Holism And Reductionism Flashcards
What is the holism and reductionism debate?
The holism reductionism debate is concerned with the level at which it is appropriate to explain human behaviour.
Reductionism is the belief that human behaviour is best explained by breaking it down into its smaller constituent parts. It is based on the scientific principle of PARSIMONY that all phenomena should be explained using the most basic explanation - most simple and easiest level of explanation.
In contrast, Holism proposes that to understand human behaviour we need to consider the person as a ‘whole’ rather than the individual features because analysing simple component parts do not capture the essence of any human behaviour.
Levels of explanation in psychology
Reductionism is about the level you investigate behaviour. There are different levels at which we can explain any behaviour in psychology, some are more reductionist than others.
Levels of explanation in psychology
Application to topics
Highest level of reductionism - Sociocultural
Explaining behaviour in terms of cultural and social explanations of how society and groups affect behaviour.
Example OCD
At a sociocultural level we might explain OCD as producing behaviour, such as repetitive hand washing that most people would see as odd.
At a sociocultural level, hallucinations and delusions seen as odd
Levels of explanation in psychology
Application to topics
Middle level of reductionism - Psychological
Explaining behaviour in terms of cognitive mental processes and learning.
At a psychological level we might explain OCD in terms of the experience of having obsessive thoughts.
Cog: meta representation (reflect)
Central control: unable to repress thoughts
—> disorganised thoughts, speech lacks fluency
Levels of explanation in psychology
Application to topics
Lower level of reductionism - biological
Explaining behaviour in terms of genetics, physiology (structure of the brain) and a biochemical level in terms of hormones and neurochemicals. This is the most reductionist level.
Example OCD
At a biological level we might explain OCD in terms of hypersensitivity of the basal ganglia (physiological level) and in terms of an underproduction of serotonin
(neurochemical level)
High dopamine : + symptoms
Low dopamine: - symptoms
Biological and environmental reductionism
Biological reductionism
A form of reductionism that attempts to explain social and psychological phenomena at a lower biological level. It is based on the idea that since we are all biological organisms made up of physiological structures and processes. Thus biological psychologists reduce all behaviour to
and genetic
Biological and environmental reductionism
Environmental reductionism
(E.g attachment)
The attempt to explain all behaviour in terms of stimulus-response links that have been learned through experience.
The behaviourist approach is built on studying observable behaviour only, and in doing reduces behaviour to a simple relationship between behaviour and events in the environment that are measurable within the laboratory.
Attachment :
clt : classical c and operant (food)
What is holism?
Level of explanation:
In contrast, Holism proposes that to understand human behaviour we need to consider the person as a ‘whole’ rather than the individual features because analysing simple component parts do not capture the essence of any human behaviour.
Higher level explanations such as sociocultural.
Practical application
Holism - Humanism
Examples of holism in psychology - treatment methods
The humanistic approach studies the whole person and investigates all aspects of the person.
Humanistics believe that a person can only be understood as a whole and cannot be reduced to the laws of learning or to biochemical processes in the brain. The drive for self-actualisation gives purpose and meaning to the whole of the person.
thus a lack of identity or a sense of wholeness’ leads to mental disorder.
The idea of ‘wholeness’ is reflected in the humanistic approach and Client Centred Therapy - the individual is encouraged to bring together all aspects of the whole person’. Such a holistic therapy helps people to develop themselves and cope with everyday psychological problems. It treats the person in terms of body and mind rather than seeking to simply treat one aspect.
Gestalt psychology and holism
Gestalt psychology focuses specifically on perception and argues that what we see only makes sense though consideration of the whole rather than the individual elements.
Do either of these explanations fully explain such a complex disorder as schizophrenia?
Biological reductionism
Biological explanations (REDUCTIONISM) for schizophrenia are reductionist as they reduce a complex disorder to the biological factors in terms of the action of genes and faulty neurochemicals.
Sociocultural explanations (HOLISM)
such as family dysfunction focus on how an individual is affected by society and the environment.
Family dysfunction focuses on the role of faulty communication and a pattern of communication known as high expressed emotion in triggering the disorder.
No reductionist explanation for schizophrenia is sufficient to explain such a complex condition as schizophrenia which is why a combined explanation may be more appropriate.
The diathesis stress model provides a more realistic interactionist account incorporating an interaction between biological (a genetic predisposition) interacting with the patients environment in terms of family stress.
Do either of these explanations fully explain such a complex disorder as schizophrenia?
R: genetic exp
H: differential association
Diathesis stress model
Two topic to discuss for holism reductionism debate
A reductionist approach often forms the basis for scientific research.
Reductionist explanations have been accused of oversimplifying complex phenomena leading to a loss of validity.
Reductionism for
A reductionist approach often forms the basis for scientific research.
In order to create operationalised variables it is necessary to break target behaviours down to their component parts. This makes it possible to conduct experiments in a way that is meaningful and reliable. For example, the behaviourist approach was able to demonstrate how complex learning could be broken down to simple stimulus response links within a laboratory experiment.
If we reduce OCD down to just hypersensitivity of the basal ganglia, we can conduct scientific brain scans to investigate these.
This gives psychology greater credibility, placing it on equal terms with the more well-established sciences e.g. physics and chemistry lower down the reductionist hierarchy.