Hodel 16,17,21,22 Flashcards
Go on, play. Play… Alright, men.
No, Perchik!
It’s only a dance, mama.
Please don’t be upset, Hodel.
Why should I be upset? If you must leave, you must.
I do have to. They expect me in Kiev tomorrow morning.
So you told me. Then goodbye.
Great changes are about to take place in this country. Tremendous changes. But they can’t happen by themselves.
So naturally you feel that you personally have to…
Not only me. Many people. Jews, Gentiles, many people hate what is going on. Don’t you understand?
I understand, of course. You want to leave. Then goodbye.
Hodel, your father, the others here, think what happened at Tzeitel’s wedding was a little cloudburst and it’s over and everything will now be peaceful again. It won’t… Horrible things are happening all over the land…pogroms, violence, whole villages are being emptied of their people… And it’s reaching everywhere, and it will reach here. You understand?
Yes, I… I suppose I do.
I have work to do. The greatest work A man can do.
Then goodbye, Perchik.
Before I go, there is a certain question I wish to discuss with you.
A political question.
What is it?
The question of marriage.
That is a political question?
And a theoretical sense, yes. The relationship between a man and women known as marriage is based on mutual believes, a common attitude and philosophy towards society…
And affection…
And affection… This relationship has positive social values. It reflects a unity and solidarity…
And affection…
Yes, and I personally am in favor of it. Do you understand?
Yes. I think you’re asking me to marry you.
In a theoretical sense, yes, I am.
I was hoping you were.
Then I take it you approve. And we can consider ourselves engage, even though I am going away? I am very happy, Hodel. Very happy.
So am I, Perchik. What’s the matter?
Yes, now I have everything not only everything I have a little bit more besides having everything I know everything is for…
And when will we be married, Perchik?
I will send for you as, soon as I can. It will be a hard life, Hodel.
But it will be less hard… If we live it together.
Yes, papa, we’re engaged.
No, you’re not. I know, you like him, and he likes you, but you’re going away, and you’re staying here, so have a nice trip, Perchik. I hope you’ll be very happy, and my answer is “no”.
Please, papa, you don’t understand.
I understand. I gave my permission to Motel and Tzeitel, so you feel that you also have a right. I’m sorry, Perchik. I like you, but you’re going away, so go in good health and my answer is still no
You don’t understand, Papa.
You’re not asking for my permission?
But we would like your blessing, Papa.