf Hitler between 1920 to 1945.