HLZ Flashcards
What are the 6 Traffic Patterns?
Standard Left
Standard Right
Modified Left
Modified Right
Closed Left
Closed Right
7 TDP Sizes
Size 1) TDP size and A/C
25 meters
OH-58, H-6, H-72
Size 2) TDP Size and A/C
35 meters
AH-1, UH-1
Size 3) TDP size and A/C
50 meters
AH-64, UH-60A/L/M, SH-60
Size 4) TDP Size and A/C
80 meters
All CH A/C, V-22B
Size 5) TDP Size and A/C
100 meters
All Sling load A/C
Unknown A/C
Size 6) TDP Size and A/C
125 meters
All sling load A/C using long lines
Size 7) TDP size and A/C
150 meters
All sling load A/C at night
Emergency exits OH-58
Emergency Exits UH-1
Emergency Exits UH-60
Emergency Exits MV-22B
Emergency Exits CH-47
Slope less than or equal to 7 degrees
All A/C can land
Slope greater than 7 and less than or equal to 15 degrees
All CH and UH can land with advisory
Slope greater than 15 degrees
All A/C “Terminate at a hover”
HLZ Selection Factors
Formations, landing/flying
Atmospheric conditions
Routes, approach and departure
Surface Conditions
Pathfinder Operations Reference
FM 3-21.38
FAA Regulation Reference
FAA 7110.65
Air Traffic Services Operations Reference
TC 3-04.6
Aviation Tactical Employment Reference
ATP 3-04.1
Airborne and Air Assualt Operations Reference
FM 3-99
Factors for Extra Pathfinders
Size of landing zone
Expected density of air traffic
Number and type of visual/electronic aids
Tactical situation
4 purposes of Pathfinder ATC procedures
Prevent collisions
Expedite Traffic
Provided flight information
Aid in search and rescue
Internal Net Recorder (INR)
DA Form 7461-R
3 qualities of a Pathfinder ATC
Missions requiring pathfinder ATC procedures
LZ/PZ operations
Close Air Support (CAS)
Disoriented A/C
6 communication Techniques
AVOID monotone
AVOID too slow/fast speech
AVOID emotions, nervousness, excitement
SPEAK directly into mic
SPEAK conversational tone
SPEAK confidence
Pertinent information to landing site
Signal on Call
Description of Landing Site
Wind Speed and Direction
Field Elevation of LZ (night ops only)
Advisory Information
Turbulence at or near the site
Enemy situation
Other A/C at or near site
Artillery/Mortar Fire
Cardinal Rule 1
Arriving Aircraft will not be given clearance to land at a landing point until all preceding A/C have taxied from or flown forward of designated landing point.
Cardinal Rule 2
Departing A/C will not be cleared for departure until all preceding A/C have flown clear of the forward landing point. This is to prevent one A/C from over-flying another.
Cardinal Rule 3
Never allow a Sling Load A/C to fly over personal, equipment, or another A/C at any time.
Information that pertains directly to your landing site is known as what?
Pertinent information
When giving advisory information in reference to artillery/mortar fire, what 4 things should be included?
Weapon System Range, Maximum ordination, Weapon Location, Weapon direction
A traffic pattern is used to control A/C around landing sites, drop zones, pickup zones in order to ensure ___ ___.
Aircraft separation
A ___ traffic pattern is a traffic pattern consisting of either 2 or 3 legs.
What is the diameter of a fixed wing control zone?
18 kilometers
All A/C can land where ground Slope measures ___ degrees or less and no advisory needed.
7 degrees
The PZ control officer can be ___, ___, or ___.
1SG, Platoon Leader, or XO
How do rotary wing A/C enter traffic patterns?
Can enter anywhere in traffic pattern as long as it is consistent with safety requirements.
How do fixed wing A/C enter traffic patterns?
Enter during the first one third portion of any leg at a 45 degree angle.
How long is one leg of a traffic pattern?
1 statute mile
If an extension to a traffic pattern is needed howblong is the normal length of extension?
1 statute mile
Wind direction of 45 degrees left or right of the land heading is considered a ___ ___.
Pathfinder ATC is defined as procedures used by a Pathfinder element to promote the ___ and ___ flow of traffic in and around a tactical op site.
Safe and expeditious
On which A/C will weapons be oriented down?
The Nato T will be utilized when coordinated for OR A/C are approaching from ___ or above.
500 ft AGL
SL point will be located no less than ___ from the nearest active TDP in the formation for unlike or unknown A/C
100 meters
SL point will be located no less than ___ from the nearest active TDP in the formation for Like A/C
80 meters
How should you place the GTA on an HLZ?
Not placed in a cleared area, 360 degree observation of the site, opposite the CCP
Where is the Communications Checkpoint (CCP) located?
No more than 6-8 kilometers from the center of the op site to the center of the CCP
3-5 kilometers from the edge of the control center to the center of the CCP
What is the size of a Rotary wing control Zone?
6 kilometers in diameter
The Landing plan must support the ___.
Ground Tactical Plan
When offloading from an A/C on a Slope what side of the A/C do you exit?
Down Slope side
The Aerial Control Point (ACP) is a topographical feature that is easily identifiable from the air and can be used as a ___.
Navigational Aid
What are the 6 Aircraft Landing priorities?
A/C with in-flight emergency
Coded A/C (1-8)
Flight of 2 or more A/C
A/C with external Load
Single A/C
What instruction do you give a pilot who has clearance to land but a situation arises that makes landing unsafe?
How many legs are in a standard traffic pattern?
5 legs
How many legs are in a closed traffic pattern?
4 Legs
How many legs are in a straight in approach?
1 leg
How many legs are in a circling approach?
1 leg
“Four R’s” of obstacles at or near the site.
Red (mark in red)
Radio (advise pilot)
What is the obstacle buffer ratio for the approach and departure ends of a HLS
10:1 ratio
A/C can land if the crosswind speed is between ___.
0-9 Knots
A/C can land if the tailwind speed is between ___.
0-5 Knots
Density Altitude affects A/C ACL. It is comprised of what 3 factors?
What are the 4 types of Loads?
Internal Loads
External Loads
How does a ground guide mark an HLS for daytime operations?
Holding a rifle over head
VS-17 Panel
Other identifiable means
Once a GTA is set up in the HLS how many Aircraft’s can it accept?
One A/C at a hover
What are the 3 preferred landing formations?
Echelon Left
Echelon Right
Ideally a commander should assign a Pathfinder team to each ___ ___ ___.
Combat Aviation Battalion
Trained and equipped Pathfinders ___, ___, ___, and ___ landing sites.
Select, Mark, Improve, and Control
What size unit can Unilaterally conduct air assualt operations?
Division Size Units
What unit level can plan, coordinate, and control air assualt operations?
Brigade or Battalion level
Company sized air assualt operations require planning and coordination at ___ or ___ level.
Battalion or Higher level
How does the ground tactical plan for an Air Assualt Operation differ from any other infantry attack?
Capitalizes on speed and mobility in order to achieve surprise.
Advantages of using a single LZ
Concentration of combat power
Facilitates control of op
Concentrates supporting fire in and around LZ
Provides better security for lifts
Reduces number of flight routes
Centralizes resupply
Requires less planning/rehearsals
Advantages of using multiple LZ’s
Avoids grouping of assets
Allows rapid dispersal of ground elements
Reduces enemies ability to detect and react
Forces enemy to fight in multiple directions
Reduced congestion
Makes it diff
Advantages of using multiple LZ’s
Avoids grouping of assets
Allows rapid dispersal of ground element
Reduces enemy’s ability to detect
Forces enemy to fight in multiple directions
Reduces congestion of A/C and troops on LZ
Makes it difficult to determine size and location of force
A flight route consists of a ___, ___, and a ___ ___ between the two.
Start Point (SP)
Release Point (RP)
Flight Path
A SP/RP/ACP is a topographical feature ___ that can be used as a navigational aid.
Easily identifiable from the air
An SP is normally located where?
No closer than 3-5 kilometers from the PZ
A RP is normally located where?
No closer than 3-5 kilometers from the LZ
An ACP is normally located where?
Each point where the flight route changes direction
What are the 3 types of flight routes?
Flight Cooridor
Flight Axis
This flight route is restricted as to their heading and altitude.
Restricted Flight Route
This flight route normally extends 400-600 meters wide and 500 feet above or below the flight Altitude.
Flight Cooridor
This flight route has a width but does not have airspace reserved to a specific altitude.
Flight Axis
What are the 3 Terrain Flight modes?
Nap of the Earth
Contour Flying
Low Level Flight
What is the fastest terrain flight mode?
Low Level Flight
Fire teams and squads loaded on the same A/C and Platoons in the same serial is an example of?
Tactical integrity of units
Every towed item accompanied by its mover, crews loaded with their vehicle or weapon, sufficient personnel on board to unload cargo are examples of?
Self Sufficiency of Loads
Loads planned so that all leaders or crew serve weapons are not loaded on the same aircraft ensures that if the A/C goes down the mission is not hampered. This is an example of?
Tactical Cross Loading
What is a Load/Chalk?
Personnel and/or equipment that are designated to be moved by a specific A/C
What is a serial?
A tactical group of two or more A/C but no more than six.
Serials are separated by ___ and___.
Time and Space
One sortie of all utility and cargo A/C assigned to a mission is called?
A Lift.
The Pickup Control Officer (PZCO) may be the ___, ___, or a ___
XO, 1SG, or a PL
The PZ Control NCOIC supports the PZCO and may be the ___, ___, ___, or a ___.
1SG, PLT SGT, Section SGT, or a Squad Leader
(Must be NCO)
Who is directly responsible for devising and disseminating the Bump Plan?
1SG or XO
Path Finder Team Responsibilities
Assist PZCO
Prepare/Mark site
Inspect Loads
Ground to Air Communications
Air loading preparation - Ensure all personnel have appropriate gear.
BiPods collapsed
Utilize Eye Protection
Tie Down loose equipment
Weapons on Safe
Antennas depressed/Removed
ID tags/card worn
Tighten Chin Strap
Air Loading procedures
Load in reverse - first in last out
Do not place equipment under troop seats
Weapon orientation (A/C dependent)
Steps to establishing an HLS
1)Determine Land Heading
2)Place GTA
3)Determine Obstacle ratio
4)Establish/Mark Site
5)SLP TL selects tentative SLP
6)All TDPs clear
7)10 min prior- radios set, PAX in PZ posture, signal devices operational, ATC blocks identical on GTA and INR maps
8)Site is ready for Daytime ops, set light if night time
A/C Troop Commander responsibilities.
Seating arrangements
Loading procedures
Use of safety belts
In-Flight procedures
Offloading Procedures
Air Assualt Operations Company Commander Responsibilities.
Plan Operation
Brief subordinate Leaders
Conduct Rehearsals
The Company Commander Rides in the AMC’s A/C to ensure better ___ and ___.
Command and Control
The minimum Pattern that can be flown is?
Final Approach
The last coordination meeting of Key Participants in an AA mission that ensures key Aviation personnel are briefed and that the details of each plan are finalized is the?
Air Mission Brief
In Pathfinder Map marking what shape represents a Communications Check Point (CCP)?
What is the time the first A/C in the first lift of the OP touches down referred to as?
During the loading plan you ensure that an artillery crew is being inserted with their cannon and that the ammunition will arrive with the weapon system: this is an example of?
Self Sufficiency of Loads
Pathfinder planning: Initial Prepartion upon receiving mission
2)Navigational Aids
4)Essential individual equipment
5)Assembly Aids
6)Other items as needed (Mission Specific)
If an Aircraft’s red light is on your right as you are looking at it, which direction is it traveling?
Toward you
“Red on Right Returning to Me”
What formations are best for desert/winter ops