Hnf Flashcards


Lesson 1 imp facts


•Fontanelles are sites of growth of skull, permitting
growth of brain and help to determine age.
• If fontanelles fuse early, brain growth is stunted;
such children are less intelligent.
• If anterior fontanelle is bulging, there is raised
intracranial pressure. If anterior fontanelle is
depressed, it shows decreased intracranial
pressure, mostly due to dehydration.
• Bones override at the fontanelle helping to
decrease size of head during vaginal delivery.
• Caput succedaneum is soft tissue swelling on any
part of skull due to rupture of capillaries during
•The nasal bone is one of the most commonly fractured
bones of the face.
•Fracture of the anterior cranial fossa may cause
bleeding and discharge of cerebrospinal fluid
through the nose. It may also cause a condition called
black eye which is produced by seepage of blood into
the eyelid, as frontalis muscle has no bony origin.
•Fracture of the middle cranial fossa produces:
a. Bleeding and discharge of CSF through the ear.
b. Bleeding through the nose or mouth may occur
due to involvement of the sphenoid bone.
• Fracture of the posterior cranial fossa causes bruising
over the mastoid region .
• The mandible is commonly fractured at the canine
socket where it is weak. The next common fracture of the mandible occurs
at the angle and neck of mandible.
• In a suspected case of murder, fracture of the hyoid
bone strongly indicates throttling or strangulation.
• The costal element of seventh cervical vertebra
may get enlarged to form a cervical rib.
The symptoms are tingling pain along the inner
border of the forearm and hand including weakness
and even paralysis of the muscles of the palm.
•Eight bones in the calvaria and 14 facial bones make
up the skull.
joint between teeth and gums is gomphosis.
• The bony ossicles are malleus, incus and stapes and
are ‘bone within bone’ and have synovial joint.
•Diploe veins contain manufactured RBCs,
granulocytes and platelets. These drain into the
neighbouring veins.
• Paranasal sinuses give resonance to the voice,
besides humidifying and warming up the inspired
•Lateral boundry is thickest boundry of orbit

Nerves related to mandible - Masseteric, mental and mylohyoid
Lingual, Inferior alveolar and auriculotemporal.
Artery related to mandible - Masseteric, maxillary , mental and artery to mylohyoid.

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