Pathfinder Operations Reference
FM 3-21.38
Airborne and Air Assault Operations Reference
FM 3-99
What are the consideration factors that contribute to HLZ site selection?
Tactical and Technical Considerations
What is Tactical Considerations?
Considerations that pertain to the actual mission of the unit being moved.
What is Technical Considerations?
Considerations that pertain to the technical part of selection and operation of a day or night HLZ. Pathfinder’s responsibility.
What are the Seven Selection Factors?
- Size of HLP (Helicopter Landing Point) / TDP (Touch Down Point)
- Landing formations
- Surface conditions
- Obstacles
- Approach and departure routes
- Atmospheric conditions
- Type of load
What are the four factors when considering the size of a HLP/TDP?
- Size / Type of Aircraft
- Night or Day operation
- Atmospheric conditions
- Pilot / Unit proficiency
What is the distance between aircraft in flight during the day?
2 to 3 rotor disks
What is the distance between aircraft in flight during the night?
3 to 5 rotor disks
What are the ideal surface conditions for a HLS?
Firm enough to support the weight of the aircraft and free of loose sand, snow, or debris
All obstacles must be
(FOUR R’s)
- Remove
- Reduce
- Red (mark in red)
- Radio (advise pilot)
All aircraft can land where ground slope measures
007 degrees or less and no advisory
At what slope do OH & UH aircraft that utilize skids for landing must terminate at a hover?
Slope exceeding 007 degrees
At what slope do large UH & CH aircraft that utilize wheels for landing, are issued an advisory, and they will land upslope?
Slope measuring between 007 and 015 degrees
At what slope must all aircraft terminate at a hover?
Slope exceeding 015 degrees
Approaches and departures are made along the ___________.
Long Axis of the HLS
Crosswind speed?
0-9 Knots
Tailwind speed?
0-5 Knots
What are the atmospheric conditions?
- Humidity
- Altitude
- Temperature
What are the four types of loads?
- Equipment
- Personnel
- Internal
- External
When determining the land heading, how do you prioritize?
- Long axis of the site
- Wind direction and speed
- slope at the site
What must you consider when placing the GTA (Ground to Air communications)?
- Good 360-degree observation of the site
- Not placed inside a cleared area
- Opposite the CCP
What angle do you approach the UH-1 helicopter?
045 degrees off the front of the aircraft
What angle do you approach the UH-60 helicopter?
Directly from the sides
When using the rear ramp on helicopters (CH-47, CH-46, and MV-22B) what angle do you approach from?
045 degrees off the rear of the aircraft
At what angle do you approach a CH-53 helicopter?
Right rear
What direction must individual weapons be oriented in?
Muzzle up on the UH-1 and Muzzle Down on all other aircraft
How many emergency exits does the UH-1 have?
4 total: 2 Pilot doors, 2 troop doors
How many emergency exits does the UH-60 have?
6 total: 2 Cockpit doors, 2 troop cargo door windows, 2 gunner windows
How many emergency exits does the CH-47 have?
11 total: 3 Primary (Ramp/Doors), 8 Secondary (Windows)
How many emergency exits does the MV-22B have?
6 total: 1 Crew door, 1 Ramp, 2 Pilot windows, 2 blow-out windows
How many emergency exits does the OH-58 have?
2 Both Crew doors
What are the three preferred landing formations in desert and winter operations?
Echelon Left and Right, and Trail
Which two aircraft have the Land-Safe System?
UH-60M and CH-47F
What is the Land-Safe System?
Assists the pilot in landing where the ground is difficult to see