HIV / AIDS Flashcards
HIV/AIDS: ddx respiratory opportunistic infxn
- PJP, atypical mycobacterium, cryptococcosis, disseminated histoplasmosis
- Typicals: S. pneumo, mycobacterium, influenza
HIV/AIDS: findings suggestive of PCP
nonproductive cough with elevated LDH
Oral thrush indicated CD4 count less than ____.
250 cells/mm3
ABG findings with poor prognosis
PO2 <70 mmHg
A-a (alveolar-arteriolar) gradient >35 mmHg
consider corticosteroids
How to diagnose AIDS
CD4 count <200/mm3, or AIDS-defining illness in someone HIV (+)
Normal CD4 count in immunocompetent patients
CD4 600-1500
CD4 count where immune function is compromosed
500 or less
HIV syndrome
mono-like illness with fever, HAs, lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis +/- macular rash
HIV latency period
8-10 years after initial infection
CD4 <500 opportunistic infections
recurrent PNAs, TB, vaginal candidiasis, herpes zoster
CD4 <200 opportunistic infections
PJP, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, cryptosporidiosis
CD4 <50 opportunisitic infections
disseminated histoplasmosis, MAC, CMV retinitis/colitis/esophagitis, primary CNS lymphoma
CXR in PJP diagnosis
normal or diffuse bilateral interstitial lung opacities +/- lung cysts
PJP complications
severe alveolar lung opacitis, ARDS, lung cyst rupture and spontaneous PTXs
Gold standard PJP diagnosis
- PCR or staining (giemsa vs silver) of induced sputum (aerosolized hypertonic saline or BAL) revealing P. jirovecii, unicellular fungus
- Elevated LDH (not specific, rules out PJP if normal)