holocaust exam 1 Flashcards
3 sources of anti - jew feeling and behavior
religion - longest
racism - shortest
3 branches of Christianity
roman Catholicism
eastern orthodox
father of Judaism
martin luther
respected german
Lutheranism started in Germany
First crusade
intention of taking back jurusalem
slaughtered jews along the way
blood libel
jews killed christian children
Dreyfus Affair
occured in france during enlightenment
capt Dreyfus was jewish
Charged for treason giving germans info
was at dreyfuss affair
began saying jews will never be safe
WWI started
started by germany
stab in the back
Stab in the back
it was the jews fault the germans lost
Jew Hatred
martin luther changing states industrialization anti jewish riots (AJR) antisemetic political parties pogroms
random acts of violent attacks on a group of people
born 1889 in austria
wanted to be an artist
no proof hitler was jewish decent
his mom was his dads foster daughter
Hitlers early life in Vienna
vienna had most austrian jews
he would give speeches on street corners
he served in WWI
Hitler the campaigner
joins and reshapes socialist party
takes lessons in public speaking and psychology
always came late and made people wait
Hitler believes
hes infoulable
hes the best warlord
he talks about hate and no room for ethics
do anything you like just dont get caught
nazi party
territory expansion
eliminate european jews
WWI legacy
stab in the back physical destruction inflamation unemployment hunger refugees looking for a leader versailles treaty
versailles treaty
said germany was responsible for the entire war took away land made pay huge reparations limited army size imposed democracy
Weimar Republic
began after WWI jew republic imposed on them democratic republic of shame equality religious freedom
russian revolution
support nazi party or communists will take over
1920 Nazi party platform
unite germany
revoke versailles treaty
limit public office/ no jews
racist platform
1921 hitler creates SA
brown shirts
lots of violence
1923 failed govt take over
scattered population with common origin