HLZ/AAP Flashcards
What are the 6 Traffic Patterns and how many legs on each?
- standard left: 5
- standard right: 5
- modified left: 2-3
- modified right: 2-3
- closed left: 4
- closed right: 4
Slope restriction for <=7 degrees
All AC can land
Slope restriction for >7 <= 15 degrees
All CH and UH with wheels can land with advisory
Slope restriction for >15 degrees
All AC “terminate at a hover”
Slope formula
Convert meters to feet
m * 3.28 = ft
Convert feet to meters
ft / 3.28 = m
TDP of OH-58
Size 1; 25m
Size 1; 25
Size 1; 25
Size 2; 35
Size 2; 35
TDP of AH-64
Size 3; 50
TDP of AH-60
Size 3; 50
TDP of SH-60
Size 3; 50
TDP of All CH AC, V-22B
Size 4; 80
TDP of All Slingload AC (Daytime), Unknown AC
Size 5; 100
TDP of all Slingload AC using long lines?
Size 6; 125
What is the TDP size of all slingload AC at night?
Size 7; 150
How many emergency exits on a OH-58
How many emergency exits on a Uh-1
How many emergency exits on a UH-60
How many emergency exits on a MV-22B
How many emergency exits on a CH-47
Air offloading and loading UH-1
45 deg, front
Air offloading and loading H-72
90 deg off side for side and tail entry
When can an aircraft be approved for straight in approach.
When it approaches from no more than 30 degrees left or right.
Quality of a pathfinder
HLZ selection factors
- Formations
- Load
- Obstacles
- Atmospheric Conditions (HAT)
- TDP/HLP Size
- Routes, Approach and Departure
- Surface Conditions
Personnel Needed in attendance of Air Mission Briefing (AMB)
What equipment in order of importance (most to least) should Pathfinders prepare upon receiving the alert or warning order?
- Radios
- Navigation aids (electronic visual)
- Weapons
- Essential individual equipment
- Assembly aids
- Mission specific
Pathfinders coordinate with Ground and aviation commanders on what details?
- exact location for DZ’s or LZ’s
- time schedule?
- landing formations
- employment techniques
Pathfinder Operations (Pathfinder Bible)
FM 3-21.38
FM 3-21.38
Pathfinder Operations
FAA Regulation
FAA 7110.65
FAA 7110.65
FAA Regulation
Flight Information: Pertinent Information
- signal on call
- description of landing site
- wind speed and direction
- field elevation of the landing site (night operations only)
Flight Information: Advisory Information
- turbulence at or near the site
- obstacles/hazards
- artillery/mortar fire
- enemy situation
- weather
- other A/C at or near the site
Three Cardinal rules
- Arriving aircraft will not be given clearance to land at a landing point until all proceeding aircraft have taxi from or flown four of the designated landing point.
- Departing aircraft will not be cleared for departure until all proceeding aircraft have flown clear of the Ford landing point.
- Never allowed sling load aircraft to fly over personnel equipment or another aircraft at any time.
Generally, how is the altitude for a traffic pattern determined?
What is the length a standard traffic pattern extends? (Length of legs)
1 statute mile
What are the six priorities for landing aircraft? (In order of importance)
- Aircraft with an in-flight emergency
- MEDEVAC aircraft with ground medevac
- Coded Aircraft (1 - 8)
- Flight of two or more aircraft
- Aircraft with an external load
- Single aircraft
Key Distance: CCP and RP to OP site
6 - 8 km
Key distance: CCP and RP to Control Zone
3-5 km
Key Distance: fixed wing control zone
18 km diameter
Key distance: rotary wing control zone
6 km diameter
What shape is the CCP and RP marked with on a map?
CCP: circle
RP: triangle
TDP Size/diameter Chart
- 25m
- 35m
- 50m
- 80m
- 100m
- 125m
- 150m
Name the 9 standard landing formations
- Trail
- staggered trail left
- staggered trail right?
- echelon left
- echelon right
- heavy left
- heavy right?
- diamond
- vee
What is an obstacle
Anything 18” high, wide, or deep
- Slope = (elevation/distance)x57.3
- Meters conversion = 3.28
- Time = (D x 60)/(S x 1.84)
- Length = lateral x sin45 x TDP
- Width = horizontal x sin45 x TDP + TDP
How many lights in an inverted Y
How many lights on a NATO T and….
5 lights
And add 20
UH-1 Approach
45 deg from front
From the side
UH-72A Approach
Directly from the sides
CH-53 ramp approach
Right rear
Reverse air assault planning sequence
- Ground tactical plan
- landing plan
- air movement plan
- loading plan
- staging plan
During preparation leaders must maintain:
- tactical integrity of units
- self-sufficiency of loads
- tactical cross loading
Who prepares the air movement table?
Prepared jointly by the AATF staff and aviation personnel
Which is more sensitive the AMT or the ALT
The ALT is more sensitive because it lists personnel by name. Grid location and PZ
What is the main mission of the pickup zone control Officer (PZCO)
- forms the control group
- plans and initiates security
- clears the PZ of obstacles
What is the role of the S4
Selects and controls logistical PZ in support of AATF
Missions Requiring Pathfinder ATC procedures
- verbally initiated release system (VIRS) Paradrop
- computer air release point (CARP) paradrop
- aerial medevac/casevac
- LZ/PZ Operations
- Close Air support (CAS)
- Disoriented Aircraft