Holistic/Nadis/Chakras/Vayus Flashcards
What is holistic health?
Holistic health is the concept where all aspects of an individual’s needs whether it be psychological, physiological, spiritual, emotional or psychosocial conditions are taken into consideration and seen as a whole rather than individual separate parts
What is Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs?
His theory was that people are motivated first by fulfilling basic human needs, such as safety and nutrition before moving onto other more personal needs.
What are the 5 parts of Maslow’s Hierachy?
Physiological Needs – basic needs for survival, water, air, food, sleep
Security Needs – feel safe and secure
Social Needs – Belonging, love and affection
Esteem Needs – reflect on self-esteem, personal worth
Self-actualizing Needs – self worth
What is the concept holism and how does it relate to yoga?
Everything is interconnected and one thing affects the other so in yoga we aim to treat the person as a whole to understand the symptoms of disease, disharmony or imbalance to investigate the underlying cause.
What is the difference between treating the symptoms vs. the cause?
Treating the symptom is looking at it from a narrow minded point of view, whereas when you treat the cause you work your way backwards from the symptom and look at all possibilities of why the symptoms could be presenting themselves.
What is the Vital Force?
Prana - found in all things (living and non-living) and acts to establish harmony and balance within and without.
What is the connection between the Vital Force and Prana?
Prana is moved through the body through the 5 vayus and the nadi channels and chakras.
What are examples of prana?
It’s most subtle material form is the breath, but it is also to be found in the blood, and it’s most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women.
What are the 5 vayus?
Prana Apana Udana Samana Vyana
What direction does Prana Vayu flow, where is it located and what does it govern?
Flows upwards - draws breath into the body
Area between the larynx and the top of the diaphragm.
Governs the senses and perception - reception, speech, muscles and nerves.
What direction does Apana Vayu flow, where is it located and what does it govern?
Downward flow
Below the navel region
Facility of excretion - faeces, waste, urine, sperm etc.
What direction does Udana Vayu flow, where is it located and what does it govern?
Circular pattern around the throat and head
Above the head
Faculty of absorption - sensory receptors through eyes, ears, nose. Allows for thought. Activation of voluntary movements.
What direction does Samana Vayu flow, where is it located and what does it govern?
Circular distribution around the navel from the inside out.
Between the heart and the navel.
Faculty of digestion and organs that govern it - liver, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, stomach.
Responsible for activating heart, circulatory system and the assimilation and distribution of nutrients throughout the body.
What direction does Vyana Vayu flow, where is it located and what does it govern?
Flow of prana from the heart out to the extremities.
Whole body
Faculty of circulation - Regulates and controls all movement and coordinates the other pranas. Circulation distributes digested food to different parts of the body.
What are the 3 yogic principles?
- Illness begins at the spiritual level and if not corrected, progresses to the emotional, mental and physical levels.
- Disease is often a last resort the body will use to wake up the patient.
- Illness and injury represents an opportunity for learning and growth