Holocaust Camps Flashcards
Plaszow Camp
Location: South Poland
Dates: January 1942- January 1945
Use: Originally working/ forced labor but then turned into a concentration camp.
History: Had 2 Jew cemeteries
Prisoners: Mainly Jews and Poles
Janowska camp
Location: Between Ukraine and southern Poland
Use: Forced labor
Prisoners: 100,000-120,000 and were mainly Polish jews were the main type with them being 35,000-45,000 of them
History: Established in 1941 and prisoners were used for carpentry. In 1943 they had to evacuate and stage an uprising in November of 1943
Dates: 1941-1943
Sobiber Camp
Dates: May 1942- October 1943
Location: Poland
Use: Extermination ( killed 250,000 people)
History: Was located near a village ran by the German government and killed people via gas
Extra: They were the second built concentration camp
Terezine camp
Dates: November 24 1941- May 9th 1945
Location: Bohemia and Moravia ( The Czech Republic)
Use: Killing center, Concentration camp
Jews- Jews, Austrians, Czechs, Germans
Other use: Holding pens/ pit stop
Important: May 8th 1945 the ghetto set free called V-day and a victory in Europe
Facts: Tricked people into going
Dates: 1940-1945
Location: Saxony in Northern Germany
Use: Exchange/ pitstop and Concentration.
Other: Originally made to be a camp
For prisoners of war
Prisoners: 70,000 died
Types: Jews, poles, Soveits, Dutch, Czech, Germans, Austrians
Inmates: 120,000
MajDanek camp
Dates: October 1941 became extermination and in February 16 1943 and shut down July 22 1944
Use: Extermination would use gas
Location: Lubin Poland
Other name: Lubin concentration
Prisoners: Non Christians and Jews, 95,000-130,000 Jews killed and 80,000-110,000 others killed
Dates: May 1941- September 1944
Location: Vosges mountains Germany ( took from France)
Prisoners: Natch and Nobel prisoners
Natch- Night
Nobel- Fog
Use: Concentration and forced labor
The camps had contracts with inmates
Prisoner types: political departs and resistance fighters
Belzec camp
Location: Belzec Germany
Extra: Built near railroads
Built: November 1941
Use: Killing Jews ( Extermination camp)
Prisoners: Labeled the gas chambers as “the shower” to trick Jews. Some prisoners would collect valuables from bodies, take care of bodies and clean the chamber
Dates: March 1942- Late April 1943
Killed Poles, Jews and Gypseys