Hiv And Syph E Learning Flashcards
Who are the most affected groups of HIV?
black African men and women
Gay and bisexual men
What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
HIV is a virus (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS is a syndrome that develops from HIV infection (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
Who will develop aids from HIV?
People who aren’t diagnosed or using treatment for HIV
Where is HIV found?
Body fluids:
- semen
- vaginal and anal fluids
- blood
- breastmilk
What fluids can HIV not be transmitted through?
Sweat, urine or saliva
What % of UK Infections of HIV are sexually transmitted?
What are the other forms of transmission other than STI for HIV?
mother + baby / pregnancy
What are the symptoms of HIV?
- flu like illness 2-6 weeks after HIV infection which lasts 2 weeks (seroco version)
No other symptoms after this
What rest do they use for HIV at BPAS?
POCT test (point of care test)
What are the possible results for a POCT HIV test?
Reactive or non-reactive
What must happen after a reactive POCT HIV test?
Must be verified with blood sample
What are some methods of preventing or reducing HIV infection?
- condom use
-PREP - treatment for HIV to reduce viral load and make untransmissable
- use of clean drug equipment.
What organism causes syphillis?
Bacteria called treponema pallidum
How is syphillis transmitted ?
Sexually transmitted usually through vaginal or anal sex where there is close contact with an infected sore
What are the symptoms of syphillis?
Sometimes asymptomatic
- painless sores/ulcers
- blotchy red rash on Palms and soles of feet
- tiredness/joint pain/swollen glands