HMI Exam Revision Flashcards
List the HMI States
- Preactive
- Announced
- Jurisdiction
- Handover In/Out
- Post Jurisdiction
- Not Concerned
- Finished
- Suspended
- Inhibited
List the FPL States
- Inactive
- Preactive
- Coordinated
- Controlled
- Handed Over
- Finished
- Cancelled
Event = Creation
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL State = Inactive
HMI State = N/A
Event = Preactivation VSP
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL State: Preactive
HMI State: Preactive
Event = Taxi Coordination
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL State = Coordinated
HMI State = Announced
Event = Departure Activation
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL State: Controlled
HMI State: Jurisdiction
Event = Handoff
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL State: Handed Over
HMI State: Handover Out/In
Event: Post Handover/Acceptance by Jurisdiction Sector
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL State: Controlled
HMI State: Post Jurisdiction // Not Concerned
Event = Sarwatch Terminated
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL Stated: Finished
HMI State: Finished (not visible)
Event = Cancellation
FPL State = ?
HMI State = ?
FPL State: Cancelled
HMI State: N/A
Input elements of a route trajectory calculation?
- EUROCAT Aircraft performance data
- Route details from field 15, in addition to RFL
- GRIB winds input in PREACTIVE state
Outputs of route trajectory calculation
- System estimates (ETOs) for cross check PETOs
- System messaging between FDRGs (e.g. AIDC/AFTN)
- Z points for strip posting
Consequences of not up to date FDR data on route trajectory calculations?
- Strip is not posted to the relevant sector
- False/incorrect strip posting to another sector
- Incorrect position and details of FPL track - inaccurate separation & traffic will be given
Flight plan checks carried out by the Flight Data Processor (FDP)?
- Syntax - formatting to ICAO FPL syntax
- Semantics - recognised AC type, wake turbulence category, cruise speed, performance capabilities, RFL, route and waypoint name and order.
- Uniqueness - ACID, ETD, ADEP, ADES to determine if FPL requires a unique FDR
- Route validity - Field 15 items - RFL, cruise speeds, waypoints, route designators, SID, STAR, dynamic routes (flex/UPR)
When is the flight data record created?
Immediately when all checks conducted by the FDP are passed.
In the event a flight plan fails the automatics checks conducted by the FDP, what occurs?
The FPL is passed to FDC for correction
Elements of line one of an extended label (left to right)?
- C Prompt
- Runway (for STAR)
- EMG/SAR alert
Elements of line 2 of an extended label (left to right)?
- CPDLC (+ or blank)
- Wake turbulence category
- Field 18 (*)
Elements of line 3 of an extended label (left to right?)
- Altitude Tracker (Surveillance Only)
- RVSM Capability
- Ground speed
- ADS-B status (n)
Where are OTDs and block levels located on an extended label?
Between lines 3 and 4.
What are the elements of line four of an extended label (left to right)?
- Aircraft type
- nav capability (e.g. 2)
What are the elements of line 5 of an extended label (left to right)?
- Ops data
What are the elements of a holding label?
Line 1: C-prompt, runway
Line 2: ACID, Wake Turbulence Category
Line 3: PRL, CFL (Block), RVSM Capability
Four main functions of the Flight Data Processor (FDP)
- System integration – the distribution of data throughout the system.
- Automatic evolution of Flight Data Records.
- Flight Plan functions such as acquisition, checking and creation.
- Trajectory Computations which help to determine Auto Hand-offs and Strip Postings etc.
EUROCAT console types
- Executive Console
- Supervisor Console
- Planner Console
Which EUROCAT consoles can merge sectors?
- Supervisor Console
- Planner Console
Which EUROCAT consoles can assume aircraft jurisdiction?
- Executive Console
Which EUROCAT consoles can activate restricted areas?
- Supervisor Console
List some functions of the FDP?
- Storehouse of all information held by the system on a particular flight
- Flight plan evolution events, coordination and modification
- Consistent data store copy
- Trajectory calculations
- System integration
- Automatic evolution of FDR
- FPL functions – acquisition, checking and creation
- Automatic messaging
- SSR code management
- Timer and alert management
- CPDLC and RVSM management
Elements found in box 1 of a flight strip?
- Controlling Sector
- Flight Plan State
Elements found in box 2 of a flight strip?
- Flight rules
- Aircraft Type
Elements found in box 3 of a flight strip?
- Runway
- AIDC Indicator
Elements found in box 4 of a flight strip?
Elements found in box 5 of a flight strip?
- Waypoints
Elements found in box 6 of a flight strip?
- Other info
Elements found in box 7 of a flight strip?
- Global ops info
Elements found in box 8 of a flight strip?
- Local ops info
Functions of HMI Processor?
- Windowing facilities.
- Graphic facilities
- select/deselect System Maps.
- create/delete/manage local and global Private Maps.
- select/deselect graphic aids and tools such as Range Rings, Compass Rose, Lat/Long, Text Area etc. - Display facilities
- handle picture parameters (e.g. zoom, off-centring).
- manage Altitude and SSR Code Filters.
- general data (e.g. current mode, position name etc.). - Radar Bypass processing
– display data received directly from the Bypass Processor. (Bypass can be manually selected). - Degraded Modes functions :
- local flight plan facilities.
- local SSR code management.
- local QNH management
- Local Coupling - Tracks display, labels, velocity vectors, SPI etc
- Strip facilities - set-up and display, strip updates etc.
- Display of Alerts and Alarms (Note: Not the calculation of them, only the display)
- Flight plan management facilities- Creation, modification, acceptance & handoff, estimates etc.
- AC dependent facilities
What are the elements of a normal (not extended) label?
Line 1: C prompt, runway (for STAR), EMG/SAR/MPR/ETO alert
Line 2: ACID, CPDLC (+ or blank), wake turb cat, field 18 (*)
Line 3: PRL, CFL, RVSM capability (X for non-RVSM, blank for approved), GS (round 5 down, 6 up), ADS-B status (n)
Line 4: Ops data label
How do shared labels differ from extended labels?
When Shared Extended labels are selected, the information displayed on line 4 of the label alternates between:
- ADES, aircraft type and Navigation Capability; and
- Next Waypoint and Next + 1 Waypoint
Route Adherence Monitor
Cleared Level Adherence Monitor
Short Term Conflict Alert
Danger Area Infringement Warning
Minimum Safe Altitude Warning
Estimated Time Over
Missed Position Report
List AIDC Indicators and their meanings
Blank - There is another AIDC centre, but no EST message has been sent
N - There is no other AIDC centre.
S - The EST message has been sent
A - The Accept message has been received
X - No Accept message received after a time-out
U - No LAM received
When is an ABI sent?
60 minutes prior to the boundary
When is an EST sent?
30 minutes prior to the boundary
When is a PAC sent?
25 minutes prior to ETD when an aircraft is departing close to the boundary.
When does Trajectory Calculation occur?
- When the FDR is created
- Preactivation
- Coordinated
- Change of Route
- Change of PCLs
When does cancellation occur to an FPL?
10 minutes after an FPL enters the ‘finished’ state.
What is the preactivation VSP?
40 minutes before ETD