Holderness Coastline Flashcards
What’s is the holderness coast predominantly made up of ?
Boulder clay
What makes boulder clay susceptible to erosion and weathering ?
Very weak
Does the holderness coast have lots of sea defended or very few ?
Very few
Example of weathering ?
Rain seeping into top layer of boulder clay causing instability
What are some types of erosion ?
- hydraulic Action
* corrasion
How much does the holderness coast erode yearly ?
•2m up to 8m a year
What makes flamborough head an easy target for erosion and weathering ?
- boulder clay
* chalk
In which direction does longshore drift occur on the holderness coast ?
•south east
Effects of erosion
- effects families
- farming
- seaside towns
- wildlife
- industry
What sea defences are there on the holderness coast ?
- groynes-mappleton
- rock armour-mappleton
- sea wall-withernsea
- managed retreat-Cowden
What is hydraulic action ?
this is the power of the waves as they smash against the cliff , Air gets trapped in the cracks in the rock and causes the rock to break apart
What is corrasion ?
Corrasion is when waves pick up beach material and throw them against the base of the cliff
What is a groyne ?
a barrier built out into the sea from a beach to reduce the effects of longshore drift
What is a sea wall ?
A wall put up to prevent an area being eroded
What is rock armour ?
Large boulders placed in front of a cliff to absorb wave energy