Holderness Coastline Flashcards
Why is the Holderness coastline eroding (Holderness coastline)
Cliffs made of less resistant boulder clay whick slump creating more pressure on the slope.
naturally narrow beaches and low lying lsnd don’t five much protection against waves
Faces prevailing eind direction
Eroded material moves South causing coastal retreat.
Bridlington info and reason for erosion (Holderness coastline)
35,000 pop
Lots of tourism water sports and important for sea birds
Building the harbour and dredging sediment effects cliff stability
Mappleton info (Holderness coastline)
50 properties at risk
Erosion 2m a year
Groynes protect it though increases erosion along the coast (great cowden)
Great cowden info (Holderness coastline)
Mainly farmland and caravan
Suffers due to mappletown and no defences
Easington info (Holderness coastline)
Important for UK 25% UK’s gas supply
It increases weight on cliffs add rotationsl mass movement
Sand dredged from sea to build the gas works resulting in it to be at threat to eaves
Explain how defences caused problems further doen the coast (Holderness coastline)
Groynes worsen erosion further down the coast
Material transported to humber Estuary and lincolnshire. Increasing risk of flooding
Coastal retreat increase in Lincolnshire
Spurn head erodes
Bay forms and the the protected areas are more prone to erosion. Mainting defences more costly