HMIS Monitoring and Evaluation Flashcards
The process of data collection and analysis for
informing policy, program planning and project
Monitoring and Evaluation
It is an ongoing, continuous process of collection of
routine data that measures program progress towards achieving program objectives and used to track changes in program performance overtime.
It measures how well the program activities have
met expected objectives and the extent to which changes in
outcomes can be attributed to the program or
Assesses whether an intervention/model was implemented as planned, whether the target population
was reached, and what were the major challenges and
successful strategies.
Assess Evaluation
Determine whether and to what extent the expected
changes occurred and whether these changes can be
attributed to the program activities.
Outcome Evaluations
Five Stage Model of Program
Objectives of Monitoring and Evaluation
To improve the management and optimum use of the
resources of a Program and to make timely decisions to
resolve constraints and/or problems of implementation.
- Is a fundamental document of any program
- It relates the objectives and activities to the
problems the program in trying to address and
shows how indicators and tools measure
achievement of objectives - It states how a program will measure its
achievements and therefore provide
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Functions of M&E Plan are:
- State how the program is going to measure what
it has achieved (ensure accountability) - Document consensus (encourage transparency
and responsibility) - Guide M&E implementation (standardization
and coordination)
Component of M&E Plan
I. Introduction:
a. Purpose of the program
b. Stakeholders motivation
c. Commitment and participation
II. Program description and framework
III. Detailed description of the plan indicators
IV. Data collection sources and data collection plan
V. Plan for monitoring
VI. Plan for evaluation
VII. Plan for utilization of then information gained
VIII. Mechanism for updating the plan
Sometimes called a Research Framework.
Conceptual Framework
Useful for
identifying and illustrating the factors and relationships
that influence the outcome of a program or intervention.
Conceptual/Research Framework
It helps to understand the relationships between all
relevant systemic, organizational, individual, or other
salient factors that may influence program/project
operation and the successful achievement of program or
project goals.
Conceptual/Research Framework
Strategic Framework
Results Framework
Dramatically shows the direct causal
relationships between the incremental results of the key
activities all the way up to the overall objective and goal
of the intervention. This clarifies the points in an
intervention at which results can be monitored and
Strategic/Results Framework
M&E Framework
Logic Model
It illustrates the
linear relationships flowing from program inputs,
processes, outputs, and outcomes.
M&E Framework/ Logic Model
Helps to map out where the programme or intervention
is headed. Planning and evaluation go hand-in-hand.
Logic Model/ M&E Framework
There is an evaluation logic model that needs to be developed early in the planning phase.
- Input
- Process
- Outputs
- Outcomes
- Impacts
The resources invested in a program e.g
technical assistance, computer,s training
The activities carried out to achieve the
program’s objectives
The immediate results achieved at the program level through the execution of activities
The set of short term and intermediate results at the population level
achieved by the program through the execution
of activities
The long term effects or end results of
the program activities, e.g. changes in the health
Develop clinical training curriculums. What part of components in the logical framework?
Conducting training events. What part of components in the logical framework?
Practitioners trained in a new clinical techniques. What part of components in the logical framework?
Increase in clients served by trained providers. What part of components in the logical framework?
Declining morbidity levels in target population. What part of components in the logical framework?
Interaction of various factors and determine which factors the program will influence. What type of framework?
Conceptual/Research Framework
Logically linked objectives and shows causal relationships between program objectives. What type of framework?
Result Framework/ Strategic Framework
Logically links inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes and shows the causal relationships between inputs and the objectives.
Logic Model/ M&E Framework
A source of routine data that is necessary for
monitoring different aspects of various health programs
implemented in the country.
Health Management Information System